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For rememberance of St. Valetine's Death

I dreamed that I had died
The Lord and I walked side by side,
    leaving two sets of
    footprints in the sand.
Ahead in the distance I could see
    The pearly gate of Heaven.
I took one last glance behind me,
    wanting to remember all the footsteps
    I had taken through life.
Behind me, over the smooth and easy paths
    of my life's journey there were
Two sets of footprints in the sand.
But where the road was steep and difficult to travel,
there appeared only one set of footprints.
I asked the Lord this question:
"Lord, I believed that you would walk by my side
  all through my life,
  during easy times and difficult times.
But during the hard journeys I see
  only one set of footprints. Why?"
The Lord answered,
"My Child, I was with you all through your travels.
But along the most difficult paths,
I carried you."

Wherever you are, lovers, Fear NOT see only one set of footprints. You are the chosen ones to sufferr so that you may be carried on only by God's grace.
[2/15/2006 4:33:08 AM]

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