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中功精神领袖张宏宝先生和旗下的三千八百万学员以及一亿多支持者都希望中国向着自由、民主、文明的方向发展。为了推动中国的民主事业,反对独裁专制和暴政,中功组织曾发动了震动全国的反暴政活动 — “中功99.8全国行动”。中功组织对一切推进中国的民主和改善人权的努力都尽力支持,除了各种政治、舆论方面的支持外,还先后资助了海外民运近六十余万美元的资金,用巨大的努力和奉献精神筹集了二百七十万美元作为支持中国民主运动和反暴政斗争的基金。




张宏宝先生领导的中功组织在1990年起受到中共长达二十年的政治迫害,1999年中共对中功组织进行公开镇压后,中功用和平理智的方式进行了抗战,发动了「99. 8」全国行动。接下来,张先生撰写了「我的政见要点」,直捣中共理论基础的死穴。之后,他又提出了《国家重组大战略》理论和「中共修宪八大动议」,2003年他被推举为中国影子政府总统并就职。2005年1月,世界华人联合体推举他为「中国最杰出的民主领袖」。张先生的著作《中共的致命杀手锏与全球军事战略目标》的公开发表粉碎了“恐怖大王”江泽民企图在全球称霸的野心,中国大陆以北京为首的四大直辖市则发动了“支持张宏宝推进政治变革,促江全退保和平”的行动,这一行动已遍及中国各省、市、县、镇。张宏宝先生被江泽民和中共政权视为最大的潜在政敌,他和中功组织因此遭受了不间断的令人发指的政治迫害,从2003年起至2006年7月,江泽民的手下对张先生和中功组织发起了四十多起政治缠讼,甚至在张先生因离奇车祸不幸罹难之后,更是变本加厉地对中功组织发动了毁灭性的打击。由于中美之间不可告人的“桌子底下的交易”,在美国,洛杉机县政府接管和查封了张先生和中功组织在美国的全部动产不动产(银行帐户内的现金款项估计四十多万美元以及二处不动产),未经允许擅自处理了天华修院内国际中功总会的一切物品以及工作人员私人用品,法庭上政治缠讼案件还在进行;在香港,张先生和中功组织的所有银行存款将近六千万美元被冠以“经济犯罪和黑社会组织”惨遭法院查封,中功组织面临灭顶之灾。



联系地址: 300S Garfield Ave #204, Montery Park CA 91754-3358, USA

联系人: 刘因全: 626-3792810, 张仲春: 510-2587808

电子信箱: zhonggongzonghui@gmail.com



全世界人权组织, 美国国会,参众议院议员,FBI,CIA,海外民运维权团体,宗教组织,教育机构等






         SCB 570-2-146652-9 HK$8,398

              570-6-907957-6 HK$112,101,537

              570-6-908725-0 HK$32,891,855

              570-6-914536-6 HK$12,784,134

         HSBC 622002368888 HK$109,502,629

         HSB 239-082258-888 HK$13,248,225


         SCB 570-6-914762-8 HK$35,703,337

              570-6-909689-6 HK$12,710,190

              570-6-912348-8 HK$10,878,501

              570-2-146653-7 HK$4,481,435

              570-2-146014-8 USD 296

              570-1-019662-2 NZD573

         HSBC 508038296888 HK$16,705,329

         BOC 7092610084225 HK$30,135

              1958611286938 HK$15,277

                               1960320040479 HK$700,356

         BA 146783 HK$27,593

         DBS 210217725 HK$24,501

         CITIBANK 13619039 HK$3,282



         SCB 001-69196-01-01 HK$96,310,304



张宏宝遗产案的案件编号Case Number: GP012471 ESTATE OF ZHANG, HONGBAO


777 S. Figueroa St.,47th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90017

Tel: (213)607-2115 Fax: (213)607-2116

政府律师: Robert L.Clarkson, Lyndon H. Hong, Julie M.Capell, Mark J.Goldsmith


International Zhong Gong Headquarters’ Inc.:

Asking for Humanitarian Aids


The organization of International Zhong Gong Headquarters is an international non-profit social group under the leadership of spiritual leader Zhang Hongbao, organized by 38 millions of Zhong Gong practitioners, with its members widely spreading in Mainland China, Japan, Korea, The British Commonwealth of Nations, European Community and the United States, etc. Zhong Gong is a kind of health-building practice to enhance mental and moral cultivation, generally called “Qi Gong”.


Zhang Hongbao, the spiritual leader of Zhong Gong organization and its 38 million practitioners and more than one-hundred millions supporters share a common wish that China should develop in the direction of freedom, democracy and civilization. In order to promote the cause of democratization in China and oppose the Chinese Communist autocratic dictatorship and tyranny, Zhong Gong organization launched a nationwide anti-tyrant action named “Zhong Gong 99.8 Action”. Zhong Gong organization has made its full support to all the efforts in promoting the democratization of China and improving its human rights conditions. In addition to its support in political and media aspects, it has successively provided the pro-democracy movement overseas with financial aids in the amount of approximately $600,000.00. In face of the tremendous difficulties caused by the Chinese Communist regime in its cruel persecution of Zhong Gong Organization, we raised a fund in the amount of two million and seven hundred thousand dollars, with our huge effort and dedication, to support the Chinese pro-democracy movement and its anti-tyranny fights.


By its special health-building techniques, Zhong Gong organization has made healthy tens of millions of people. Zhong Gong upholds the moral standards of “Eight Virtues & Eight Calls”, which has won high praises from all walks of life in China. Zhong Gong is well known for its charitable contributions in restoring elementary schools, building bridges and roads as well as donating (more than 3 million RMB) in disaster rescues. Zhong Gong has laid a very good grassroots foundation among the people in Mainland China.


Zhong Gong organization owns its health-cultivation industry, with Kylin Group as its entity. This Group is an enterprise of collective ownership legally registered with the Chinese government. It consists of one hundred twenty employees and almost a hundred thousand franchised agencies located all over China. Subordinated to Kylin Group, there are six sets of programs, including Qi Gong Training Program, Health Cultivation Program, Tourism Program, Formal Educational Program (from kindergarten to university), Medical Service Program as well as Program for Production and Distribution of Health Cultivation, between 1992 to 1999, it had paid taxes totally to the country more than twenty millions Yuan. After September 1999, it was forced out by the Chinese Communist authorities for fear of its becoming the most competent opposition party should it change its banner. Approximately six hundred of its leading members suffered from arrest and imprisonment. Eight hundred ten million RMB of its asset in China were confiscated by the Communist tyranny.


The American Government and its people expressed their profound compassion for the political persecution that Zhong Gong Organization suffered and voiced its timely humanitarian support for Zhong Gong Organization. For three consecutive years, the State Department has justified Zhong Gong in its Annual Human Rights Reports. Ex-Secretary of State Albright announced her public condemnation against the Chinese Communist crackdown on Zhong Gong. Since year 2001, the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service has listed Zhong Gong as a special group suffering from political persecution and granted the political asylum claims to its members in the United States.


Zhang Gong Organization led by Zhang Hongbao has been persecuted by CCP for 20 years since 1990. It started the “99.8” national campaign to fight in a peaceful, reasonable manner after CCP openly started the persecution in 1999. And then Mr. Zhang wrote “Major points of view of a dissident” which hit right at the core of CCP theoretical system. Then, he wrote “Great Strategy for Re-organizing Nations” and “Eight Motions for CCP Constitution Amending”. In 2003, he accepted the recommendation and became the President of China Shadow Government. In January 2005, the World Chinese Association elected him to be “the most outstanding democratic leader”. Mr. Zhang published his work “CCP’s Post-nuclear Lethal Weapons and Its National Military Strategic Goal” to smash the “King of Terror” Jiang Zemin”s attempt to dominate the ambition of whole world. The four major cities in China that are directly governed by central CCP have started the act of “Support Zhang Hongbao to promote political reform, urging Jiang to retire in order to keep peace”. At present, this act has spread widely to all the provinces, cities, counties and towns in China.


Mr. Zhang Hongbao has been regarded as biggest potential political opponent with the regime of the Communist Party of China by Jiang Zemin, therefore Mr. Zhang and his Zhang Gong organization have been suffered from incessant political persecution seriously. From 2003 to July 2006, Jiang Zemin's subordinates in US had made up to 46 political vexations lawsuits against Mr. Zhang and Zhong Gong Organization, furthermore, they started crushing strike on Zhong Gong organization after Mr. Zhang passed away in an unexpected traffic accident. By the secret trade-off between Chinese Government and the US Government, in America, Los Angeles County took over and sealed up all the estates of Mr. Zhang and Zhong Gong organization including over forty thousand dollars in the bank account and two estates located in Los Angeles and in Taxas, the county sold everything belongs to International Zhong Gong Headquarters Inc. and some stuffs in Tian Hua Xiu Yuan without any authorization, and the political vexations suits are going on at the courts. In Hong Kong, the bank account savings close to sixty millions US dollars under Mr. Zhang and his organization had been sealed up disastrously by the court with the name called "economic criminal and gangland organization", the organization is faced with great disaster.


We are here asking for world-wide humanitarian aids to help our organization with the action of “protecting reputation, supporting enterprise and striving for survival”, in order to clean up the dirtiness and the charges framed by Jiang Zemin’s vicious force, to achieve our great willing to "Rejuvenate Chinese civilization, Benefit human society, Relieve all living creatures, Make total liberation to the body and mind", realize the desire of “May the World be Filled with Supernatural Beings”, and to make new contribution for human healthy cause and world peace.



Address: 300S Garfield Ave #204, Montery Park CA 91754-3358, USA

Contact Person: 刘因全Liu Yinquan : 626-3792810,

             张仲春Zhang Zhongchun: 510-2587808

Email: zhonggongzonghui@gmail.com

June 23rd,2009



全世界人权组织, 美国国会,参众议院议员,FBI,CIA,海外民运维权团体,宗教组织,教育机构等






         SCB 570-2-146652-9 HK$8,398

              570-6-907957-6 HK$112,101,537

              570-6-908725-0 HK$32,891,855

              570-6-914536-6 HK$12,784,134

         HSBC 622002368888 HK$109,502,629

         HSB 239-082258-888 HK$13,248,225


         SCB 570-6-914762-8 HK$35,703,337

              570-6-909689-6 HK$12,710,190

              570-6-912348-8 HK$10,878,501

              570-2-146653-7 HK$4,481,435

              570-2-146014-8 USD 296

              570-1-019662-2 NZD573

         HSBC 508038296888 HK$16,705,329

         BOC 7092610084225 HK$30,135

              1958611286938 HK$15,277

                               1960320040479 HK$700,356

         BA 146783 HK$27,593

         DBS 210217725 HK$24,501

         CITIBANK 13619039 HK$3,282



         SCB 001-69196-01-01 HK$96,310,304



张宏宝遗产案的案件编号Case Number: GP012471 ESTATE OF ZHANG, HONGBAO


777 S. Figueroa St.,47th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90017

Tel: (213)607-2115 Fax: (213)607-2116

政府律师: Robert L.Clarkson, Lyndon H. Hong, Julie M.Capell, Mark J.Goldsmith



[6/23/2009 3:57:31 PM]

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