American International
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6/8/2010 3:47:45 PM
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 三、佛光菜根谭之教育 一句良言 能为失望的人带来重生的希望 一丝灯光 能为夜行的人带来行路的安全 一口饘粥 能为饥饿的人带来生存的力量 一把雨伞 能为风雨归人带来干爽的喜悦 A kind word brings hope to the disadvantaged. A little light brings safety to night travelers. A little porridge brings strength to the hungry. An umbrella brings joy to those in the rain. 一个良将,残兵败卒也能训练成勇士 一个明医,枯木朽石也能炮制成仙丹 一个名匠,破铜烂铁也能锻炼成精钢 一个巧妇,剩菜残羹也能烹煮成佳肴 A skillful sergeant makes tigers of cowards. A skillful physician cures with weeds. A skillful worker makes steel from old pots. A skillful cook delights with scraps. 生命尊严不在于它的绚丽 而在于它为后人所带来的怀念 生命的意义不在于它的长久 而在于它为后人所带来的典范 Life's dignity lies in creating an everlasting memory,not in a brief moment of glory. Life's meaning lies in one's service as a model for the generations, not in the number of one's years. 见人善行要多方赞美 见人迷惑要多方提醒 见人推崇要多方奋勉 见人毁谤要多方警惕 Commend others when they do good. Remind others when they are deluded. Word harder when others are promoted. Be alert when others are slandered. 我们要学习说爱语、做善事、存好心 散播「三好」的种子 我们要学习讲仁义、讲道义、讲恩义 发扬「三义」的气节 Learn to speak loving words,perform good deeds,and embrace good hearts.This is the way to spread good seeds. Learn to be benevolent,moral,and grateful.This is the way to spread the spirit of righteousness. 修桥铺路,是给予大众的方便 说法度众,是给予他人的成长 不生恶念,是给予自己的净化 常行善事,是给予社会的美化 Build bridges and roads to serve commerce. Theach sentient beings to help them grow. Purify yourself to transform evil thinking. Do good to perfect your life. 人人做警察,伸张公理,提倡正义 人人做义工,守望相助,相互扶持 人人做善人,服务奉献,劝人为善 人人做良民,奉公守法,尽忠职守 Be a policeman:promote right-eousness and justice. Be a volunteer:watch and help each other. Be a good person:serve others and persuade them to do good. Be a good citizen:respect the law and be loyal. 从工作中学习做人的道理 工作就是学校 从职业中揣摩生命的意义 职业就是道场 When you learn about life from your work,your job is like a school. Wnen you learn abuot life from your job,your workplace is like a monastery. 贤明的父母,不会嫌弃笨拙的儿女 道尊的师长,不会舍弃难教的子弟 量大的主管,不会气恼愚昧的属下 有德的官员,不会讨厌顽强的民众 Wise parents do not cease caring for backward children. Competent teachers do not give up on stubborn students. Generous managers are not put off by dull subordinates. Honest officials are not fearful of assertive citizens. 现代资讯,要能具备教育的功能 现代资讯,要能富含文化的价值 现代资讯,要能表达事实的真象 现代资讯,要能促进人类的交流 Modern information should be instructive. Modern information should have cultural value. Modern information should be truthful. Modern information should communicate. 传播业者,要能具有职业的道德 传播业者,要能尊重别人的隐私 传播业者,要能努力地摄取新知 传播业者,要能不断地改革创新 Journalists shoudld be creative. Journalists should be ethical. Journalists should be curious. Journalists should be discreet. 记者,要多报导世间的温馨面 记者,要多报导社会的善美面 记者,要多报导思想的光明面 记者,要多报导人生的道德面 Journalists,report the grandeur of society. Journalists,report the brilliance of our thinkers. Journalists,report the moral side of life. Journalists,report the world's good deeds. 驾驶,要有安全第一的理念 驾驶,要有服务至上的精神 驾驶,要有忍耐柔和的雅量 驾驶,要有亲切和蔼的态度 Drivers,be patient. Drivers,be amiable. Drivers,think of safety first. Drivers,yield the road to others. 老师,要有观极逗教的智慧 老师,要有行解并重的理念 老师,要有不舍一人的慈悲 老师,要有师徒同尊的胸襟 Teachers,know your students' talents. Teachers,emphasize understanding and practice. Teachers,do not overlook any student. Teachers,respect all your students. 教育 不是知识的瓦砾,而是学问的保垒 教育 不是教条的枯藤,而是生命的花园 教育 不是装饰的花蔓,而是深邃的内涵 教育 不是溺爱的礼物,而是佛心的泉源 Education is not a wilerness of facts but the palace of learning. Education is not the dry vine of doctrine but the garden of life. Education is not pretty flowers but profound learning. Education is not a toy for the pampered but the source of the Buddha mind. 现代教育要能光大人文思想的内涵 现代教育要能发扬欢喜融和的精神 现代教育要能推动福慧双修的理念 现代教育要能实践解行并重的教化 Modern education should enhance the essence of humanistic thinking. Modern education should promote the spirit of joy and harmony. Modern education should advocate the idea of cultivation of fortune and wisdom. Modern education should emphasize the importance of both learning and practice. 平庸的老师,只会叙述 良好的老师,懂得讲解 优异的老师,能够示范 伟大的老师,重在启发 A mediocre teacher lectures. A good teacher explains. An excellent teacher demonstrates. A great teacher inspires. 观世音菩萨寻声救苦,布施无畏 是茫茫苦海中的义工 地藏王菩萨地狱不空,誓不成佛 是热恼炼狱里的义工 Avalokitesvara,Bodhisattva of the suffering sea,responds to sentient beings and removes their fear. Ksitigarbha,Bodhisattva of the hell,vows to save their inmates before he becomes a Buddha. 有为的老师,就像蜡烛一样 燃烧自己,照亮学生 有德的老师,就像莲花一样 吐露芬芳,嘉惠学子 An able teacher shines like a candle. A virtuous teacher is fragrant like a lotus. 受教者,应如「虚空」接纳一切方能容受真理 施教者,须像「虚空」无所不相才能同事摄受 Students who study the Buddha's teachings without prejudice will accept them. Teachers who instruct without prejudice will be believed. 病人将生命和健康交给医护人员 医护人员将时间青春奉献给病人 Patients rely on their doctors and nurses. Doctors and nurses are devoted to patients. 义工,为冷漠机械的社会增添了光热 义工,为人情纸薄的潮流注入了情义 义工,为贪婪自私的行为留下了身教 义工,为争名逐利的人群散播了开示 Volunteers add light and warmth to a dull society. Volunteers bring kindness and justice to a cold society. Volunteers are models for the greedy and selfish. Volunteers bring the teachings to the ambitious. 消防人员的力量 可以让灾难消弭于无形 消防人员的勇气 可以将危险转化为平安 消防人员的信心 可以把事故降低到最小 消防人员的情义 可以使伤害得到了抚慰 The strength of firefighters averts disaster. The courage of firefighters restores safety. The confidence of firefighters minimizes damage. The kindness of firefighters comforts the injured. 我们要做桥梁,沟通人际的情谊 我们要做道路,促进社会的繁荣 我们要做舟船,利济民众的交流 我们要做车乘,代替大家的脚步 Be a bridge connecting people with each other. Be society's road to prosperity. Be a ferry bearing people over rough seas. Be a car taking people to the future. 劳工努力生产 为国家作出最大的贡献 农夫勤于耕种 使民众免于衣食的匮乏 工商将本求利 为人群提供最大的方便 教师作育英才 使社会拥有无穷的希望 Laborers,work hard to build the nation. Farmers,work hard to feed the people. Businessmen,work hard to enrich society. Teachers,work hard to educate the young. 义工经常到处奔跑,好像很辛苦其实是世界上最快乐的人 义工时时为人着想,好像在利他其实最大的收获还是自己 Do not think that volunteers suffer from having no fixed place to work.In truth,they are the world's happiest people. Do not think that volunteers benefit others at their own expense.In truth,they reap the biggest harvest for themselves. 教育界要能努力兴学,作育英才 传播界要能笃实客观,正面报导 工商界要能改善品质,增加生产 政治界要能重视人权,为民谋福 Educators,teach effectively. Journalists,be honest and uplifting. Businessmen,improve quality and increase production. Officials,protect society and human rights. 亲民廉能,为政居官之要 务实本份,做人处世之本 Officeials,be incorruptible and compassionate. Be modest and pragmatic in society and business. 孝亲不辞劳苦,自为儿孙好榜样 行善不望回报,必为儿孙积善福 Show filial piety,be a model for the children. Accumulate merits by doing good without reward. 孝顺父母不要等百年 在世时就要孝顺 教育儿女不要等成年 幼年时就要开始 Show filial piety to parents right now;don't wait until they die. Educate children young;don't wait until they grow up. 「好」学生: 在荣耀、鼓励中成长 「坏」学生: 在赞美、辅导中成就 Good students grow through honor and praise. Bad students improve with assistance. 军营是孕育英雄的摇篮 学校是陶冶青年的洪炉 僧团是培养圣贤的净土 内心是造就自己的道场 Military camp is the cradle of heroes. School is the melting pot of youth. Sangha is a pureland to cultivate sages. Mind is a temple to cultivate oneself. 自我改革,要有作有为,不能空谈 关怀别人,要有声有色,及时表达 Reform yourself;don't just talk about doing it. Without hesitation,act for others. 自己做不到的事,不可强求于人 别人做不到的事,不可强求于人 Don't ask others to do what you cannot do. Don't ask others to do what they cannot do. 以慈眼、慧眼、法眼、佛眼洞察世间实相 用善听、谛听、兼听、全听关怀人间疾苦 Realize the truth with compassionate eyes,wisdom eyes,Dharma eyes,and Buddha eyes. Care about the world's suffering with good listening,careful listening,inclusive listening,and complete listening. 极乐世界宝树罗列,水鸟说法这是现代环保生态的先驱 极乐世界楼阁严丽,阶道井然这是现代都市计划的榜样 In the pureland of ultimate bliss are watered orchards of precious trees,and the birds are teaching.They are the pioneers of modern ecology. In the pureland of ultimate bliss the houses are beautiful,the roads and stairs are tidy.This is the model of modern urban planning. 极乐世界盛众妙华,供养他国 这是现代国际往来的型态 极乐世界诸上善人,聚会一处 这是现代领袖治国的方向 In the pureland of ultimate bliss,many offer flowers to the Buddhas of other worlds.This is the model of international communication. In the pureland of ultimate bliss,all good people gather together.This is the direction for modern leaders. 晦暗的世界 唯有佛日慈悲才能增辉 矇眬的人心 唯有法灯智慧才能照亮 Only compassion can bring light to the dark world. Only the Dharma light and wisdom can illuminate dark minds. 做人要知感恩,感恩的人表示做人的资本雄厚 做事要知情理,明理的人表示做事的方法融通 Showing that you are grateful wins new friends and keeps old ones. In business,gain friends through correct practice. 责备的话中要带有抚慰 批评的话中要带有赞扬 训诫的话中要带有推崇 命令的话中要带有尊重 Before you blame,comfort. Before you criticize,praise. Before you admonish,commend. Before you command,respect. 忘恩负义者,应以慈悲及感恩治之 瞋恚嫉妒者,应以宽厚及包容治之 诽谤贤明者,应以赞叹及歌颂治之 自赞毁他者,应以惭愧及自责治之 Treat ingratitude with compassion and gratitude. Treat hatred and jealousy with magnanimity and tolerance. Treat slander with praise. Treat those who praise themselves while slandering others with con-science. 圣贤,耳里听到的 都是众生求救的声音 圣贤,手里做着的 都是福利社会的事业 圣贤,眼中看到的 都是净土美好的风光 圣贤,口里说出的 都是亲切柔和的爱语 Sages hear calls for help from all beings. Sages speak kind and tender words. Sages undertake to benefit society. Sages see the wonderful pureland. 当年轻力强时 应以体力报答人间 当脑力尚佳时 应以智慧贡献人类 When you are young,repay the world with your strength. When you are old,repay the world with your wisdom. 应以道理说服他人 应以宁静克制妄动 应以诚恳感化世间 应以慈悲折报敌对 Persuade with reason. Bridle recklessness through tranquility. Reform the world with sincerity. Subdue your enemy with compassion. 一颗钻石,胜过百粒珍珠 一事立功,胜过千人推举 一步谨慎,胜过万般防备 一念慈悲,胜过亿兆修为 Better a smile than ages of selfishness. Better the deed than the praiof the crowd. Better a diamond than barrels of shining pearls. Better discretion than bitter regret. 智者以知,了解一切 仁者以爱,包容一切 勇者以义,牺牲一切 忠者以诚,奉献一切 Wise poole understand by their wisdom. Good people tolerate out of love. Brave people sacrifice out of courage. Loyal people are faithful out of devotion. 为真理服务最有价值 为众生服务最为光荣 Above all,serve the truth. Above all,serve every being. 以智慧净水,洗清妄想分别 以般若火炬,照亮内心世界 The water of wisdom cleanses us of delusion and discrimination. The lamp of prajna lights our inner world. 关闭六根之贼,禁足妄想之心 正观三毒魔军,清净身口意业 了悟五蕴非有,不受烦恼缠缚 如是实践之人,方为有道圣者 Imprison the six thieves,the senses:don't let them delude you. Shun the three poisons:greed,hatred,and ignorance. Purify your body,mind,and thoughts. Realize the emptiness of five aggregates;don't worry about anything. If you practice this,you will be accounted a sage. 三无漏学可以对治贪瞋的弊害 五停心观可以消除烦恼的阴霾 八正道分可以抹去邪行的污垢 六波罗蜜可以渡过人生的苦海 The three teachings of discipline,meditation,and wisdom can cure greed and hatred. The five meditations for settling the mind can get rid of defilement. The noble eightfold path can wipe out the stains of bad deeds. The six perfections can ferry us across the suffering sea of life. 不要信神,不要信鬼 相信真理最重要 不要妄想,不要妄为 不如实干最重要 不要爱酒,不要爱色 要爱家庭最重要 不要空说,不要空话 要说真话最重要 Belive in the real,not in gods and ghosts. Be responsible,don't daydream or be reckless. Love your family,eschew wine and lust. Speak true,not hollow words. 贪心要用舍心来对治 瞋心要用慈心来驾御 痴心要用智心来领导 慢心要用虚心来管理 疑心要用信心来感化 染心要用净心来去除 乱心要用定心来影响 妄心要用真心来掌控 Change hate to loving. Change greed to giving. Change delusion to wisdom. Change suspicion to friendship. Change arrogance to modesty. Change defilement to purity. Change worry to peace. Change illusion to truth. 有慧解更要有悲愍 有勇气更要有灵巧 有金钱更要有道德 有口说更要有真心 Besides intelligence,we need compassion. Besides courage,we need skill. Besides money,we need morality. Besides eloquence,we need sinceerity. 以慈悲的双手 抚平自己的清净本心 以般若的智慧 圆满他人的自在人生 With wisdom,make your mind pure. With compassionate hands,improve the lives of others. 想要千人头上坐 先在万人脚下行 唯有先作众生的马牛 才能成为最佳的龙象 To be outstanding,begin by serving the people. When we serve the people like cattle or horses,we can become a dragon or elephant. 发愿作一支蜡烛,燃烧自己,照亮别人 发愿作一支画笔,采绘世界,增添美丽 发愿作一盏路灯,照破黑暗,指引光明 发愿作一棵大树,枝繁叶茂,庇阴路人 发愿作一本书籍,展现真理,给人智慧 发愿作一方大地,普载众生,生长万物 Vow to be a candle giving light to others. Vow to be an artist's brush adding to the world's beauty. Vow to be a streetlight showing the way. Vow to be a tree offering its branches for shade to passersby. Vow to be a book of truth and wisdom. Vow to be the earth that nurtures plants and cradles sentient beings. 发愿作一朵鲜花,吐露芬芳,给人清香 发愿作一阵和风,吹拂枯槁,抚慰创伤 发愿作一缕白云,遮蔽炎威,带来清凉 发愿作一弯彩虹,光华万千,照耀环宇 发愿作一轮满月,高挂夜空,辉映人间 发愿作一个冬阳,温暖大地,成熟万物 Vow to be a flower bearing fragrance. Vow to be a cloud bringing coolness. Vow to be a breeze bringing comfort. Vow to be a rainbow bearing beauty. Vow to be the full moon shedding light. Vow to be the winter sun shedding warmth. 尊敬一个人,要散播他的善行 肯定一个人,要延续他的愿心 Respect others by publicizing their good deeds. Support others by carrying out their vows. 一者礼敬诸佛,就是实践人格的尊重 二者称赞如来,就是实践语言的赞美 三者广修供养,就是实践心意的布施 四者忏悔业障,就是实践行为的改进 五者随喜功德,就是实践善事的资助 First,honoring the Buddhas means respecting others. Second,praising the Buddhas means praising others. Third,making rich offerings means practicing mental generosity. Fourth,repenting transgressions means improving our actions. Fifth,aiding benefactors means supporting good deeds. 六者请转法轮,就是实践佛法的弘传 七者请佛住世,就是实践圣贤的护持 八者常随佛学,就是实践真理的追随 九者恒顺众生,就是实践民意的重视 十者普皆回向,就是实践圆满的功德 Sixth,turning the Dharma wheel means spreading Buddhist teachings. Seventh,inviting the Buddha to reside in the world means supporting the sages. Eighth,learning from the Buddha means following the truth. Ninth,observing public opinion means satisfying people's desires. Tenth,transferring your merits to everyone means perfecting your merits. 每日所说的言语 要是善良柔美的好话 每日所做的事情 要得利益大众的好事 每日所存的心意 要有祝福他人的好心 每日所走的道路 要能走出社会的光明 Every day love humanity. Every day speak kind and gentle words. Every day do good for your neighbors. Every day advance towards the world's bright future. 随处给人欢喜 随时给人信心 随手给人服务 随缘给人方便 Give people happiness everywhere. Give people confidence always. Give people service at every chance. Give people comfort on every occasion. 为人父母者 能有「三分师徒,七分道友」的认知则子女不仅是自己的骨肉 更是自己的朋友 为人师长者 能有「三分师徒,七分道友」的涵养则弟子不仅是自己的晚辈 更是自己的同参 If parents carry out the principle of "three parts guidance and seven parts friendship," children can be both their kin and their friends. If teachers carry out the principle of "three parts guidance and seven parts friendship," pupils can be both their disciples and their equals. 为人长官者 能有「三分师徒,七分道友」的体认则部下不仅是自己的袍属 更是自己的同事 If officials carry out the principle of "three parts guidance and seven parts friendship," subordinates can be both their comrades and their colleagues. 我们能拥有天下父母心 则天下人都是我们的儿女 我们能具有天下孝顺心 则天下人都是我们的父母 When we bear a parent's concern for all children,every child is our own. When we bear filial piety for all elders,every elder is our parent. 为人做事要有忠诚心 朋友相交要有信义心 事奉父母要有孝养心 厚待贤者要有恭敬心 Conduct yourself virtuously and do business in the spirit of loyalty. Make friends in the spirit of trust and goodness. Serve parents in the spirit of filial piety. Treat good people in the spirit of respect. 对世间要有感恩的美德 对生活要有勤俭的习惯 对物质要有知足的修养 对他人要有喜舍的布施 Be grateful to the human world. Cultivate diligence and frugality. Be content with what you have. Practice generosity. 愿力非即兴的发心 而是永世的承诺 愿力不是内心一念 而是实践的行为 A vow is a lasting promise,not a monmentary impulse. A vow aspires to action,not just to be a thought. 惜福结缘是美德 尊重包容是大量 服务喜舍是奉献 勤俭上进是勇敢 Accepting what you have and making good affinity with others epitomize righteousness. Respect and tolerance of others epitonmize magnanimity. Service and generosity epitomize dedication. Diligence,frugality,and hard work epitomize courage. 眼不看不净,常以善目喜励别人 身不做暴行,常以手脚服务大众 口不说恶言,常以口舌美化社会 心不起瞋恨,常以柔软沟通彼此 Don't glower:encourage with gentle glances. Don't be cruel:serve with gentle hands. Don't scold:speak with gentle words. Don't hate:uplift with gentle actions. 以语言三昧给人欢喜 以文字般若给人智慧 以利行无畏给人依靠 以同事摄受给人信心 Cheer with happy words. Enlighten with wise words. Protect people from intimidation. Work for everybody's interest. 慈悲为怀是对的,但如果放纵歹徒姑息养奸,就是「错误」的 随缘无求是好的,但如是丧失原则不知变通,就是「错误」的 孝顺父母是对的,但如果助其恶行耽误前途,就是「错误」的 It is right to be compassionate;it is wrong to coddle the wicked. It is right to follow causes and conditions without demanding much;it is wrong to act without principle or to be rigid. It is right to show filial piety;it is wrong to countenance yourparents'destructive mistakes. 广交朋友是好的,但如果结党组派陷害他人,就是「错误」的 考试抡才是对的,但如果偏重成绩选人失当,就是「错误」的 出国深造是好的,但如果浮夸虚荣不切实际,就是「错误」的 It is right to make friends;it is wrong to gang up on outsiders. It is right to select candidates according to their test scores;it is wrong to choose bad candidates merely because they scored well. It is right to study abroad;it is wrong to brag about it. 贪欲的人,要以喜舍来帮助他 瞋眼的人,要以慈悲来感化他 愚痴的人,要以慧心来引导他 疑嫉的人,要以信念来摄受他 Reform the greedy with generosity. Transform the hateful with compassion. Guide the ignorant with wisdom. Lead the suspicious with faith. 用宽容的钥匙,打开褊狭的心扉 用智慧的宝剑,斩断烦恼的情执 用爱心的药石,修补创伤的痛楚 用欢喜的法水,滋润烦忧的人生 Use the key of tolerance to open the narrow mind. Use the sword of wisdom to cut through the defilement of passion. Use the medicine of love to cure the hurt of the wounded. Use the Dharma water of joyfulness to nurture troubled lives. 会做事的人将事情做「活」了所以能越做越大 会下棋的人将棋子下「活」了所以能全盘皆赢 会撰文的人将文字写「活」了所以能感动人心 会讲演的人将道理讲「活」了所以能引起共鸣 Able workers reach their goals. Cunning players finish first. Great writers touch readers' hearts. Eloquent speakers draw a crowd. 忍耐,才能和气致祥 悔过,才能提起勇气 Patience leads to harmony. Repentance leads to courage. 能够随缘不变 行事才有目标原则 能够不变随缘 做人才能收放自如 When you virtuously pursue causes and conditions,you will keep your busines on the right track. 人有享不到的福 没有受不了的苦 人要做正人君子 不要做消极好人 If you cannot be lucky,at least you can learn to tolerate the intolerable. Be truly righteous,not a phony. 读书,以融通为主要 以方法、技巧为辅助 读书,以勤熟为功效 以用心、下手为实际 When you study,master your subject by skillful application of proven methods. When you study,master your subject through diligence and attentiveness. 用体谅的心对待亲情 用结缘的心对待友情 用净化的心对待爱情 用尊重的心对待道情 Honor your family and kin. Make affinity with friends. Love with a pure mind. Respect fellow devotees of the Buddha. 眼睛常看世界万象与众生 耳朵常听清净梵音与经教 口舌常赞十方圣贤与法语 心中常想佛陀盛德与真言 双手紧握时代脉动与人心 双脚踏遍大地山河与法界 Eye sees the world and all beings therein. Ear hears the teachings and the chanting. Tongue hails the sages of the ten directions and speaks Dharma words. Mind mirrors the Buddha's teachings. Hand embraces the cosmos. Foot walks the dharma-dhatu. 对年青人要教育鼓励 对老年人要关怀照顾 对残障者要帮助辅导 对失意人要体贴规劝 Educate youth. Care for the elderly. Assist the handicapped. Help the disadvantaged. 真诚勤勉,用以任事 慈悲发心,用以行善 平和无私,用以做人 超越名利,用以处世 Be honest and diligent in your work. Be compassionate and aspire to do good. Be tranquil and selfess to get along. Rise aboy profit and status. 能施者是富者 耐劳者是能者 任怨得是贤者 容人者是智者 Those who give are rich. Those who work hard are competent. Those who endure criticism are virtuous. Those who tolerate are wise. 好话不嫌多 好话可以为世界带来和平 好事不嫌多 好事可以为人间带来希望 好心不嫌多 好心可以为社会带来光明 You can't speak too well of others:good words bring world peace. You can't do too much good:good deeds bring hope. You can't be too kind:kindness makes society glow. 做事的秘诀是举重若轻 说话的秘诀是条理分明 修行的秘诀是平常用心 持戒的秘诀是真实不虚 禅坐的秘诀是忘失时空 念佛的秘诀是心口皆佛 The key to business is solving problems. The key to speaking is clear reasoning. The key to practice is practicing every monment. The key to observing precepts is sincerity. The key to meditation is forgetting time and space. The key to chanting is speaking and thinking the Buddha's name. 睡眠的秘诀是无所罣碍 弘法的秘诀是慈悲结缘 认错的秘诀是要有勇气 读书的秘诀是明事明理 健康的秘诀是少吃多走 人我的秘诀是你对我错 精进的秘诀是为己而作 法喜的秘诀是放下自在 The key to sleeping is putting aside worries. The key to spreading the teachings is compassion and affinity. The key to admitting mistakes is courage. The key to study is intelligence and flexibility. The key to health is walking more and eating less. The key to relationship is, "I am wrong and you are right." The key to diligence is self-interest. The key to Dharma joy is freedom from cares. 编辑要靠发行 出版的书籍才有生命 发行要靠编辑 流通的刊物才有内涵 Do not count on books and magazines to spread your views unless you can first sell them. To boost the sales of gooks and magazines,edit them with care. 能将蛮横化导为开明,需要给他利益 能将仇恨消弭于无形,需要善于言论 能将欲望淡泊而无求,需要授予真理 能将顽强感化成驯良,需要对人谦让 Civlizing barbarous people requires offering them reasons. Dispelling hatred requires kind speech. Diminishing people's desires requires teaching them the truth. Subduing the stubborn requires modesty. 有人无己,乃菩萨发心 先人后己,是圣贤行谊 有己有人,不失为君子 有己无人,十足小人也 Acting in the interests of others is the only aspiration of a Bodhisattva. Acting in the interests of others first is the act of a sage. Acting in the interests of others and self is the act of a virtuous person. Acting in self-interest only is the act of a mean person. 团结就是互相分工合作 合作才能团结 融和就是彼此平等尊重 尊重才能融和 Unity means working together;working together leads to unity. Harmony mean respecting others;respect leads to harmony. 忘记自我利益,是圣人 摆脱私人利益,是伟人 看重自己利益,是凡人 忽略别人利益,是小人 The sage is indifferent to his interests. The hero cares for others' interests. The empty man is devoted to his interests. The scoundrel disdains others' interests. 平等必须植基于人我互尊要能不分大小、不分贫富都要互尊 和平必须要从平等中建立要能不分强弱、不分上下才能和平 Equality requires mutual respect: respecting the weak and the poor promotes equality. Peace demands equal treatment for all: not discriminating against the weak promotes peace. 政治需要佛教的辅助教化 如无辅助教化 何能彰显政治的功能? 佛教需要政治的护持弘传 如不护持弘传 何能实现佛教的主张? The state needs Buddhism to educate; without Buddhist education, how can the state carry on? Buddhism needs the state to spread its teachings; without the state, how can the teachings be realized? 尊重他人的自由 以奉持五戒代替侵占掠夺 尊重生命的价值 以喜舍布施代替伤生害命 尊重大众的拥有 以共享福利代替自私自利 尊重天地的生机 以环保护生代替破坏残杀 Respect rights: observe the five precepts and do not trespass on others. Respect feelings: practice generosity and do not hurt others. Respect property: serve society and do not be selfish. Respect the earth: protect the environment and do not kill and destroy. 贫苦的人不一定渴求别人的救济 他们要的是生活的尊严 贫苦的人不一定期盼别人的呵护 他们要的是奋发的意志 The poor do not necessarily look for help; they want dignity. The poor do not necessarily need assistance; they need the will to strive. 惭愧如服,可以庄严身心 忏悔如水,可以净化性灵 Conscience is the clothing that dignifies body and mind. Repentance is the water that purifies heart and mind. 「行善」要有福德慈悲 「教化」要有般若智慧 行善教化二者不可偏废 教化行善才能契合佛心 To do good requires compassion. To educate others requires wisdom. Doing good and education are both vital. They conform to the mind of the Buddha. 不念旧恶,才能化阻力为助力 不退道心,必能转烦恼为菩提 Avoid grudges; transform hindrance into power. Persist in your practice;transform defilement into enlightenment. 生活要佛法化 信仰要理智化 处事要平和化 修持要日常化 Live like a Buddhist. Believe rationally. Do business serenely. Practice daily. 学道要学三个字:经律论 修行要修三个字:戒定慧 除过要除三个字:贪瞋痴 用心要用三个字:闻思修 To walk the Buddhist path, learn sutra(Buddhist scriptures), vinaya (disciplines), and abhidharma(philosophical treatises). To practice and cultivate,practice precepts,meditation, and wisdom. To get rid of defilement, get rid of greed, hatred, and ignorance. To be attentive, listen, think, and practice what we learn. 人若近贤良 譬如入花圃,久而自馨香 人若近邪友 譬如入鱼肆,即刻薰臭气 Going with virtuous friends is like going to a garden: you will be fragrant. Going with bad friends is like going to a fish market: you will stink. 读书明理,自己有几分受用 言说讲理,他人有几个点头 At all times,think. How much do you gain from your reading? How many acquaintances agree with your opinions? 尊重不是说说就算了 而要身体力行 共识不是知道就好了 而是要动作一致 Respect requires not empty talk,but action. Unanimity requires not shared ideas, but action. 为人服务者,总散发光热 利益别人者,总散播快乐 对人友爱者,总给人欢喜 帮助别人者,总给人温暖 Those who serve always bring light and warmth. Those who give always spread happiness. Those who are friendly always bring cheer. Those who help always bring joy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 四、佛光菜根谭之励志 百年大树,必经多少风霜摧残 百丈高楼,必经多少物力艰辛 百年老店,必经多少兴衰沧桑 百岁老翁,必经多少坎坷考验 An ancient tree survives wind and frost. A skyscraper is raised with money and sweat. An old business has its ups and downs. An old man is tested by misfortune. 成功的里面,包含了多少辛酸 名人的双肩,承受了多少压力 荣耀的背后,付出了多少代价 伟大的成就,奉献了多少牺牲 To succeed,one needs hardship. To be celebrated,one needs pressure. To gain honor,one needs to labor. To achieve,one needs to sacrifice and be dedicated. 千里道路要靠小石铺成 万仞山峰要从小路攀登 美丽织锦要用小针绣出 幸福人生要存小心走过 A thousand-mile road is paved with tiny pebbles. Narrow roads lead to high mountains. Gorgeous embroidery requires a fine needle. A happy life needs attentive planning. 飞鸽千里传书,才有人豢养 骏马万里奔驰,才有人喜爱 海豚尽力演出,才有人喝采 做人力争上游,才有人欣赏 Pigeons are bred to fly letters afar. Horses are praised that race like the wind. Dolphins are loved that entertain greatly. People are admired who strive to advance. 重复的举止,会变成习惯 定型的习惯,会变成个性 个性的所向,会决定命运 命运的好坏,会决定一生 Repeated action becomes habit. Habit becomes character. Character becomes fate. Fate rules your life. 不肯回顾传统的人,没有过去 不愿瞻望前景的人,没有未来 不能把握当下的人,没有现在 不能主宰自己的人,没有永恒 Those who don't look back have no past. Those who don't look forward have no future. Those who don't seize the moment have no present. Those who don't master themselves will not change society. 能忍一时之气 自能增长无限福德 能起一念之善 自能消弭无限罪业 Avoid a moment's anger and gain endless merit. A moment of compassion diminishes endless bad karma. 宁可奋斗一生,不能丧志一时 宁可吃亏一时,不可懊悔一生 It is better to think about improving your future than to be discouraged by one bad moment. It is better to take a momentary loss than to regret the rest of your life. 荣耀来到时,要「检查自己的心」 否则我慢的高墙会隔绝自己的视野 烦恼临头时,要「检查自己的心」 否则瞋怒的火焰会焚毁自己的功德 When honor comes,examine your mind,lest a wall of arrogance block your view. When trouble comes,examine your mind,lest the fire to hatred consume your merits. 外境纷乱时,要「检查自己的心」 否则贪欲的洪流会淹没自己的意志 得失忧患时,要「检查自己的心」 否则疑嫉的邪风会吹垮自己的信心 When your world is in chaos,examine your mind,lest the torrent of worry drown your will. When you are worried about gain and loss,examine your mind,lest the winds of suspicion and jealousy blast your confidence. 人生中 每一次的经验都是前进的基石 生命里 每一次的成败都是未来的借镜 Every experience is a footstep into the future. Every failure or success is a glimpse into the future. 对人不侵犯 侵犯别人,必将见弃于人 责己不推诿 推诿责任,必难获信于人 Don't violate people's rights,lest you be rejected by them. Don't shirk responsibility,lest you lose your credit. 遭毁谤时能自省 则德曰隆 闻赞誉时心谦下 则道曰增 If you can examine yourself when you are slandered,you will be more virtuous. If you can be modest when you are commended,your practice and cultivation will be strengthened. 后步不舍,就无法跨步向前 前执不除,就无法客观明理 Without moving the hind leg,one cannot move forward. Without getting rid of attachment,one cannot be objective,intelligent,and open-minded. 开口动舌无益于人,戒之莫言 举心动念无益于人,戒之莫起 举足动步无益于人,戒之莫行 举手动力无益于人,戒之莫为 If what you say cannot benefit others,don't say it. If what you think cannot benefit others,don't think it. If what you do cannot benefit others,don't do it. 时刻见人不是,此即种下诸恶之根苗 时刻见己之非,此乃广开万善之门户 时刻责怪别人,必定自己有诸多错失 时刻检讨己过,必能获得别人的欢喜 Constant fault finding plants evil seeds. Reflecting on your own faults opens the door of good deeds. Those who constantly blame others must have seen such faults and shortcomings in themselves. Making self-examination always makes you welcome. 能容小人是大人,大人无所不容 能处薄德是厚德,厚德无所不德 Being able to tolerate mean people is the mark of great and magnani-mous beings. Being able to get along with mean people keeps one virtuous. 不夸小善,终积大德 正如涓流,点滴汇聚,终成大海 不除小恶,终必败事 则如磨石,不见其灭,曰有所损 Not bragging about good deeds accumulates merits,as streams flow into the sea. Not mending minor flaws leads to failure,as a stone is worn away day by day,unnoticed. 猜忌,使我们远离信任的目光 怀疑,使我们错过幸福的召唤 嫉妒,使我们模糊朋友的面貌 妄想,使我们失去现世的拥有 Distrust loses us the trust of others. Suspicion destroys our contnet-ment. Jealousy blure our friends' faces. Daydreaming loses all we have. 一念瞋心如火,烧尽累劫功德之林 一念人我是非,积聚善念付水漂流 Flames of hatred burn forests of merits. Rivers of malice wash away our good names. 贪图虚名者易遭损 无德求福者易遭困 无功受禄者易遭辱 争名夺利者易遭谴 Unmerited wealth is enfeebling. Unmerited reward is depressing. Unmerited fame is a trap. 不尊重自己者,容易取辱 不畏惧自己者,容易招祸 不自满自高者,必能受益 不自是自豪者,必得人缘 The humble are humbled. The reckless shall fall. For the modest rich bounty. For compassion the world. 权重而不专擅者必贤 多金而不悭吝者必仁 才高而不傲物者可师 得意而不忘形者可敬 Rulers must be strong but not despots. Benefactors must be rich but not misers. Teachers must be smart but not pedants. Businessmen must be focused but not driven. 勿以恶小而可为,小恶如水穿石 勿以善小而不为,小善如息日增 勿以权大而可畏,权大久必自倾 勿以胆大而不畏,胆大久会自危 Avoid little bad deeds,which are like water dripping on rocks. Eventually the water breaks the rocks. Don't ignore little good deeds.They gather power day by day. Don't intimidate others with your power.It will decline sooner or later. Don't depend on your courage too much.It will get you into trouble. 自信者毁誉不能改其志 知足者权利不能变其节 静心者恩怨不能乱其神 有德者是非不能扰其心 The good are unmoved by gossip. The serene are unmoved by hell. Hope and fear do not move the contented. Nor slander nor praise,as well. 无财非贫,无学为贫 无位非贱,无耻为贱 无寿非夭,无志为夭 无子非孤,无德为孤 Poverty is not lack of money,but lack of learning. Inferiority is not lack of position,but lack of confidence. Early death is not loss of life,but loss of will. Loneliness is not absence of children,but absence of virtue. 物非义不可取 事非见不可说 人非善不可交 念非正不可举 Don't take what you don't deserve. Don't tell what you didn't see. Don't make friends with bad people. Don't awaken evil thoughts. 小小金刚,能坏须弥 小小星火,能够燎原 小小细菌,会伤身体 小小忏悔,能破大恶 A little vajra can topple Mount Sumeru. A little spark can burn down a forest. A little germ can shatter your body. A little repentance can repair grave transgressions. 师父弟子不怕分离 能善强者不怕困难 善人君子不怕冤枉 道人学者不怕贫穷 Master and disciple are not afraid of parting. Able people are not afraid of problems. Virtuous people are not afraid of slander. Real Buddhists are not afraid of poverty. 水不动者,湖泊不清 志不强者,智力不远 言不信者,行持不果 心不坚者,道学不成 Stagnant water cannot make a clear lake. Wisdom cannot be cultivated without strong will. Practice and cultivation cannot be successful without keeping one's word. Enlightenment cannot be achieved without determination. 忍难者必能奋斗 忍辱者必能知耻 忍气者必能和谐 忍苦者必能甘美 Those who endure misfortune will be able to strive. Those who endure humiliation will strive out of conscience. Those who endure like a punching bag will be able to get along with others. Those who endure suffering will savor the taste of joyfulness. 乐观者 英「气」焕发,人见人爱 易怒者 杀「气」腾腾,人见人怕 Valiant and vigorous,optimistic people are welcomed by others. Furious and chilling,hot-tempered people are feared by others. 愚痴邪见即是自造恶业 懒惰懈怠就是自毁前程 自怨自艾终究于事无补 怨天尤人只会更加坏事 I gnorance and perverted thoughts bring bad karma. Laziness and negligence ruin careers. Blaming yourself is useless. Whining and blaming others makes things worse. 有力的人才会忍 有慧的人才能忍 忍是勇敢、担当 忍是负责、奉献的表现 Powerful and intelligent people can be tolerant. Tolerance reveals courage,ability,dedication,and responsibility. 有为者,虽泰山崩于前 仍「气」定神闲,面不改色 无能者,一遇小事临身 就「气」急败坏,惊慌失措 Able people are calm in crisis. Inept people panic at a trifle. 瞋心如狂风,会吹走人缘 愚痴如急流,会卷去幸福 我慢如暗礁,会搁浅前途 嫉妒如巨浪,会淹没理智 Hatred is a blast that blows away good affinity. Ignorance is a flood that washes away happiness. Arrogance is a reef that sinks your career. Jealousy is a wave that drowns your intellect. 要想伟大的人,不一定就能伟大 自然渺小的人,不一定真的渺小 Those who wish to be great are not necessarily great. Those who work behind the scenes are not necessarily unimportant. 豁达的人气博,放荡的人气散 俭约的人气固,吝啬的人气缩 谨慎的人气定,拘牵的人气滞 简默的人气和,深险的人气沉 The spirit of open-minded people is ample. The spirit of dissolute people is dispelled. The spirit of frugal people is firm. The spirit of stingy people is shrinking. The spirit of prudent people is stable. The spirit of restrained people is stagnant. The spirit of silent people is harmonious. The spirit of deceitful people is sunken. 坦白的人气真,粗野的人气陋 镇静的人气凝,空疏的人气嚣 忠厚的人气宽,顢頇的人气钝 精明的人气清,刻薄的人气促 The spirit of frank people is candid. The spirit of wild people is tense. The spirit of calm people is concentrated. The spirit of hollow people is haughty. The spirit of honest people is spacious. The spirit of ignorant people is dull. The spirit of keen people is clear. The spirit of cold-hearted people is hurried. 树木 没有经过日晒雨淋,不能长高 人才 没有经过千锤百炼,不能健全 Trees cannot grow unless bathed in heat and rain. People cannot be pure without strict training. 贤而得财,则损其志 最好得财后更为贤能 愚而得财,则益其过 最好得财后能去愚痴 Wealth frustrates the will of the virtuous.It is better to become virtuous after becoming rich. Wealth increases the faults of the stupid.It is better to get rid of ignorance after becoming rich. 跌倒的时候 要能认识障碍,勇敢站起 失意的时候 要能自我检讨,再次出发 困难的时候 要能冷静分析,突破执着 徬徨的时候 要能看清目标,不变随缘 When you stumble,find out why and pull yourself up. When you are frustated,find the reason and start again. When you have problems,ask if you are the cause and break your stubbornness. When you are baffled,examine your goal and follow causes and conditions. 莫谓我身不如人,不如我者更多人 莫谓我身比人好,有人比我更加好 Don't whine about inferiority:some are worse than you. Don't swell with superiority:some re better than you. 常怀感恩,较能进步 常能惭愧,较易进德 Gratitude makes for progress. Conscience makes for virtue. 自满是阻碍进步的最大因素 傲慢是破坏道业的最大敌人 Arrogance is the chief hindrance to improvement. Arrogance is the chief enemy of practice and cultivation. 听闻不足,必须补于思考 思考不足,必须补于实践 If we have not learned,we should think more. If we have not thought,we should practice more. 「结缘」助成善业,化解恶因 「结怨」成事不足,败事有余 Making good affinity helps you attain good karma and dissolve bad causes and conditions. Making bad affinity brings failure. 真正的聋子是闻善言而不着意的人 真正的盲人是见人好而不欢喜的人 真正的哑巴是口里说不出好话的人 真正的智障是对真理不生欣羡的人 The truly deaf do not listen to good advice. The truly blind do not look at others' good deeds. The truly dumb never speak well of others. The truly retarded reject the truth. 成功不必在我,只要俯仰无愧 失败无须介意,只要努力不懈 When you work hard,don't worry about success or failure. When you have done your best,don't worry it you failed. 考试的窄门,总会有一些人中选 考试的结束,总会有一些人落榜 跨进门槛的人,并不意味成功的一生 被摒在外的人,也不注定永世的失败 Some will pass their examinations,some fail. Those who pass won't necessarily succeed later,and those who fail will not stay down forever. 当挫败困厄的时候,要能不气不馁不恼 当恐惧徬徨的时候,要能无忧无虑无苦 当遭受批评的时候,要能反省惭愧忏悔 当遇到瓶颈的时候,要以积极奋斗进取 When baffled,don't be upset. When frightened,be carefree. When criticized,examine yourself and change. When frustrated,work harder. 有不怕跌倒的毅力,才能学会走路 有改过向善的决心,才能赢得信任 有不畏碰壁的精神,才能找到出口 有精进降魔的勇气,才能迈向成功 When we are not afraid of stumbling, we learn to walk. When we determine to do good,we win trust. When we are not afraid of obstacles,we find a way. When we have the courage to subdue demons,we march towards success. 失业不可耻,无志才可悲 失学不可怜,不学才可哀 失才不可忧,缺德才可惧 失败不可怕,绝望才可叹 The pity is not to be unemployed,but to lack will. The pity is not to be uneducated,but not to try to learn. The pity is not to lack talent,but to be immoral. The pity is not to fail,but to lack hope. 有权势的人,权势不伟大 平凡才伟大 有名位的人,名位不重要 人格才崇高 Influential people are at their best when they do not flaunt their power. Important people are great only when they rely on their character,not their position. 自我反省是进步之母 自我作贱是堕落之源 Self-examination is the mother of progress. Self-humiliation is the source of degradation. 宁可做个无名的善人 不可成为风光的恶人 Better do good anonymously than do ill famously. 良好的习惯要用心去培养 不好的习惯要用心去改过 Cultivate good habits diligently. Transform bad habits diligently. 有志气者,不受人侮 有骨气者,不受人怜 The determined cannot be brought down. The courageous do not crave sympathy. 为人所不能为,是丈夫事业 忍人所不能忍,是圣贤修养 Doing the impossible is the task of great beings. Tolerating the intolerable is the cultivation of sages. 凡事求人,不易成功 自己承担,容易成就 Always relying on others leads to failure. Taking responsibility leads to success. 看他人错失处,当反观内省 说他人是非时,将自己勘验 Look at yourself when pointing out flaws in others. Think twice the before you condemn. 不合作,是做人最大的缺陷 不明理,是做人最大的聪明 不贰过,是做人最大的聪明 不迁怒,是做人最大的修养 The worst fault is unwillingness to get along. The worst ignorance is blindness to truth. The wisest thing is not to repeat a mistake. The best cultivation is not to blame others for your faults. 忍耐的大地最为厚实,故要增长忍耐 傲慢的高山最难攀登,故要去除我慢 烦恼的蔓草滋长最快,故要断除烦恼 心念的疾风最难捉摸,故要守护真心 As the earth is willing to carry all things,we must strengthen our endurance. As the high moutain is hard to climb,we must get rid of arrogance. As the weeds of defilement grow most quickly,we must cut defilement away. As the wind of thought is hardest to catch,we must protect our frue minds. 改过才会进步 认错才能增上 助人才能结缘 内敛才能养德 Admitting faults leads to correction. Correcting faults leads to progress. Helping others leads to good affinity. Self-examination leads to virtue. 自不能正身,而欲正他人者 谓之失德 自不肯敬人,而欲他人敬己 谓之悖礼 One who behaves badly,but corrects others,is whithout virtue. One who is rude,but expects courtesy from others,is without manners. 想要成功立业,必须坚持理想 欲得美梦成真,就应切实力行 Persist in your goal of a successful business. Work hard to make your dreams come true. 是小人 欢喜君子犯过,唯恐天下不乱也 是君子 耻听小人之恶,不忍世间纷争也 A mean person loves to hear that good people have made mistakes;he prefers a world in chaos. A virtuous person hates to hear that mean people have done bad things;he enjoys a tranquil world. 有承担,才有进步 肯付出,才有收获 Do your duty if you hope to advance. Be charitable if you want a rich harvest. 两方斗,两方臭 两人让,两人有 People lose who fight. People win who yield. 看那伤残缺陷的人 自己的健康何等幸福! 看那饥寒交迫的人 自己的饱食何等温暖! 看那苦役劳动的人 自己的悠闲何等快乐! 看那身系囹圄的人 自己的自由何等珍贵! The sick teach us the fortune of good health. The hungry teach us the happiness of prosperity. The overworked teach us the delight of leisure. The imprisond teach us the joy of freedom. 烈日严寒可以夺走人的生命 风暴流沙可以淹没人的身体 悬悬峭壁可以摧毁人的前途 声色货利可以腐蚀人的心志 Heat and cold may kill us. Storms can destroy our belongings. Cliffs and precipices threaten our safety. Sensual pleasures eat away at our minds. 美色的后面有危险的深渊 金钱的后面有虎狼的魔爪 毒品的后面有毁灭的陷阱 懈怠的后面有失败的人生 There's a dangerous abyss in the lure of a beauty. They are demon's claws that ensnare you with gold. There's a vicious trap in a life of drugs. There's moral rot in the life of idleness. 禁得起灾难的考验 才能实现理想 耐得了失败的挫折 才能成功立业 If you rise above failure,you may yet succeed. If you withstand disappointment,you will succeed. 人生如行船,无论何时何地 都要张满信心的风帆 人生如戏场,无论是安是危 都要鼓舞奋发的斗志 Like sailboats we go,billowing with confidence. Like soldiers in battle,we persevere under fire. 对人少一点侵犯,多一点爱护则德曰隆 对人少一点迫害,多一点尊重则缘愈广 对人少一点瞋恨,多一点忍辱则福必增 对人少一点贪恋,多一点随缘则心自在 Caring without intruding increases our virtue. Respecting without annoying makes good affinity. Tolerating without aversion accumulates merits. Flexibility without attachment frees us from care. 能够抛弃仇恨的刀剑 自能获得身心的自在 能够卸下执着的枷锁 自能享受清凉的禅悦 Relinquish the sword of hatred,free your body and mind. Sever the bond of obstinacy,profit from meditation. 当烦恼无耐的时候 要能忍耐而不让情绪失控 当寂寞无助的时候 要更坚强而不生心生退却 When powerless and worried,be calm and patient. When powerless and lonely,be confident and strong. 快乐,是人之所求 但太乐则乐极生悲 忧苦,是人之所厌 但太苦则无以奋志 We seek happiness,but too much of it leads to sorrow. We fly from suffering because too much of it is dispiriting. 不当看的不看,否则会看出烦恼来 不当听的不听,否则会听出痛苦来 不当问的不问,否则会问出是非来 不当做的不做,否则会做出问题来 Do not see what you should not see;it will trouble you. Do not hear what you should not hear;it will trouble you. Do not ask what you should not ask;it will trouble you. Do not do what you should not do;it will trouble you. 有出息的人 能将不好的事物转化为自我奋发的动能 有作为的人 能将刺耳的语言转化成慈悲喜舍的音乐 A gifted person gains energy from adversity. A gifted person turns harsh words into the music of compassion,lovingkindness,joyfulness,and equanimity. 很自重的人 自不会做出自取其辱的事 能尊人的人 自不会说出令人难堪的话 Those who respect themselves do not humiliate themselves. Those who respect others do not humiliate others. 失败中可能出现成功的曙光 因此要败而不馁 成功也可能暗藏失败的阴影 因此要胜而不骄 Don't be discouraged by failure;it is the first stage of success. Don't boast about success;it masks the shadow of failure. 修身不可贪财、贪爱、贪瞋 为人不可自大、自怨、自艾 交友不可无信、无义、无耻 处世不可负国、负人、负己 To practice and cultivate,don't be attached to money,love,or hate. To get along,don't be arrogant,whine,or blame yourself. To make friends,don't be false,corrupt,or unprincipled. To carry on in society,don't be faithless to the nation,the people,or yourself. 有的人值得被人利用,故能成才 有的人堪受被人利用,故能成器 有的人不能被人利用,故难成功 有的人拒绝被人利用,故难成就 Those worthy of being used will be successful. Those willing to be used will be useful. Those who cannot be used will hardly be successful. Those who refuse to be used will hardly be useful. 有志者,自有千方百计 无志者,只有千难万险 The determined will do everything to succeed. The irresolute think it's impossible to achieve anything. 心中不舒服而介意,谓之「气」 气生则神伤 胸中不抱残而奋起,谓之「志」 志立则神明 The nuisance anger is the father of misery. Determination is not turned aside by worry;determination is the mother of brilliance. 逢师不学去后悔 遇贤不交别后悔 事亲不孝丧后悔 对主不忠退后悔 If you do not learn from a good teacher,you will regret it. If you do not make friends with a sage,you will regret it. If you do not show filial piety,you will regret it when your parents die. If you are not loyal to your boss,you will regret it when you are fired. 见义不为过后悔 见危不救陷后悔 因果不信报后悔 佛道不修死后悔 If you do not have the courage to do what's right,you will regret it always. If you do not save someone from danger,you will regret it. If yiu do not believe in the law of causality,you will regret it after the karmic retribution. If you do not walk the path of Buddhahood,you will regret it after you die. 想要树立良好的形象,要立德 想要获得事业的成功,要立志 想要改善自我的生活,要立业 想要赢得后人的缅怀,要立言 Attain virtue to gain repute. Go into business to improve your life. Make a plan to succeed in business. Write with skill to be celebrated by history. 没有志气的人 千言万语好比耳边风 胸怀大志的人 一言半语皆如及时雨 For the hesitant,a thousand words do not help. For the determined,a word or two is like spring rain. 人生最大的敌人 不是别人,而是自己 人生最大的胜利 不是制敌,而是克己 You are your biggest enemy. Subduing yourself is your greatest victory. 滥用则多费 多费则多营 多营则多求 多求则多辱 You must spend greatly to squander greatly. If you spend greatly,you must scheme grandly. If you scheme grandly,you will demand greatly. If you demand greatly,you will be humbled massively. 能宽者为广 能广者为大 能大者为容 能容者为有 A magnanimous person may be learned. A learned person may be great. A great person will be tolerant. A tolerant person may be wealthy. 多读历史的名人故事可以养量 多想自己的心胸怀抱可以养志 To cultivate magnanimity,study the lives of the great. To cultivate determination,weigh your ideals and aspirations. 名利勘不破,道德难以增长 私情放不下,事功难以建立 To cultivate virtue you must renounce fame and gain. Your career will fail if you don't renounce selfishness. 宁可认错,莫要说谎 宁可被怪,莫要负疚 宁可吃亏,莫要结怨 宁可无用,莫要祸世 Better to admit a mistake than to lie. Better to be wronged than to do wrong. Better to be taken advantage of than to have bad relations. Better to be thought useless than to bring ruin to the world. 以宽厚为师,可以养量 以俭仆为师,可以养家 以奋发为师,可以养志 以淡泊为师,可以养德 Use magnanimity to grow more magnanimous. Use frugality to sustain your family. Use earnestness to cultivate your resolve. Use detachment to enlarge your virtue. 人生的旅途,不怕跑得慢 就怕原地站 人生的事业,不怕不如人 就怕志不立 In your lifelong journey press forward,but relax when things sometimes bog down. In your lifelong journey be steadfast,but stay calm when you feel overwhelmed. 心高,则气傲 心浮,则气躁 心虚,则理明 心实,则志坚 If your mind is proud,you will be arrogant. If your mind is vacillating,you will be impatient. If your mind is modest,you will be astute. If your mind is pragmatic,you will be resolute. 凡人但见「利之为利」 不知「无害之利」为大 圣人既见「害之为害」 尢知「有利之害」为盛 We must recognize that a good deed that is harmless is far better than one that harms a few. The wise know that a bad deed that helps somebody is far worse than one that helps nobody. 山珍海味少不了盐 花语巧语当不了钱 功成名就少不了行 投机取巧少了不功 Salt makes a delicious dish sumptuous. Honeyed words cannot make you rich. Practice is rquired for attainment. Opportunism cannot make you a success. 实务比理论有用 行动比空谈有力 勤学比天才有成 苦干比聪明有功 More useful than theory is practice. More powerful than words is action. More valuable than genius is edu-cation. More practical than intellect is hard work. 若欲杜人之口,菲若自己谨言 若欲塞人之耳,莫若自己慎行 Cautious speech averts eavesdropping. Cautious behavior arrests gossip. 五、佛光菜根谭之生活 一等婆媳:如母女般的亲密 二等婆媳:如朋友般的尊重 三等婆媳:如君臣般的严肃 劣等婆媳:如冤家般的相聚 The first-rate relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is like the intimate relationship between mother and daughter. The second-rate relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is like the respectful relationship between friends. The third-rate relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is like the imperious relationship of queen to subject. The fourth-rate relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the spiteful relationship of two enemies. 一等父母:爱念子女,教以圣贤之道 二等父母:供给无乏,帮助成家立业 三等父母:溺爱宠信,任其游荡非为 劣等父母:不教不养,经常凌虐施暴 The first-rte parents love their children and train them in the way of sages. The second-rate parents provide for their children's needs and help them establish families and businesses. The third-rate parents pamper their children and leave them to idle away. The fourth-rate parents do not train their children, but rather often mistreat them. 一等儿女:孝悌恭敬,晨昏定省 二等儿女:供亲所需,敬业乐业 三等儿女:游闲疏懒,结交损友 劣等儿女:作奸犯科,忤亲逆伦 The first-rate children show filial piety and address their parents morning and evening. The second-rate children work hard to fulfill their parents' needs. The third-rate children are lazy and make friends with bad people. The fourth-rate children do bad thing and disobey their parents. 一等丈夫,幽默说笑,助理家务 二等丈夫,喝茶看报,赞美太太 三等丈夫,气势凌人,嫌东嫌西 劣等丈夫,在外交际,游荡不归 The first-rate husband has a sense of humor and helps with chores. The second-rate husband enjoys tea with his newspaper,and praises his wife constantly. The third-rate husband is a bully and complainer. The fourth-rate husband revels with friends and returns home late. 一等太太,治家整洁,贤慧有德 二等太太,慰问丈夫,赞美辛劳 三等太太,唠叨不休,嫌怪家事 劣等太太,搬是弄非,制造事端 The first-rate wife is virtuous and keeps a neat home. The second-rate wife comforts and praises her husband. The third-rate wife is a nag and complainer. The fourth-rate wife gossips and makes trouble. 一等出家人:发菩提心,行菩萨道 二等出家人:发出离心,安分守道 三等出家人:攀缘世情,俗不可耐 劣等出家人:自私自利,不守清规 The first-rate monastice have Bodhi minds and walk the path of the Bodhisattva. The second-rate monastics aspire to be detached from worldly affairs,law-abiding,and content. The third-rate monastics are vulgar,and inclined to worldly affairs. The fourth-rate monastics are selfish,and reject pure precepts. 一等信徒:恭敬三宝,助宣文教 二等信徒:护法卫僧,正知正见 三等信徒:贡高我慢,自赞毁他 劣等信徒:正邪不分,谤僧毁法 The first-rate devotees honor the Triple Gem and help spread Buddhist teaching and education. The second-rate devotees shelter the Dharma and the Sangha out of right understanding of Buddhism. The third-rate devotees arrogantly praise themselves while slandering others. The fourth-rate devotees cannot tell the true from the corrupt, but slander the Sangha and the Dharma. 一等主管:关怀员工,尊重专业 二等主管:信任授权,人性管理 三等主管:官僚作风,气势凌人 劣等主管:疑心猜忌,不通人情 The first-rate managers care for their workers and respect their skills. The second-rate managers trust their workers to do their jobs. The third-rate managers are arrogant bureaucrats. The fourth-rate managers are jealous,suspicious, and inconsiderate. 一等员工:敬业乐群,忠勤作务 二等员工:认真负责,无愧操守 三等员工:偷懒怠情,胡混时光 劣等员工:制造事端,损人利己 The first-rate employees respect their jobs and co-workers,and are loyal and diligent in performance. The second-rate employees work hard and responsibly,and are moral in their conduct. The third-rate employees are lazy and waste time. The fourth-rate employees incite conflicts for their own gain but others' harm. 一等同事:互相尊重,推敬其能 二等同事:合作无间,互补互信 三等同事:孤僻独行,自以为是 劣等同事:兴风作浪,破坏好事 The first-rate colleagues respect and commend each other's abilities. The second-rate colleagues work well together,trusting and helping each other. The third-rate colleagues are egocentric loners who scorn the opinions of others. The fourth-rate colleagues are trouble-makers who undermine the achievements of others. 一等朋友:规过劝善,教以正道 二等朋友:患难与共,砌磋互勉 三等朋友:趋炎附势,以势利交 劣等朋友:吃喝玩乐,朋比为奸 The first-rate friends help correct your mistakes by showing you the right path. The second-rate friends encourage you and stay with you in adversity. The third-rate friends hang on influential people and are snobs to all the rest. The fourth-rate friends are dissolute,and lead the rest astray. 一等医师:术德兼备,视病如亲 二等医师:医术高明,不耐询问 三等医师:纯为工作,毫无悲心 劣等医师:态度轻忽,草菅人命 The first-rate doctors are skilled and virtuous,and treat their patients like family. The second-rate doctors,though skilled,don't tolerate their patients' queries. The third-rate doctors are without compassion. The fourth-rate doctors are careless and indifferent to human life. 一等护士:温和耐烦,悉心照顾 二等护士:按时巡视,不亏职守 三等护士:公事公办,不耐厌烦 劣等护士:晚娘面孔,脾气暴躁 The first-rate nurses are kind and uncomplaining,and care well for patients. The second-rate nurses diligently watch the wards. The third-rate nurses lack patience and work strictly by the rules. The fourth-rate nurses are crabby,like stepmothers. 一等官员:勤政爱民,理性沟通 二等官员:操守清廉,洁身自爱 三等官员:吹牛拍马,党派营私 劣等官员:公器私用,仗势欺人 The first-rate officials are diligent administrators who care about people and keep them informed. The second-rate officials conscientiously shield themselves from corruption. The third-rate officials boast and flatter,and conspire to reap the fruits of self-interest. The fourth-rate officials are bullies who use public property for their own gain. 一等秘书:主管所需,了若指掌 二等秘书:主管交待,及时配合 三等秘书:随时提醒,犹常误事 劣乖秘书:心不在焉,有错不改 The first-rate secretaries anticipate their bosses' needs. The second-rate secretaries execute their bosses' instructions. The third-rate secretaries make many mistakes, and must always be admonished. The fourth-rate secretaries forget everything and never correct their mistakes. 一等律师:尽己所能,仗义伸冤 二等律师:态度亲切,主动解疑 三等律师:只为赚钱,敷衍塞责 劣等律师:见钱眼开,罔顾道德 The first-rate lawyers are devoted to justice and the dismissal of false charges. The second-rate lawyers are devoted to their clients,and strive to solve their problems. The third-rate lawyers care only for the pay,and can't wait to get home. The fourth-rate lawyers have lost their honor in the struggle for personal gain. 一等警察:见义勇为,亲民爱民 二等警察:尽忠职守,认真负责 三等警察:上班下班,人事周到 劣等警察:官腔十足,欺压善良 The first-rate police are brave and love the people. The second-rate police are honest and hard-working. The third-rate police just punch a clock and get along by going along. The fourth-rate police are bullies and bureaucrats. 一等传媒:正面报导,启迪人心 二等传媒:报导如实,客观公正 三等传媒:捕风捉影,主观偏颇 劣等传媒:扭曲事实,哗众取宠 The first-rate media file uplifting reports that make people happy. The second-rate media file reports that are objective and fair. The third-rate media file reports that are subjective and unsubstantiated. The fourth-rate media distort truth to gain attention and favor. 一等店员:老少无欺,顾主第一 二等店员:认真负责,服务亲切 三等店员:态度冷淡,爱理不理 劣等店员:见到客人,就像债主 The first-rate shop clerks treat customers as guests,and never cheat. The second-rate shop clerks are earnest and kind. The third-rate shop clerks are cold and indifferent. The fourth-rate shop clerks treat customers like beggars. 一等司机:安全整洁,守法礼让 二等司机:快慢得宜,遵守号志 三等司机:只会开车,不重规则 劣等司机:喜怒情绪,横冲直撞 The first-rate drivers are careful,tidy,law-abiding,and courteous. The second-rate drivers obey sign and drive safely. The third-rate drivers ignore the rules. The fourth-rate drivers are emotional and erratic. 一等导游:常识丰富,热情介绍 二等导游:平实亲切,定点解说 三等导游:不苟言笑,所知有限 劣等导游:冷漠无趣,不知所云 The first-rate tourist guides know their subject and take interest in their clients. The second-rate tourist guides are kind and open,and explain everything. The third-rate tourist guides know little and care less. The fourth-rate tourist guides are unintelligible,cold,and dour. 一等厨师:兼管六口锅,气定神闲 二等厨师:一人四个灶,犹能谈笑 三等厨师:照顾二个炉,得需助手 劣等厨师:只管一炉灶,手忙脚乱 The first-rate cooks can manage six stoves without stress. The second-rate cooks can manage four stoves and tell jokes. The third-rate cooks can manage two stoves with help. The fourth-rate cooks can barely manage one stove. 一等义工:谦虚热诚,真心奉献 二等义工:耐劳耐烦,完成任务 三等义工:玩票性质,没有信义 劣等义工:态度恶劣,沽名钓誉 The first-rate volunteers are modest,warm,and dedicated. The second-rate volunteers are patient and hard-working. The third-rate volunteers are indifferent and break promises. The fourth-rate volunteers are malicious and insulting. 一等人:很能干,也没有脾气 二等人:很能干,但脾气很大 三等人:不能干,也没有脾气 劣等人:不能干,脾气却很大 The first-rate people are capable and even-tempered. The second-rate people are capable but hot-tempered. The third-rate people are not capable but even-tempered. 一等国家,国富民富 二等国家,国穷民富 三等国家,国富民穷 劣等国家,国穷民穷 The first-rate country and its people are rich. The second-rate country is poor,while the people are rich. The third-rate country is rich,while the people are poor. The fourth-rate country and its people are poor. 一等的学习:自己教育自己 二等的学习:朋友互相砥砺 三等的学习:等着老师教导 劣等的学习:拒绝所有言教 The first-rate learning is self-motivated. The second-rate learning comes of the encouragement of friends. The third-rate learning waits for the right teacher. The fourth-rate learning rejects all schooling. 一等根器的人,凭着崇高理想而行事 二等根器的人,凭着常识经验而工作 三等根器的人,凭着自己需要而生活 劣等根器的人,凭着损人利己而苟存 The first-rate people act with sublime ideals. The second-rate people act with common sense according to their experiences. The third-rate people act according to their needs and desires. The fourth-rate people act to hurt others. 有慈悲有智慧,是一等人 有慈悲无智慧,是二等人 有智慧无慈悲,是三等人 无慈悲无智慧,是劣等人 The first-rate people are compassionate and intelligent. The second-rate people are compassionate but not intelligent. The third-rate people are intelligent but not compassionate. The fourth-rate people are neither compassionate nor intelligent. 儿女有慈母的教育 这是人生最幸福的事情 丈夫有贤妻的扶持 这是世间最美满的境界 学生有良师的栽培 这是前途最有力的助缘 老师有英才的传授 这是学界最美好的佳话 Best for children:a mother's tranining. Best for a husband:his wife's support. Best causes and conditions for a student:education by a master. Best happiness for a teacher:a former student's eminence. 公婆的微笑,是子孙的太阳 儿女的音声,是父母的音乐 妻子的爱语,是丈夫的和风 丈夫的臂膀,是全家的依靠 Voices of children are music to parents. Grandchildren glow in the laughter of grandparents. Wives' endearments the dawn breeze for husbands. Fathers' embrace a refuge for families. 学习欢喜,会成为一个「欢喜佛」 学习自在,会成为一个「自在佛」 学习包容,会成为一个「包容佛」 学习圆通,会成为一个「圆通佛」 Learn to be happy to become a happy Buddha. Learn to be carefree to become a carefree Buddha. Learn to be tolerant to become a tolerant Buddha. Learn to be friendly to become a friehdly Buddha. 夫妻不和是儿女的不幸 兄弟阋墙是父母的伤痛 员工相争是企业的损失 人民斗乱是国家的悲哀 It hurts children when parents are at odds. It hurts parents when children quarrel. It hurts a business when employees fight. It hurts the nation when citizens are discontent. 感情的交流,以公理正义为原则 语言的沟通,以体谅包容为雅量 人我的相处,以不违情理为自然 金钱的运用,以量入为出为正常 Act with righteousness. Speak with tolerance. Be friendly and behave rationally. Do not spend more than you have. 人生,不惧艰辛,要攀峰越岭 人生,不怕疲累,要跋山涉水 人生,不惜身命,要出生入死 人生,不计危难,要赴汤蹈火 Don't be afraid of hardship: transcend it. Don't be afraid of exhaustion:keep going. Don't be afraid of danger:be daring. Don't be afraid of dying:seize your chance. 一切事业的成功,端赖人和的沟通 沟通人和的要点,必须彼此的互重 Business success requires harmony with others. The key to harmony is mutual respect. 看地理不如看心理 看地理不如重伦理 看地理不如讲道理 盾地理不如信真理 It is better to cultivate the mind,empha-size moral principles,be rational,and believe in the truth than to seek advice from a fortune-teller. 平心静气,心情自然好 虚心谦下,人缘自然好 Patience and tranquility bring good feelings. Modesty brings good affinity. 得理而能饶人,是谓厚道 厚道则路宽 无理而又损人,是谓霸道 霸道则路窄 If you are right and forgiving,you are virtuous;virtue broadens your scope. If you are wrong and quarrelsome,you are bullying;bullying narrows your scope. 「讲清楚,说明白」 是人际相处的妙方 「改心性,革陋习」 是自我进步的动力 Making everything clear is magic way to get along with people. Transforming your bad habits and thoughts accelerates your progress. 如得人意,却不得我意 如得我意,却不得人意 要得人如我意,除非我如人意 人人所得如意,大家万事如意 To make others happy,we may have to suffer. To make us happy,others may have to suffer. Make others happy before we make ourselves happy. If everybody is happy,all will be well. 毋争利而伤兄弟手足之天伦 毋自私而断亲朋挚友之情谊 毋贪吝而弃天道圣贤之仁慈 毋暴戾而坏国家社会之祥和 Don't fight your brothers and sisters for advantage. Don't hurt friends and family from selfishness. Don't deny others the compassion of the sages out of your greed and stinginess. Don't damage the harmony of society and country by violent acts. 做事要有计划 用钱要有预算 修学要有目标 未来要有希望 Make a plan before you act. Make a budget before you use the money. Set a goal before you practice. Have a hope for the future. 就事论事,这是用人的原则 通情达理,这是处世的准则 荣辱与共,这是交友的法则 生死无惧,这是生活的理则 The way to treat people is to be fair. The way to live is to be intelligent and rational. The way to make friends is to share their honor and humiliation. The way to carry on is not to fear life or death. 在物质上能淡泊,则不为形役 在心性上能淡泊,则不为情困 在名利上能淡泊,则不为世迁 在情感上能淡泊,则不为境转 When you are detached from possessions,from name and gain,from passions and troubled thoughts,you won't be discouraged by what may come. 宽可以容人 厚可以载物 勤可以补拙 俭可以却贫 Magnanimity leads to tolerance. Tolerance leads to responsible actions. Diligence lets you reach your goal. Frugality will make you rich. 有德,人必尊之 有功,人必崇之 有容,人必附之 有量,人必从之 With virtue,you will be respected. With achievements,you will be adored. With magnanimity,you will be acclaimed. With tolerance,you will be followed. 遇事忍为妙,忍能解灾厄 处世善为宝,善能增福报 Patience is a magic way to banish disaster. Kindness is a magic way to increase your merits. 懂得做事的人,要做「本份事」 懂得做人的人,要做「本份人」 Those who understand business perform well. Those who understand how to get along behave well. 勤奋不故意拖延 忍耐不顾忌怯弱 勇敢不过度自责 放下不计较得失 Work diligently and don't procrastinate. Be patient though you may be thought cowardly. Be brave and don't blame yourself too much. Be detached and surredner gain and loss. 居家要选好邻 旅行要选好伴 求知要选善书 励行要选益友 Choose good neightbors for living. Choose good companions for travel. Choose good books for knowledge. Choose good friends for practice. 世道坎坷,靠一「耐」字能通行 人心难测,靠一「诚」字能知交 When life is hard,patience helps. When people are hard to figure out,honesty helps win intimate friends. 饮食八分饱,精神才会好 讲话留三分,日后好相见 To stay in good,spirts,don't overeat. To get along,don't speak harshly of others. 赞誉之词可于人后言,闻者心喜 批评之话当于人前说,可免是非 Praising people behind their backs makes them happy. Criticizing people to their faces avoids gossip. 多一个朋友,自然少一个敌人 多一分努力,自然少一分挫败 One more friend is one less enemy. A day of hard work is a day of satisfaction. 红花必须要有绿叶的陪衬 才能显出整体的美感 明月必须要有众星的点缀 才能表现夜色的美丽 主管必须要有属下的拥护 才能发挥集体的创作 个人必须要有大众的性格 才能开展全面的人生 Ared flower needs green leaves to display the tree's beauty. A bright moon needs a sea of stars to display the night's beauty. A boss needs to get his subordinates working together to get the job done. A person needs the courage to embrace the mulititude to enjoy a full life. 冷静倾听,不只增加知识 而且受人欢迎 空谈闲论,不只令人生厌 而且暴己之短 Patient listening expands your knowledge and makes you welcome. Empty talk and gossip show your shortcomings and make you unwelcome. 发心行道,自能聚合善缘 热心助人,自能累积经验 Aspiring to practice and cultivation helps accumulate good causes and conditions. Readiness to help broadens your experience. 物质的苦乐没有标准 心中的自在才有价值 成功的定义因人而异 道德的圆成才是重要 A carefree mind is more valued than pleasure. Virtue is more valued than success in business. 「回响」是传达心意最动听的音声 「附和」是表现善意最美好的礼物 Feedback is needed after you say what you think. Unanimity is the best sign of a good reception. 宁与君子理论,莫与小人计较 宁与智者吵架,不与愚者论道 Better to deal with a virtuous than a mean person. Better to debate a wise than a foolish person. 年年不忘春耕,自然能够秋收 时时不离助人,自然能得人助 念念不起恶心,自然没有业果 处处不搅人我,自然没有是非 Spring planting leads to autuman harvest. Your helping hand always gains help from others. No evil mind: no karmic retribution. No discrimination: no gossip. 静下来聆听对方的音声 是「沟通」的秘方 动起来帮助对方的需要 是「谈判」的筹码 Listening is the key to communicating. Helping is the key to negotiating. 海军要与恶浪博斗 陆军要在沙场奋战 空军要冒飞弹袭击 装甲要能后方供输 全民要有心理武装 Navy fights on the sea. Army fights on the land. Air force fights in the sky. All armed forces defend against attack. Logistical forces supply the front lines. All the people must be mentally armed. 不愁物质的匮乏,但做心灵的富翁 不怕世间的贫苦,但做自在的主人 Don't worry about scarcity: be rich in your mind. Don't worry about poverty: be your own master. 儿童是家庭未来的希望 少年是国家未来的主人 青年是人间未来的栋梁 老年是社会未来的典范 Chilren are the hope of the family. Youth will be the leaders of the country. Young men and women will be the elite of the world. The elderly will be the models for society. 肯定自己,才能向前 尊重别人,才有助缘 Self-recognition helps us move forward. Respecting others helps us obtain favorable conditions. 参学,参了还要学 学问,学了要会问 When you visit a new place,try to learn about it. Asking questions,you will learn. 除非不学,要学就要学会 否则绝不放弃 除非不问,要问就要问懂 否则绝不放弃 除非不想,要想就要想通 否则绝不放弃 除非不知,要知就要知透 否则绝不放弃 Unless you don't want to learn,learn deeply and never quit. Unless you don't want an answer,demand an answer and never quit. Unless you don't want to think,think until you understand and never quit. Unless you don't want to know,know it well and never quit. 决心可以使人不致半途而废 毅力可以使人走上成功之路 Determination helps you reach your goal. Perseverance leads to success. 从长相来判断一个人 不如从所学来判断一个人 从所学来判断一个人 不如从心志来判断一个人 Judge people by their thoughts, not their smiles. Judge people by their intent, not their thoughts. 没有机会的时候,广结善缘 机会来的临的时候,及时掌握 When there is nothing to do,at least make good affinity with others. But when the chance comes to act,seize it. 幼儿时,要重视礼貌的习惯 长大后才能受人喜爱 年轻时,要学会看书的习惯 年老时才容易度日 中年时,要培养修行的习惯 生活中才能懂得去来 老年时,要懂得保健的习惯 晨昏里才能照顾自己 Training children in courtesy makes them welcome adults. Teaching children to read comforts their old age. Cultivate practice in middle age to live well. Care for yourself now to live nealthy in old age. 处世要有大无畏的勇敢 行事要有大格局的前瞻 做人要有大气度的担当 修行要有不退转的精神 Conduct yourself with courage. Do business with vision. Shoulder your responsibility to society. Always practice. 温言鼓舞,是最大的上进动力 包容谅解,是最佳的知心良友 Tender encouragement moves people farther. Tolerance and understanding are intimate friends. 事烦莫惧,可以化繁就简 是非莫辩,可以改非为真 操守莫亏,可以清廉自持 因果莫负,可以事理一如 Don't be afraid of complex affairs; simplify them. Don't argue when wronged; change wrong to right. Be discreet and incorruptible. Follow the law of causality to realize the truth. 以平常心面对世事 以欢喜心学习接受 以服务心和人结缘 以感恩心回馈社会 Face the world with a peaceful mind. Accept adversity with joy in your mind. Make affinity with a mind to serve others. Repay society with a grateful mind. 团结必能和谐,和谐必须团结 分工必须合作,合作要能分工 Unity leads to harmony; harmony requires unity. Doing your job well requires that you cooperate; the cooperation of others lets you do your job well. 日记,是一个人生活的轨辙 日记,是一个人成长的写照 日记,是一个人经验的记载 日记,是一个人生命的历史 A diary is the map of your life. A diary is the chart of your growth. A diary is the record of your experience. A diary is the history of your past. 凡事不可过份希望于人 必须穷身力行,方能有济 凡事不可过份执着于己 必须集思广益,才能成功 Don't depend on others: rely on yourself for success. Don't be stubborn: to succeed,get other opinions. 常以「尊敬」「信实」 与上司沟通,下情自能上达 能以「尊重」、「信任」 与部属往来,上令必能下行 Respect your boss when you must talk to him. Respect your subordinates,and trust them to carry out orders. 为自求进步 应该以「养气」代替「怨气」 为成就事业 应该以「和气」代替「意气」 To succeed in life, cultivate spirtuality instead of complaint. To succeed in business,cultivate harmony instead of passion. 过多的爱护并非不好 但要受得起也给得起 受得起不会给人失望 给得起不会辜负人意 Too much caring is not necessarily bad, but one should know how to receive and to give. Being able to receive, you encourage others; being able to give, you satisfy others. 少年要有礼赞生命的感恩 青年要有自觉信念的价值 壮年要有活水源头的精进 老年要有欢喜生活的平静 Children should praise and be grateful for life. Youth should awaken to the value of faith. Young men and women should gush like a fountain. The elderly should enjoy a tranquil life. 人生最大的福报,莫如无病康健 处世最大的乐事,莫如无事免难 The luckiest thing is to be healthy. The happiest thing is to be secure. 对财物要有惜福、惜情、惜缘的珍惜之心 对事物要有尽善、尽美、尽心的无愧之念 We must cherish property as we do merit, love and sentiment, and affinity. We must manage our business well to avoid regrets. 做事要发心 开发心地才能生长万物 待人要慈悲 与慈行悲才能得到人缘 Ambition in business can increase merit and virtue. Treating people with compassion makes for good relationships. 思想要有活见解 做事须下死工夫 Thinking requires fresh ideas. Working requires real effort. 越多做,越能做 越会忙,越能忙 The more you do, the more you can do. The busier you are,the busier you can be. 身体有病,要靠医生来诊疗 心灵生病,要靠自己来医治 Illness is cured by a doctor. Madness is cured by yourself. 为人要有品德 做事要有品质 立业要有品格 生活要有品味 To behave well, be moral. To handle affairs, be good. To conduct business,be upright. To live well, have good taste. 为人之德只在「谦让」 修身之道只在「正派」 行善之要只在「喜舍」 朋友之交只在「情义」 The highest virtue is modesty. The way of practice is righteousness. The key to good deeds is generosity. The key to making friends is kindness and justice. 过份节俭者,会给人指为吝啬 过份谦让者,会给人讥为畏缩 过份胆小者,会给人评为卑贱 过份快速者,会给人认为马虎 Too much frugality is called stinginess. Too much modesty is called prudery. Too much caution is called timidity. Too little caution is called recklessness. 勤则家兴 懒则家倾 俭则家富 奢则家贫 Diligence makes a family wealthy. Laziness makes a family decline. Frugality makes a family prosper. Extravagance makes a family poor. 俭朴是穷人的财富 俭朴是富人的智慧 俭仆是治国的要件 俭朴是廉洁的品德 Thrift brings fortune to the poor. Thrift is the virtue of the rich. Thrift is essential to ruling a country. Thrift is a virtue that cannot be corrupted. 处事依据道理 行为遵循伦理 做人要能讲理 学道须究真理 In business, be principled. In society, be ethical. To get along, be reasonable. To practice Buddhism, learn the truth. 委屈自己,才能跟人团结 自我牺牲,才能跟人合作 To unite, compromise. To work with others, be flexible. 用容颜表达欢喜 用双肩担当责任 用微笑美化人生 用胸怀包容一切 Show happiness with your expression. Bear responsibilities with your shoulders. Make a better life with your smile. Embrace the world with your heart. 在发怒的时候有慈悲的心肠 在慈悲的时候有发怒的认真 在拥有的时候有喜舍的个性 在喜舍的时候有拥有的感受 When you are angry, also be compassionate. When you are compassionate,also be serious. When you own something, you can enjoy giving. When you practice joyful giving, you can feel you own something. 若能以「牛马」精神服务大众 必为大家尊敬 若能以「龙象」姿态成就事业 必为社会中坚 If we serve others like cattle or horses, we will be respected. If we succeed in business like the dragon or elephant, we can be society's elite. 面对苦恼时,不要伤心流泪 要以悲愤为力量 面对委屈时,不要叹息失望 要以忍耐为担当 面对诱惑时,不要虚荣迷茫 要以禅定为舟航 面对荣耀时,不要患得患失 要以克制为良方 Facing trouble,don't be sad and weep, but transform sorrow to strength. Facing grievance,don't sigh and be disappointed, but shoulder it with patience. Facing temptation, don't be lost, but sail on with meditation, and mindfulness. Facing honor, don't calculate gain or loss, but be restrained. 六、佛光菜根谭之启示 001 人若自大,其实正显示自己的无知 人能谦虚,其实正表示自己的无求 Arrogance betrays ignorance. modesty reveals contentment. 002 能不计一时成败 才能成就千秋之伟业 能不计个人得失 才能图谋万民之福祉 Indifference to defeat frees you for great deeds. Indifference to gain frees you for great service 003 有远见者,看未来而不看眼前 有抱负者,积德业而不积盛名 有作为者,争千秋而不争一时 有弘愿者,为大众而不为自己 Wise people look to the future,not to today. Right-aspiring people prefer virtue to status. Able people prefer great deeds to a moment's fame. People who embrace a great vow work for everybody,not just themselves. 004 不懂反省的人 永远看不到自己的缺点 不肯奋发的人 永远用不到自己的长处 Examine yourself to learn your faults. Work hard to make your merits useful. 005 失意时要“退一步想”,自我沉潜 得意时要“想下一步”,自我惕厉 When things are not going well,stay calm. When things are going well,plan for a crisis. 006 为人,群而不尝,则可以留美名 为将,败而不降,则可以垂青史 为臣,公而不私,则可以扬后世 为君,屈而不辱,则可以传千古 Whoever gets along well can be famous. A general who does not yield will be cheered. An official who is impartial will be praised. A ruler who overcomes dishonor will be revered. 007 成功要靠自己努力,别无他途 失败要靠自己检讨,犹有可为 There is no success except by hard work. Success comes when you learn from your failure. 008 有丰富的内涵 才能散发优雅的气质 有沉潜的蕴酿 才能奋发生命的动力 Kindness and patience reveal your grace. Calm preparation can revive your prospects. 009 学问在于治心 心不治,纵学无益 思惟在于悟理 理不悟,纵思无益 Training that does not discipline the mind is useless. Thought that does not enlighten is worthless. 010 常对群众不满,终遭群众遗弃 常觉自己不足,终能进德修业 Whoever is too ambitious will be discarded. Whoever confronts his failings can succeed. 011 自尊要防止傲慢,傲慢不能进步 自谦要防止自卑,自卑不能成功 Be confident,but avoid the trap of arrogance. Be modest ,but avoid the error of self-contempt. 012 做事可以失败,但不能做人失败 过去可以失败,但不能未来失败 Your business has failed,but your life goes on. Your business failed yesterday,not tomorrow. 013 功名富贵都是人世虚荣 胸襟浩大才是人生受用 Wealth and position are empty glories. Magnanimity achieves great success. 014 要做老大,先要懂得做老二 要做主管,先要懂得做属下 If you wish to be first,learn to be second. If you wish to be boss,learn how to labor. 015 说话断人希望,也是杀生 助成别人因缘,也是护生 Speech that deepens despair is a kind of knife. Providing good causes and conditions saves others from harm. 016 世间上没有小人物 只要发大心,就是大人物 世间上没有大问题 只要虚其心,就没大不了 No one is small who aspires greatly. No problem is large when prospects are modest. 017 知过改过是求得心安的最好办法 知恩报恩是增品进德的最佳途径 For peace of mind,correct your errors. To cultivate virtue,repay favors. 018 改变自己最大的力量就是忏悔 肯定自己最大的力量就是发心 Repentance has the greatest transforming power. Aspiration is the greatest confidence builder. 019 最容易毁灭人生的就是烦恼 最容易成就伟人的就是逆境 Defilement is the most destructive thing in life. Disadvantage is the best condition for success. 020 有突破困难的决心 才能获得良机 有接受失败的勇气 才会获致成功 Determination to succeed brings good fortune. Courage to fail brings hope of success. 021 能够自我检讨 别人必难议我之非 能够自我反省 别人必难入我心罪 Self-awareness turns aside criticism. Self-awareness turns aside blame. 022 保持现状,就是落伍 踌躇不前,就是退步 Never changing is regressing. Always hesitating is regressing. 023 人生最大的平安是: 心安理得、俯仰无愧 人生最大的危机是: 心高气傲、刚愎自用 The best refuge is tranquility and a clear heart. The worst calamity is pride and stubbornness. 024 所谓勇者 是敢于向自己醜陋习性挑战的人 所谓仁者 是不断对别人醜陋习性包容的人 The valiant reform their bad habits. The generous put up with others'habits. 025 决心做、用心做 没有做不成的事 决心改、用心改 没有改不了的过 The determined can achieve anything. The determined can erase all their faults. 026 世间事没有绝对的成功 只有不断进步 世间法没有所谓的公平 只有真理无私 There is only progress,not absolute success. Only the truth is absolutely just. 027 心善,则触目所及皆真善美 心恶,则言行举止皆贪瞋痴 A good heart sees truth,goodness,and beauty. An evil heart shows greed,hatred,and ignorance. 028 大愿没能提得起 是非就放不下 是非没能放得下 大愿就提不起 Making a great vow helps you halt gossip. Halting gossip helps you m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 六、佛光菜根谭之启示 001 人若自大,其实正显示自己的无知 人能谦虚,其实正表示自己的无求 Arrogance betrays ignorance. modesty reveals contentment. 002 能不计一时成败 才能成就千秋之伟业 能不计个人得失 才能图谋万民之福祉 Indifference to defeat frees you for great deeds. Indifference to gain frees you for great service 003 有远见者,看未来而不看眼前 有抱负者,积德业而不积盛名 有作为者,争千秋而不争一时 有弘愿者,为大众而不为自己 Wise people look to the future,not to today. Right-aspiring people prefer virtue to status. Able people prefer great deeds to a moment's fame. People who embrace a great vow work for everybody,not just themselves. 004 不懂反省的人 永远看不到自己的缺点 不肯奋发的人 永远用不到自己的长处 Examine yourself to learn your faults. Work hard to make your merits useful. 005 失意时要“退一步想”,自我沉潜 得意时要“想下一步”,自我惕厉 When things are not going well,stay calm. When things are going well,plan for a crisis. 006 为人,群而不尝,则可以留美名 为将,败而不降,则可以垂青史 为臣,公而不私,则可以扬后世 为君,屈而不辱,则可以传千古 Whoever gets along well can be famous. A general who does not yield will be cheered. An official who is impartial will be praised. A ruler who overcomes dishonor will be revered. 007 成功要靠自己努力,别无他途 失败要靠自己检讨,犹有可为 There is no success except by hard work. Success comes when you learn from your failure. 008 有丰富的内涵 才能散发优雅的气质 有沉潜的蕴酿 才能奋发生命的动力 Kindness and patience reveal your grace. Calm preparation can revive your prospects. 009 学问在于治心 心不治,纵学无益 思惟在于悟理 理不悟,纵思无益 Training that does not discipline the mind is useless. Thought that does not enlighten is worthless. 010 常对群众不满,终遭群众遗弃 常觉自己不足,终能进德修业 Whoever is too ambitious will be discarded. Whoever confronts his failings can succeed. 011 自尊要防止傲慢,傲慢不能进步 自谦要防止自卑,自卑不能成功 Be confident,but avoid the trap of arrogance. Be modest ,but avoid the error of self-contempt. 012 做事可以失败,但不能做人失败 过去可以失败,但不能未来失败 Your business has failed,but your life goes on. Your business failed yesterday,not tomorrow. 013 功名富贵都是人世虚荣 胸襟浩大才是人生受用 Wealth and position are empty glories. Magnanimity achieves great success. 014 要做老大,先要懂得做老二 要做主管,先要懂得做属下 If you wish to be first,learn to be second. If you wish to be boss,learn how to labor. 015 说话断人希望,也是杀生 助成别人因缘,也是护生 Speech that deepens despair is a kind of knife. Providing good causes and conditions saves others from harm. 016 世间上没有小人物 只要发大心,就是大人物 世间上没有大问题 只要虚其心,就没大不了 No one is small who aspires greatly. No problem is large when prospects are modest. 017 知过改过是求得心安的最好办法 知恩报恩是增品进德的最佳途径 For peace of mind,correct your errors. To cultivate virtue,repay favors. 018 改变自己最大的力量就是忏悔 肯定自己最大的力量就是发心 Repentance has the greatest transforming power. Aspiration is the greatest confidence builder. 019 最容易毁灭人生的就是烦恼 最容易成就伟人的就是逆境 Defilement is the most destructive thing in life. Disadvantage is the best condition for success. 020 有突破困难的决心 才能获得良机 有接受失败的勇气 才会获致成功 Determination to succeed brings good fortune. Courage to fail brings hope of success. 021 能够自我检讨 别人必难议我之非 能够自我反省 别人必难入我心罪 Self-awareness turns aside criticism. Self-awareness turns aside blame. 022 保持现状,就是落伍 踌躇不前,就是退步 Never changing is regressing. Always hesitating is regressing. 023 人生最大的平安是: 心安理得、俯仰无愧 人生最大的危机是: 心高气傲、刚愎自用 The best refuge is tranquility and a clear heart. The worst calamity is pride and stubbornness. 024 所谓勇者 是敢于向自己醜陋习性挑战的人 所谓仁者 是不断对别人醜陋习性包容的人 The valiant reform their bad habits. The generous put up with others'habits. 025 决心做、用心做 没有做不成的事 决心改、用心改 没有改不了的过 The determined can achieve anything. The determined can erase all their faults. 026 世间事没有绝对的成功 只有不断进步 世间法没有所谓的公平 只有真理无私 There is only progress,not absolute success. Only the truth is absolutely just. 027 心善,则触目所及皆真善美 心恶,则言行举止皆贪瞋痴 A good heart sees truth,goodness,and beauty. An evil heart shows greed,hatred,and ignorance. 028 大愿没能提得起 是非就放不下 是非没能放得下 大愿就提不起 Making a great vow helps you halt gossip. Halting gossip helps you make a great vow. 029 一已的私欲可以引起战端 一念的仇恨可以祸延子孙 一腔的热情可以化解冷漠 一心的专注可以开发潜能 Selfishness provokes war. Hatred rouses generations of calamity. Sympathy conveys warmth. Attentiveness brings progress. 030 读书,要求精不求博 用心,要求专不求杂 Study reality,not just books. Study intensely and don't be distracted. 031 乐观的人 永远为自己“比下有余”而庆幸 悲观的人 永远为自己“比上不足”而遗憾 Cheerful people treasure their advantages. Gloomy people waste time lementing their fate. 032 当愚痴的邪风吹来的时候 要抱紧智慧明理的磐石 要瞋怒的烈火炽盛的时候 应泼洒柔和忍耐的法水 当贪欲的洪流高涨的时候 需开启喜舍布施的闸门 当骄慢的高山隆起的时候 得运用谦虚尊重的巨铲 When the evil wind of ignorance blows,hold on to the rock of wisdom. When the fire of hatred burns,sprinkle it with the Dharma water of tenderness and patience. When the torrent of greed floods in,open your gate of generosity. When the mountain of arrogance swells,take up your shovel of modesty and respect. 033 成功的秘密 在于对目标的坚定有恒 成功的要诀 在于对因缘的了然于胸 The key to success is persistence. The key to success is awareness of causes and conditions. 034 不顺利的逆境,要靠勇气克服 不顺意的人事,要用雅量包容 With courage,we can conquer adversity. With magnanimity,we can tolerate unhappy relationships. 035 眼欲看,当看其邪与正 耳欲听,当听其是与非 口欲言,当言其对与错 手欲做,当做其真与假 脚欲行,当行其当与否 心欲想,当想其善与恶 To see right,eyes must look past illusion. To hear right,ears must listen with care. To speak right,mouth must tell no lies. To do right,hands must shun evil. To walk right,feet must find the path. To think right,mind must discern the truth. 036 只要有生命,未来就有希望 只要活下去,必定就有力量 Where there is life,there is hope. Where there is life,there is strength. 037 利害心愈明,则亲属不睦 贤愚心愈明,则交友不长 是非心愈明,则修道不成 好恶心愈明,则事理不契 Those who are too critical about gain or loss cannot get along with relatives. Those who discriminate sage from simpleton cannot be friends for long. Those who discriminate right from wrong too much cannot practice well. Those who discriminate like from dislike too much cannot walk the path towards truth. 038 “礼贤下士” 是身为领导者成功的要素 “妒贤害能” 是身为主管者失败的原因 Courtesy to the wise and scholarly brings a leader cuccess. Jealousy of the wise and virtuous brings a leader failure. 039 每说一句话,总是发自肺腑 不因拙于言辞而造成别人难堪 每做一件事,必然考虑周延 不因一念愚昧而误了全盤计划 Tell the truth,but don't embarrass others with indiscreet speech. Always make a plan,but don't spoil the outcome with reckless action. 040 说话 要立志说“有三千年功用”的话语 做事 要立志做“有三千年影响”的事业 作文 要立志作“有三千年价值”的文章 道德 要立志行“有三千年示范”的德行 When you make a speech,let it reverberate for 3000 years. When you do business,let it resound for 3000 years. When you publish an article,let it resonate for 3000 years. When you act righteously,be a role model for 3000 years. 041 懊悔无益 结果一生都在遗憾中度过 实践诺言 才能在现世的人生里圆满 There is no use living a life of regret. Lead a perfect life by keeping your word. 042 只要你愿意为大众写下“历史”的篇章 别人自然乐意为你留下“历史”的轨迹 As we hope to be remembered by future generations,so did our ancestors hope that we would remember them. 043 伟大的人以成就他人完成自己 卑劣的人以残害他人成就自己 Great people help others achieve greatly. Mean people hold others back. 044 欺压弱小,这是可耻的行为 征服困难,才是荣耀的举动 Bullying the weak is shameful. Solving conflicts is praiseworthy. 045 路,不可以不看就走 话,不可以不想就说 事,不可以不明就做 神,不可以不知就信 Look at the road before you cross it. Think before you speak. Plan carefully before you act. Study a new god before you worship it. 046 “谦”字可以少过 “悔”字可以除过 “退”字可以远过 “智”字可以离过 Modesty averts mistakes. Wisdom avoids errors. Repentance rids you of transgressions. Stepping back prevents demerits. 047 遇事而不惑,则可以知其智明 危难而不避,则可以知其忠勇 临财而不苟,则可以知其清廉 处公而不私,则可以知其正直 Bright people are not perplexed by what may come. Loyal,brave peole do not fly from troubles. Honest people do not take what is not theirs. Righteous people are impartial judges. 048 一事不小心,方寸大乱 三句不对理,必遭反驳 十分不耐烦,事业难成 万事学吃亏,万方来会 One small mistake can lead to chaos. Ambiguous speech can be distorted. Impatience can lead to business failure. To have good causes and conditions,bear your mistreatment by others. 049 “一鼓作气”比较容易 “再接再励”需要耐力 “连中三元”端赖恒毅 “不忘初心”才能终结 It is easy enough to do it once. It takes patience to do it twice. It takes persistence to do it three times. Persevere to the end. 050 主管不会领众 属下自然想求他去 属下不受领导 主管自然要求换人 A bad manager loses his workers. A bad worker loses his job. 051 说话要轻 论点要精 做事要专 做人要宽 Speech should be compassionate. Discussions should carry weight. Workers should be attentive. Everyone should be magnanimous. 052 心胸狭窄的人 喜欢膨胀自己,经常批评他人 心胸宽大的人 喜欢推崇他人,也爱论些观念 Narrow people boast and criticize. Open people praise and speak truth. 053 忍耐自能增加力量 明理自懂随顺因缘 Patience is power. Intelligence leads to causes and conditions. 054 发心自可庄严自己 沟通自然和谐人际 Aspiration increases esteem. Communication improves harmony. 055 说话前应先考虑,自己做得到吗? 做事前应先想想,对别人有利吗? Before speaking,should you say it? Before acting,should you do it ? 056 我们无法停止时间轨道的转动 但要从中觉悟无常的真谛 我们无法追逐日升月落的脚步 但要从中认清生命的价值 We can't stop time,but we can discover impermanence. We can't chase the sun,but we can discover the cosmos. 057 天理、良心,要求别人是在骂人 若要求自己则是讲道 无理、私心,原谅别人是谓器量 若原谅自己则是无知 Demanding that others be wise and industrious is repellent,but teaching by example is magnanimous. Pardoning the foolish and greedy is noble.but forgiving ourselves is a waste of time. 058 欢喜“自赞毁他”,必遭反弹 喜欢“谦已美人”,必得人和 Whoever slanders and seeks praise is unwelcome. Whoever is humble and gives praise is welcome. 059 以责人之心责已,必定少过 以恕已之心恕人,必然进德 For fewer mistakes,be tough with yourself. For increased merit,be easy on others. 060 不择细流者才能成江海 不辞土壤者才能成高山 不耻下问者才能致渊博 不文飾非者才能尽善美 A great ocean does not rebuff streams. A high mountain does not reject boulders. A wise man learns even from the mediocre. A great man does not conceal his mistakes. 061 薄福的人,应该常行惜福的事 薄德的人,应该常行积德的事 The wretched should try to accumulate merits. The wayward should try to improve their virtue. 062 结交益友,可以做好人 近朱者赤也 勤读传记,可以立事功 见贤思齐焉 Make worthy friends to improve your conduct. Emulate the wise to achieve success. 063 耐烦的人读书才会深入 耐烦的人做事才会圆融 耐烦的人处众才会通达 耐烦的人修行才会成就 Patience leads to the deepest truths. Patience lets you succeed in business. Patience lets you get along with others. Patience succeeds in practice and cultivation. 064 能够接受教诲 “勇于认错”的人,大都进步得快 觉得自己有理 “死不认错”的人,往往原地踏步 Those who admit their faults can advance. Those who never admit faults cannot advance. 065 争气,不要生气 好强,但不逞强 Strive for your goal and don't be impatient. Have a strong will but don't show off. 066 受人称誉要能不自满 被他欺侮要能不怨尤 遭逢失败要能不气馁 处事成功要能不骄恣 Don't be smug with praise. Don't whine about humiliation. Don't be discouraged by failure. Don't be arrogant with success. 067 一味盲进,往往自误误人 进退有据,才能有守有为 To advance blindly damages everyone's interests. To advance or retreat on principle makes you capable of great achievements. 068 当得意时 须寻一条退路,然后不危于安乐 当失意时 须寻一条出路,然后可生于忧患 When all is going sell,plan for hard times. When hard times come,you will find a way out of your distress. 069 “不忘初心”可以给我们力量 “不忘旧恶”可以给我们心和 “不计利害”可以给我们超越 “不慕虚荣”可以给我们养望 To keep strong,remember your initial purpose. To keep calm,forget grudges. Transcend gain and loss. Cultivate your virtue by despising empty glory. 070 人情比金钱重要 道义比人情更高 名誉比生命重要 良心比名誉更高 Prefer sympathy to money. Prefer justice to sympathy. Prefer reputation to life. Prefer conscience to reputation. 071 能够从善如流,自然顺理成章 只要耐烦有恒,不怕不能成功 By accepting wise counsel.you can succeed. Being persistent,you will succeed. 072 最美的语言是赞叹好人 最大的功德是助成好事 最坏的行为是骄横我慢 最劣的品行是好逸恶劳 The sweetest words praise good people. The finest merit is charity. The worst offense is arrogance. The worst fault is indolence. 073 别人善意的批评我非 我应尊之为师 别人恶意的称赞我是 我应视之为敌 When someone criticizes you with good intent,he is your teacher. When someone praises you with evil intent,he is your enemy. 074 做人要讲事非,但不要太计利害 做事要讲利害,但不要太怕是非 To get along,know right from wrong but don't fret over gain and loss. In business,be concerned about gain and loss but don't fret about gossip. 075 万谤难挡,不如一默 百事难成,唯靠一勤 When you can't avoid slander,receive it calmly. When failure is likely,try harder to succeed. 076 病从口入 若口不乱食,则病从何入? 祸从口出 若口能慎言。则祸从何出? Diseases enter by the mouth:if you take care about what you eat ,how can illness enter your body? Careless talk causes problems:if you are cautious in speech,how can there be trouble? 077 不能接受挫折时的磨炼 就不能担当大任 不能接受失败时的锻炼 就不能成就大事 不能接受毁谤时的考验 就不能发挥大用 不能接受悲伤时的经验 就不能升华大爱 If you can't bear frustration,you cannot do your job. If you can't accept failure,you cannot succeed. If you can't accept slander,you cannot be useful. If you can't accept sorrow,your love cannot grow. 078 最好的管理,就是自己管好自己 最坏的领导,就是自己言行不一 A manager must first manage himself. A leader must make his actions match his words. 079 争强好胜的人,树敌必多 委屈求全的人,道路必宽 Those who battle have many adversaries, Those who pardon have a wider road. 080 无求,自然不争 不争,自然无瞋 无瞋,自然少怨 少怨,自然多福 Without a demand there is no dispute. Without a dispute there is no hate. Without hate there is no grievance. Without grievance there is a better conclusion. 081 老 最怕的是心力衰退 而非年龄增加 人 最怕的是自己丧志 而非别人轻视 Fear not old age but loss of fortitude. Fear not scorn but loss of resolve. 082 不满足的人,找不到安乐椅 不惜福的人,找不到聚宝盆 The discontented will never find rest. The dissatisfied will never be rewarded. 083 超脱荣辱毁誉,就是解脱 看淡成败得失,就是放下 Liberation means rising above honor and humiliation,slander and praise. Detachment means rising above success and failure,gain and loss. 084 自己有过,不当讳 朋友有过,决当为之讳 自己有成,不当扬 朋友有成,决当为之扬 Conceal your friends' mistakes but not yours. Proclaim your friends' successes but not yours. 085 把握当下,才能创造继起的生命 展望未来,应该把握当下的机缘 Seize this moment to create the future. Seize present causes and conditions to improve the future. 086 无人则私 无私则公 无明则昧 无昧则智 Indifference to suffering leads to selfishness. Selflessness leads to righteousness. Lgnorance leads to delusion. Mindfulness leads to wisdom. 087 瞋怒怨恨,是烦恼的根本 感恩知足。是快乐的泉源 Anger and hatred are the root of trouble. Gratitude and content are the source of happiness. 088 欲望过多,必然穷苦不足 恬不知耻,必然贫贱卑微 疑心太重,必然受人轻视 姿态太高,必然遭人排挤 Desire leads to poverty. Loss of conscience leads to humiliation. Suspicion leads to contempt. Arrogance makes you unwelcome. 089 好心一起,一切吉祥如意 恶念一生,百万障门开启 Good will opens the gateway to good luck. Evil thought opens the gateway to hindrances. 090 退后,是为了跳得更远 压缩,是为了弹得更高 休息,是为了走得更长 韬光,是为了学得更博 Step back to jump further. Crouch back to spring higher. Rest to walk longer. Withdraw to learn better. 091 失去丈夫的寡妇必须擦干眼泪 才有力量抚养子女 没有双亲的孩子更要坚强奋斗 才有勇气面对现实 缺乏师资的学生唯有勤修自学 才能寻得学问入门 不同党派的官员若能拼除门户 才能相谋治国之方 Widows must conquer sorrow to raise children. Deprived children must be strong to face society. Badly taught students must be their own teachers. Officials must get rid of prejudices to govern. 092 秋天积谷存粮,自然不愁严冬来临 白天设奋照明,自然不怕夜幕低垂 平时积德养望,自然不忧毁誉加身 生前奉献社会,自然不惧遗憾后世 Store food in autumn to survive the cold winter. Oil your lamp by day to read by night. Increase your virtue to disdain slander. Be devoted to society to increase your merit. 093 人贵立志,有志者事竟成 人贵存诚,精诚者金石开 人贵明理,达理者去向通 人贵行善,心善者贵人来 To succeed,be determined. To persuade your opponents,be honest. To advance your career,be intelligent. To gain patronage,do good. 094 感情若是一厢情愿,则难天长地久 财富若是巧取豪夺,必有败坏之虞 名声若是譁众取宠,终将遭人唾弃 地位若是坐享其成,便会引起非议 Unrequited love cannot last. Stolen wealth will disappear. A boaster's fame will fade away. Unearned rank will be censured. 095 开发潜能,更新观念,这是自我建设 懒惰懈怠,不结人缘,这是自我破坏 成就自己,造福别人,这是自我尊重 打击别人,荣耀自己,这是自我毁灭 Keep learning to keep growing. Always make good affinity to progress. Work for society to gain self-esteem. Doing harm for gain wil destroy you. 096 有大胸襟,方有大格局 有大格局,方能成大事 Generosity and determination let you think big. Thinking big,you can achieve great things. 097 有了国防建设,国家才能富强安定 有了文教建设,社会才能和谐有礼 有了经济建设,民生才能富足安乐 有了交通建设,地方才能繁荣发展 有了伦理建设,家庭才能和谐尊重 有了自我建设,生命才能宽阔开展 National defense keeps a nation rich and stable. Culture keeps society charming and polite. A strong economy makes society rich and happy. Public transit brings wealth and development. Ethical conduct makes families open and caring. Self-respect makes you vital and content. 098 “过去”的时间已经悄然而逝 永不回头 “现在”的时间如箭一般飞走 转眼即逝 “未来”的时间犹在慢慢接近 擦身而过 “当下”的时间能够即时把握 刹那永恒 The past is gone and never will return. The present flies and soon will disappear. The future comes but cannot yet be seized. The present must be seized and never let go. 099 不杀生而护生 如在人寿保险公司投保 不偷盗而喜舍 如在银行中存入了巨款 不邪淫而自重 如在幸福家庭中受表扬 不妄语而慎言 如在美丽语言学校获奖 不吸毒而守道 如在健康保险公司投保 Not to kill but to save is like life insurance. Not to steal but to give is like money in a bank. Not to misbehave sexually but to behave well is like gaining a happy family. Not to lie but to speak truth is like passing a language school. Not to take drugs but to stay clean is like health insurance. 100 拥有财物而不用,和“没有”并无差别 拥有金钱不会用,和“无用”无有不同 一心想要“拥有”,不如提倡“用有” “拥有”只是富者,“用有”才是智者 Hoarding without use is like not having. Money you don't know how to use is worthless. Better use well what you have than try to own more. Property is empty possession unless you have wisdom to use it well. 七、佛光菜根谭之宝典 001-1 世间以五欲六尘为乐 达人以禅悦法喜为真 世间以立德立功为务 达人以证悟般若为要 Ordinary people indulge in five desires and six senses;practitioners look for harma joy in meditation. Ordinary people think of being virtuous and making achievements;practitioners focus on attaining prajna. 001-2 世间以百年长寿为久 达人以无量寿命为安 世间以迷信执我为真 达人以慈悲无我为实 Ordinary people look for long life;practitioners look for endless life in the Dharma. Ordinary people are attached to superstition;practitioners attend to ompassion and non-self. 002 真正的富有,是欢喜而不是财富 真正的贫穷,是无知而不是无钱 The real wealth in happiness,not money. The real poverty is ignorance,not want of money. 003 心生万物随识变,心有所主自能安 人生际遇随业转,视已经营圣凡分 Consciousness can manifest all things,good and bad;when your mind is healthy you are at peace. Lives are driven by karma;how you manage your life will make you a sage or a simpleton. 004 多欲为穷,知足眼前皆净土 人生有定,通达身外总浮云 Desire is poverty;contentment is the pureland. Destiny is decided by causes and conditions;wealth and position are floating clouds. 005 历史有人,才成为历史 人有历史,才成其为人 People make history. History gives fame to people. 006 因缘如条件,条件具备,才能成事 自性如明镜,明镜无尘,才能照明 心地如田地,田地肥沃,才能种植 布施如播种,播种善缘,才能收成 Causes and conditions come before achievement. Buddha nature is like a bright mirror:it reflects brightly when not covered by dust. Mind is like a field:it produces when fertilized. Generosity is like sown seeds:they yield a good harvest. 007 修行如和烦恼作战 劝信如对未来传灯 般若如造世间桥梁 菩萨如作众生慈母 Practice and cultivation defeat defilement. Converting others is handing down the light. Prajna is building a hridge. Bodhisattva is the nurturing mother. 008 爱语如春风 好言如冬阳 真心如光明 惭愧如璎珞 Loving words are like the spring breeze. Good words are like the winter sun. A sincere heart is like a lamp. Conscience is like a jewel. 009 求法如爬山 信仰如靠山 闻法如医病 愿力如根本 Seeking truth is climbing a mountain. Having faith is relying on truth. Hearing the teaching is curing an illness. The strength of vow,like a root,is deep. 010 平等应视人如已,立场互易 平等应泯除成见,消灭对待 平等应尊重包容,促进和谐 平等应建立共识 倡导文明 Equality means treating others as yourself and acting in their interests. Equality means getting rid of discrimination and biased thinking. Equality means tolerating others to promote harmony. Equality means shared ideas and civilization. 011 有心,即使十万里路也不算远 无心,即使近在隔邻也走不到 With will,a hundred thousand miles is not far. Without will,your neighbor is far away. 012 细胞基因可以改变人种品质 善恶因缘可以改变人生未来 The condition of our bodies depends on our genes. Our future depends on good or bad causes and conditions. 013 有道之人的身中,常有情理 有道之人的手中,常有事理 有道之人的口中,常有法理 有道之人的心中,常有天理 Those who follow t'ao(way)are gracious. Those who follow t'ao(way)are principled. Those who follow t'ao(way)live the Dharma. Those who follow t'ao(way)obey nature. 014 佛陀大雄大力大无畏 菩萨大慈大悲大救济 罗汉大舍大离大牺牲 僧侣大愿大行大情义 The Buddha is a valiant and powerful champion. The Bodhisattva is compassionate and rescues sentient beings. The Arhat is selfless and self-sacri-ficing. The monastic vows to practice kindness and righteousness. 015 惜精神者,可以却病 省财用者,可以却贫 却病者一身安乐 却贫者一家安乐 Who does not squander strength has health. Health is happiness. Thrift is wealth. Wealth makes family peaceful. 016 真理能阻挡愚痴的邪风 柔和能消灭瞋怒的烈火 喜舍能对治贪欲的洪流 谦虚能铲除骄慢的高山 Truth is a refuge from blizzards of ignorance. Compassion puts our the flames of hate. Charity wards off torrents of greed. Modesty flattens mountains of arrogance. 017 “慈悲喜舍遍法界” 这是内修的自我涵养 “惜福结缘利人天” 这是外弘的利生化生 “禅净戒行平等忍” 这是治学的思想方针 “惭愧感恩大愿心” 这是自他的人格圆成 For self-cultivation,let compassion,love,joy,and calm fill the dharma-dhatu. To benefit others,cherish what you have and make good affinity. To learn,practice meditation,observe precepts,and show tolerance. To perfect yourself and others,be diligent and gracious to make a great vow. 018 地上的山水妙在丘壑之深邃 画上的山水妙在笔墨之淋漓 梦中的山水妙在景象之变化 胸中的山水妙在位置之自如 Mountains are by nature splendid. Mountains in paintings are splendid by art. Mountains in dreams have a ghostly splendor. But the mind's mountains are the most splendid. 019 现实的家园会有成住坏空 自己的本性才能永恒安住 We must endure birth,existence,obliteration,and death. Only our true nature is eternal. 020 务农耕者能知道种植方法,即是般若 建筑业者能懂得规画设计,即是般若 科学专家能发明利生用品,即是般若 家庭主妇能管理全家事务,即是般若 When farmers reap a great harvest,it is prajna, When architects build to the sky,it is prajna. When scientists make discoveries,it is prajna. When mothers care for children,it is prajna. 021 志由事立,事立则志成 佛由人成,人成即佛成 To run a business you must set goals. To attain Buddhahood you must perfect yourself. 022 佛法说“苦” 目的是要众生“除苦得乐” 佛法说“法” 目的是要众生“知空识有” Buddhism says we can avoid suffering and be happy. Buddhism says that all arises from emptiness. 023 受戒才是自由 欲得自由,必须持戒 喜舍才是富贵 欲得富贵,必须能舍 To be free,observe the precepts. To be rich,practice generosity. 024 无你、无我 无生死分隔的“超越观”是佛道 无自、自他 无怨亲对待的“慈悲观”是佛道 无彼、无此 无人我差别的“缘起观”是佛道 无私、无欲 无利害得失的“平等观”是佛道 The Buddha's path carrier you beyond the delusive notions of self and death. The Buddha's path is compassion for all,even enemies. The Buddha's path is dependent origination without discrimination of self and other. The Buddha's path is equality for all and no selfish desires. 025 一水贯通五湖四海 一月遍照万国九州 一雨普润三春草木 一雷觉醒大地群迷 一言决断千古犹豫 一理贯通千差万别 一心广含十方虚空 一念慈悲万众受益 Rivers flow to lakes and seas. The moon shines everywhere. Rain nurtures a forest. Thunder awakens many deluded beings. One word can stir the hesitant. One sentence can scatter all doubt. The mind can encompass the universe. One compassionate thought can save the world. 026 力田不如逢春 善仕不如遇缘 巧辩不如诚实 考官不如选佛 Prefer happiness to drudgery. Prefer good conditions to skill. Prefer honesty to eloquence. Prefer Buddhahood to business. 027 寡言者未必是愚痴 利口者未必是聪明 自尊者未必是傲慢 承顺者未必是忠诚 Silence is not stupidity. Cleverness is not wisdom. Self-respect is not arrogance. Subservience is ont loyalty. 028 根深本固,其果必茂 渊源流长,其水必清 登高远眺,其境必宽 养深积厚,其志必大 Deep roots yield rich fruit. Great rivers run clean. You see the world from a moun-taintop. To reach your goal,never give up. 029 无牵无挂的心理是快活的 无欲无求的眼界是宽阔的 无得无失的人生是豁达的 无来无去的生命是自然的 When you are not troubled,you will be serene. When you desire nothing,your scope will be large. When you don't care for gain,you will be content. When your life is tranquil,you will be natural. 030 不忌残缺 懂得欣赏残缺之美,就是圆满 不妒贤良 懂得广纳贤良之才,就是成功 Don't shun the disabled:recognize their talents. Don't resent the able:employ them. 031 物不在奇,缺之则珍 才不在高,适用则优 施不在多,即时则贵 道不在深,应机则妙 Ordinary things are cherished when scarce. Ordinary people shine in the right vocation. A small gift at the right time has great worth. A small lesson has great value when it contains a priceless truth. 032 树高万丈不离根 花开千朵不离心 耸云高楼不离地 万乘之尊不离民 A tree cannot grow high without roots. A flower cannot rise without a stalk. The highest building begins at the ground. Au emperor has no glory without subjects. 033 识见不高,易生事端 德望不足,易生怒气 诚信不够,易生流言 道理不明,易生诡辩 Misunderstanding leads to trouble. Misbehavior leads to resentment. Dishonesty leads to disapproval. Confusion leads to disputes. 034 人之心量大,心境自闲 人之心境闲,心术自正 人之心术正,心事自少 人之心事少,心情自乐 You are tranquil when you are magnanimous. You are upright when you are tranquil. You are not anxious when you are upright. You are happy when you are not anxious. 035 安全是回家唯一的路径 努力是成功唯一的大道 正义是胜利唯一的坦途 真理是解脱唯一的慈航 Safety is the only road home. Hard work is the only road to success. Virtue is the only road to triumph. Truth and compassion is the only road to liberation. 036 人世间最美丽的是感动的笑容 宇宙间最宽广的是真理的道路 The most beautiful thing in the world is a smile of gratitude. The most wonderful thing in the world is the path to truth. 037 一念反躬,便是天理 一念为人,便是天堂 One reflective thought teaches righteousness. One righteous thought brings you to paradise. 038 表现“真理”的最高境界是“因果” 学习“做人”的最高境界是“圆满” The law of causality is the central truth. Compatibility is the essence of getting along. 039 外道不可怕 邪道才可怕 迷信不可怕 邪信才可怕 Don't fear non-Buddhist thinking. Fear perverted thinking. Don't fear superstition. Fear perverted faith. 040 知足如点金石 可使接触的东西变黄金—幸福 感恩如仙女棒 可使所处的境界变境土—快乐 Happiness is the philosopher's stone that turns everything into gold. Gratitude is the magic wand that turns every place into a pureland. 041 蒸气是雨水之因,有蒸气之因 才有雨水之果 理想是现实之因,有理想之因 才有现实之果 Evaporation is the cause,and rain the effect;rain is the fruit of evapo-ration. The ideal is the cause,and its realization the effect;realization is the fruit of an ideal. 042 种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果 人是自己的圆丁 存好心得好报,存歹心得歹报 心是自己的主人 Good or bad fruit comes from good or bad causes and conditions;you are your own gardener. Good or bad karmic justice comes from good or ill will;you are the master of your will. 043 月亮不一定要圆满 残缺也是一种美 人生不一定要拥有 享有也是一份福 Don't wish for a full round moon;deficiency also has beauty. Don't seek possessions;pleasure without property is wealth. 044 小觉小悟,久而久之 自能大彻大悟 小因小缘,日积月累 自成大因大缘 Small steps to enlightenment reach enlightenment at the end. Accumulated small causes and conditions find great causes and con-ditions in the end. 045 水 不为外境所动,即能波澜不生 心 不为外境所动,即能坚忍其性 Water is quiet if not stirred by wind. Mind perseveres if not stirred by distractions. 046 造恶如欠债,欠债当受报 受报如还债,还债即解脱 Doing evil leads to karmic retri-bution. Karmic retribution pays your debt and leads to liberation. 047 幽默是睿智的禅心 它是自我解嘲,而非取笑别人 诙谐是智慧的言谈 它是自我调侃,而非讽刺别人 Humor is the Ch'an mind of wis-dom that laughs at self,not others. Humor is the speech of wisdom that mocks self,not others. 048 因果并非命定,认命的人不会进步 业报由于自造,玩命的人不能善终 The law of causality is not destiny;those who yield to destiny cannot progress. Karmic justice is determined by actions;those who act thoughtlessly cannot earn karmic merit. 049 父母得幼年的偶像 老师是学生的偶像 圣贤是成人的偶像 佛陀是众生的偶像 Parents are models for children. Teachers are models for students. Sages are models for grown-ups. The Buddha is the model for all. 050-1 只要有根,当春雷惊蛰 就能顶天立地,枝繁茂盛 只要有翼,当秋风吹起 就能展翅上扬,探索碧空 With roots,a tree thrives after a spring rain. With wings,a bird soars in the autumn wind. 050-2 只要有德,当时机成熟 就能树立形象,赢得人敬 只要有道,当因缘聚会 就能照破无明,见自本性 With virtue,respect is granted in the ripeness of time. With t'ao(way),causes and condi-tions help you overcome ignorance to realize your Buddha nature. 051 施舍者 内入见己,外不见人,中不见物 虽粒米之施,当如万种之粟 利人者 望人回报,计己之能,美施之物 虽百亿金银,难比一文之值 There is no merit in giving millions when you wish for a reward. A grain of rice given without attachment is the same as a thousand bushels. 052 信心如璎珞,可以令人身心庄严 信心如手杖,可以令人行进无忧 信心如宝藏,可以令人获得财富 信心如城池,可以令人安全无虑 Faith is your jewel of body and mind. Faith is your walking stick. Faith is your fortune;faith is your treasure. Faith is your mortar and brick. 053 学道容易入道难 入道容易守道难 守道容易悟道难 悟道容易行道难 Easy to learn the path,harder to find it. Easy to walk the path,harder to stay on it. Hard is enlightenment,easy to look for it. Hard to practice it,harder than finding it. 054 能忍者必有力 能忍者必有勇 能忍者必有智 能忍者必有仁 Those who endure are powerful,brave,wise,and benevolent. 055 善的一半 眼前虽然看似吃亏,最后必然会胜利 恶的一半 本来虽会占些便宜,最后注定要失败 The world is half good and half bad. Though the good half seems to be losing,it will win in the long run. Thouht evil seizes the initial advantage,it will fail in the end. 056 岁寒三友:松、竹、梅 宇宙三要:天、地、人 人生三德:智、仁、勇 心中三毒:贪、瞋、痴 Three friends of the cold winter are pine,bamboo,and plum. Three elements of the universe are heaven,earth,and humanity. Three virtues of living are wis-dom,benevolence,and courage. Three poisons of mind are greed,hatred,and ignorance. 057 心中有人 是立德、立言、立功之本 心中有佛 是修真、修善、修美之道 Keeping people in mind lets you attain virtue.write for posterity,and accomplish great deeds. Keeping the Buddha in mind lets you walk the way of truth,kindness,and beauty. 058 “前线”是英雄最好的战场 “谦让”是圣贤最好的战场 Combat is the battlefield of heroes. Modesty is the battlefield of sages. 059-1 心中有禅味的人 耳中所听闻的都是八万四千的诗偈 心中有欢喜的人 眼中所看见的都是赏心悦目的景色 Meditation unseals the 8,400 verses. Dharma teaching brings together the virtuous. 059-2 心中有道念的人 脸上所展现的都是祥和愉快的笑容 心中有佛法的人 身上所感受的都是善人共聚的快乐 Faith inspires contented smiles. Joy makes the world a delight. 060 石头用坚忍行走 星球用引力行走 历史用过去行走 伟大用卑微行走 A stone sits unmovable. A satellite bends with gravity. History moves beyond the past. A great person walks humbly. 061 因为无知、无明 所以有烦恼、有痛苦 因为无争、无求 所以有法喜、有自在 Ignorance brings defilement and suffering. When you do not cling,you have freedom and Dharma joy. 062 能知,才能有所悟 悟者,明心见性也 能行,才能有所证 证者,圆成菩提也 Through understanding,realize Buddha natrre and become enlightened. Through practice,be perfectly enlightened and attain Buddhahood. 063 悟得心上之本来,方可言了心 懂得世间之常道,才堪论出世 When you realize the true nature,you can teach how to cultivate the mind. When you know the world's ways,you can teach how to transcend them. 064 所谓法会,是以法为会 所谓法会,是以法为师 所谓法会,是以法为轨 所谓法会,是以法为乐 Dharma function meets to promote the Dharma. Dharma function treats the Dharma as teacher. Dharma function follows the dharma rules. Dharma function has joy in the Dharma. 065 平等是人间的和谐 互尊是人本的要义 环保是世界的规律 自然是生命的圆满 Equality is world harmony. Mutual respect is the core of humanistic thought. Ecology is the law of the world. Nature means the perfection of life 066 慈悲为本,方便为门 慈悲可以表达佛法的道德 方便可以传递世情的智慧 Compassion is fundamental:de skillful in practice. Compassion is the Buddhist virtue. Being skillful shows your wisdom in handling worldly affairs. 067 “明理”,是事业成功的条件 “无理”,是人格修养的缺陷 “真理”,是宇宙人生的规则 “道理”,是世间万象的本性 Intelligence and open-mindedness are essential to business success. Irrationality is a crucial character defect. Truth is the law of the universe. Order is the principle of worldly phenomena. 068 数学是用逻辑统一知识 哲学是用思惟统一知识 科学是用分析统一知识 佛学是用悟道统一知识 Mathematics unites knowledge and logic. Philosophy unites knowledge and reason. Science unites knowledge and analysis. Buddhism unites knowledge and enlightenment. 069 远离颠倒妄想,才能观人自在 远离分别臆测,才能观境自在 远离执著缠缚,才能观事自在 远离五欲尘劳,才能观心自在 Free of delusion,you abide people happily. Free of discrimination,you accept your surroundings peacefully. Free of attachment,you carry on cheerfully. Free of five desires,there is joy in your mind. 070 诸供养中,法的供养第一 诸功德中,心的祝福为上 Offering of the dharma is the best possible offering. A deed quietly done has the best possible merit. 071 小孩以啼哭为力 妇女以娇媚为力 比丘以忍辱为力 国王以威势为力 罗汉以无欲为力 菩萨以慈悲为力 A child's power lies in crying. A lady's power lies in her charm. A monk's power lies in tolerance. A king's power lies in force and influence. An Arhat's power lies in detach-ment. A Bodhisattva's power lies in compassion. 072 巧心慧手,可以化腐朽为神奇 善心美意,可以转恶因成好缘 With creative mind and skillful hands,you can turn corruption into magic. With creative mind and good will,you can turn bad causes and condi-tions into good ones. 073 一点慈悲 不但是积德种子,也是积福根苗 一念容忍 不但是无量德器,也是无量福田 A little compassion is both seed for cultivating virtue and root for accumulating merits. A little tolerance is both the vessel containing endless virtue and the field for cultivating endless blessedness. 074 人生只管现在享福 则如点灯,愈点愈枯竭 人生能为将来积福 则如添油,越添灯越明 Indulgence in pleasure is like a lamp burning;the oil grows less and less. Accumulating merits is like adding oil;the lamp grows brighter and drighter. 075 慈悲智慧是心灵的财富 发心立愿是精神的动力 勤劳精进是躯体的资产 真如佛性永恒的宝藏 Compassion and wisdom are mental riches. Aspiration and vow are spiritual energy. Diligence ang hard work are physical assets. Buddha nature is the everlasting treasure. 076 一束鲜花,不如一脸微笑 一杯清水,不如一念清明 一曲音乐,不如一句好话 一首诗歌,不如一声赞叹 Better a smile than a fragrant flower. Better a thought than clear water. Better a poem than a symphony. Better praise than poetry. 077 富者能知足是真富者 贵者常助人是真贵者 贫者不知耻是真贫者 穷者因多贪是真穷者 The truly rich are content with what they have. The truly noble use their power to help others. The truly bankrupt have no con-science. The truly poor are rich in greed. 078 水深波浪静 学广语声低 山高鸟飞集 德厚人自亲 The waves of the deep ocean are silent. The speech of a learned person is muted. Birds gather at the mountain's summit. Mankind gathers round virtuous people. 079 要享事功,先要提得起 要享闲情,先要放得下 To enjoy success,do your duty. to enjoy leisure,surrender attach-ment. 080 富贵荣华,总难满意 欢喜就可满意 天地日月,总无主人 欣赏便是主人 Wealth and glory please only con-tented people. Heaven and earth,sun and moon belong to whoever delights,in them. 081 便利的交通,尊重的和平 让世界天涯若比邻 良好的沟通,种族的和谐 让人我关系如一家 Modern transportation and global peace make everybody neighbors. Modern communications and global harmony make everybody family. 082 欲望愈少,心灵愈清明 成见愈少,生命愈宽广 Less desire makes you virtuous and wise. Less prejudice makes your life expansive. 083 “竖穷三际”的时间观 可以拓展我们过现未来的知见 “横遍十方”的空间观 可以扩大我们东西南北的视野 The Buddhist view of time can expand our vision of past,present,and future. The Buddhist view of space can expand our vision in all directions. 084 在政治上 没有比自由、民主更美好 在社会上 没有比幸福、安乐更宝贵 在国际上 没有比尊重、融和更迫切 在人生上 没有比解脱、放下更自在 The aim of government is freedom and democracy. The aim of society is cooperation and happiness. The aim of diplomacy is mutual respect and peace. The aim of life is liberation and detachment. 085 河水流动,才能涓涓不绝 空气流动,才能生意盎然 财富流动,才能造福社会 心意流动,才能通达无碍 Rivers must flow to be useful. Air must flow to refresh. Wealth must flow to be fruitful. Mind must flow to be clear. 086 心好命又好,荣华富贵早 心好命不好,一生能温饱 命好心不好,前程不能保 心命都不好,穷苦直到老 With good character and good luck,you can become rich when you are young. With good character and bad luck,you can still get by. With bad character and good luck,your career cannot prosper. With bad character and bad luck,you will be poor until you die. 087 爱语如和谐的音乐 微笑如盛开的花朵 善行如浊世的清流 真理如久旱的甘霖 Loving words are like sweet music. A smile is like a budding flower. Kindness is like a clear stream in a muddy world. Truth is like a rain after drought. 088 因果,是最高的法律 真理,是无尽的宝藏 佛性,是不死的生命 烦恼,是生灭的假我 The law of causality is the highest law. Truth is the infinite treasure. Buddha nature is the undying life. Defilement is rising and ceasing of the false self. 089 远古的人类 因发明了火炬而走出洪荒 千年的暗室 因点亮了油灯而顿生光明 夜航的船只 因灯塔的照亮而认清方向 陋巷的行人 因标志的指示而知道前途 Ancient society escaped primi-tive living through the invention of the torch. A room that has been dark a thousand years grows bright from a little lamp. Sailors are saved from the rocks by a lighthouse. Drivers are guided by traffic sig-nals. 090 礼佛更要学佛 讲经更要读经 念善更要行善 修心更要发心 Don't just revere the Buddha;study the teachings. Don't just teach the sutras;read them. Don't just think about doing good;do it. Don't just cultivate your mind;take action. 091 真理从清醒而来 善良从体谅而来 气质从智慧而来 美丽从慈悲而来 Truth comes from awakening the mind. Kindness comes from consideration. Good temperament comes from wisdom. Beauty comes from compassion. 092 自然的可敬 是因为生命与自然相互依存 生命的宝贵 是因为生命由众缘和合而成 自然,就是道 道,就是自然的随缘生活 生命,就是力 力,就是生命的灯灯相续 Nature is majestic because it is life. Life is precious because of causes and conditions. Nature is the t'ao(way);t'ao is the life of causes and conditions. Life is power;power is handing down the light of life. 093 死,是生的开始 生,是死的准备 生也未尝生,死也未尝死 生,是缘生故有;死,是缘灭故无 无生也无死,无死也无生 Death is the beginning of birth;birth is preparation for death. Birth is not truly birth;death is not truly death. Birth arises from causes and con-ditions;death arises from destruction of causes and conditions. Birth and death have no existence. 094 从一砂一石中看到无限的世界 从飞湍鸣涧中听到真理的声音 从刹那因缘中感觉永恒的未来 从明月清风中体悟清净的自性 See endless worlds in a grain of sand. Hear truth in the roar of raging waters. Grasp eternity in a moment's cause and condition. Discern your Buddha nature in the bright moon and cool breeze. 095 古寺的钟声,虽无翅,也能飞扬 感人的文章,虽无声,却能印心 池塘的荷花,虽凋谢,但能留香 世间的伟人,虽牺牲,必能传后 The sound of ancient temple bells drifts far without wings. Effective writing stirs us though it is silent. A withered lotus remains fragrant. The spirits of the great survive death. 096 鸟叫虫鸣、飞泉流瀑 这是自然的音乐 万紫千红、绿叶婆娑 这是天然的图画 稚子童言、肺腑剖白 这是本然的词篇 灿烂笑容、自在神情 这是浑然的雕塑 Birdsong,hum of insects,and waterfalls are the chorus of nature. Bright flowers and green leaves are the landscape of nature. Laughter of children is the textbook of nature. Smiles of delight are the portrait of nature. 097 没有掌声的讲演,不会精彩叫座 没有赞美的儿童,不会乖巧听话 没有花朵的庭院,不会美丽动人 没有配料的菜肴,不会色香俱全 A garden without flowers is not pretty. A dish without sauce does not please. A child who is not praised is not clever or good. A speech without applause does not move people. 098 与其为世上的刀兵劫难而悲愤 何如倾听夜半屠门传出的哀号声 与其为社会的灾祸频传而叹息 何如倾听平日碗盘众生的怨恨声 Better to hear the midnight cries from the slaughterhouses than to be troubled by war and calamity. Better to hear the moaning of the slaughtered animals in our plates than to bewail unending calamity in society. 099 自然界,梅花愈冷愈芬芳 生物链,细菌愈衍愈进步 人世里,心性愈练愈坚强 宇宙间,真理愈辩愈明白 Plum flowers grow fragrant is cold weather. Germs grow resistant through adversity. Minds grow determined through suffering. Truth grows clear through debate. 100 自然则和,违反定律,就会导至纷乱 自然则顺,矫枉过正,终将带来弊患 自然则美,浑然天成,最能传达神韵 自然则成,随顺因缘,必能水到渠成 Nature is harmony;resistance is anarchy. Nature makes favorable conditions;excess makes trouble. Nature is beauty;every good thing has charm. Nature announces success:pursue causes and conditions. 八、佛光菜根谭之人和 001 节省可以医贫,满足可以医贪 恬淡可以医躁,宽厚可以医瞋 随缘可以医执,读书可以医俗 正念可以医心,慧解可以医邪 Frugality can cure your poverty. Content can cure your greed. Tranquility can cure you impatience. Magnanimity can cure your hatred. Being always at ease can cure your attachment. Study can cure your vulgarity. Right mindfulness can cure your mind. Intelligence can cure your perversion. 002 健康是事业成功的资本 诚信是事业成功的基础 决心是事业成功的条件 勤奋是事业成功的动力 Health is the key to business success. Honesty is the foundation of business success. Determination is the basis of business success. Diligence is the motor of business success. 003 我们要打扫环境,去除烦恼的尘埃 我们要扶起路树,栽植心中的菩提 我们要清理垃圾,美化居家的整洁 我们要疏通水沟,消除往昔的罪业 When cleaning your house,think of wiping up the dust of defilement. When propping up a fallen tree,think of planting the seed of enlightenment in your mind. When clearing away trash,think of making your home clean and tidy. When clearing a ditch,think of repenting for past transgressions. 004 一丝“小小”的微笑,给人无限的欢喜 一声“小小”的爱语,给人无边的受用 一件“小小”的善行,给人无量的因缘 一则“小小”的故事,给人无尽的启示 One little smile gives boundless joy. One little word does boundless good. One little tale gives boundless inspiration. One little action brings boundless good causes and conditions. 005 不计较“吃亏” 才能享有一个自在的生活 不吝于“布施” 才能拥有一个富有的人生 If you don't mind being exploited,you are free. If you aren't stingy,you are rich. 006 人与人之间贵在和乐相处 人与人之间病在独行独断 Get along with other people. Don't stubborn and arbitrary. 007 男人要有幽默感 女人要有温柔性 儿童要有接受心 青年要有创造力 Men must have a sense of humor. Women must be tender. Children must seek education. Young people must be creative. 008 君子者,谦下处众 因此所到之处,都是一团和“气” 小人者,仗势欺人 所以身置何地,均为乌烟瘴“气” Good people bring harmony through courtesy. Bad people bring disharmony through intimidation. 009 身在万物中,要有人无我 心在三界外,要有我无人 Shou selfless concern for others. Transcend the three realms of existence by cultivating yourself. 010 忙,才能促进心灵的健康 忙,才能培养自己的因缘 忙,才能发挥生命的力量 忙,才能提升人生的价值 Keep busy for mental health. Keep busy to gather good causes and conditions. Keep busy to show the strength of life. Keep busy to enhance the value of life. 011 做本份人,说真心话 作情理事,交诚实人 Know your place,speak sincerely,act rationally,and make friends with honest people. 012 为与人共事 故要“自己无理,别人都对” 为增广见闻 故要“事事好奇,处处学习” 为自我提升 故要“眼光要远,脚步要近” 为顾全大局 故要“求精求全,瞻前顾后” To work with others,act as if they are right and you are wrong. To increase knowledge,be curious about everything, To improve yourself,have a vision and put it into practice. To serve society,be precise,thorough,and cautious. 013 不做固执己见的人,要做通情达理的人 不做尖酸刻薄的人,要做与人为善的人 不做骄傲自恃的人,要做谦和敦厚的人 不做忘恩负义的人,要做感恩图报的人 Don't be stubborn;be intelligent and open. Don't be relentless;be magnanimous and compassionate. Don't be arrogant;be modest and sincere. Don't be ungrateful;repay kind acts. 014 财富的拥有要靠大众的承认 群我的融洽要靠人脉的缘份 The public must recognize property rights. Harmony requires good causes and conditions. 015 做事要有头有尾,全始全终 做人要有情有义,全心全意 See matters through from beginning to end. Treat others with kindness and justice. 016 能够“以退为进”则是不争 懂得“以无为有”则是富足 欢喜“以众为我”则是拥有 时刻“以空为乐”则是法喜 Treating retreat as advance prevents arguments. Regarding emptiness as wealth makes you rich. Considering others as family brings you contentment. Accepting emptiness brings you Dharma joy. 017 宽宏大量是个宝 与人无争结缘好 放下名利不烦恼 心生欢喜不觉老 Magnanimity is a great treasure. Harmonious affinity with others is wonderful. Detachment from name and gain averts trouble. Happiness makes older people feel young. 018.d books improve your character. Good deeds bring others happiness. 019 工作无分贵贱 只要做者有心,一样欢喜自在 事务无分难易 只要做者有意,自然群策群力 No job is difficult or inferior when you love it. When you are devoted to your job,you will do your best. 020 虚心向学,承教最多 谦卑恭顺,结缘最广 You can learn a lot when you are humble. Humility lets you make lots of good affinities. 021 懂得付出,不计较吃亏 才是富有的人生 锱铢必较,只知道接受 必是贫穷的人生 Generosity leads to a rich life. Stinginess leads to a poor life. 022 信心、诚实、耐力、勇敢 都是创业的资本 等待、拖延、迁怒、怨怼 则是失败的根本 Faith,honesty,patience,and courage bring success to a new business. Waiting,procrastinating,hatred,and blaming others for your mistakes bring failure to a business. 023 人与人之间必须相亲相爱 才能同体共生 国与国之间必须互尊互重 才能和平共荣 Be caring:share the spirit of brother-hood. Respect all nations:share the spirit of peace. 024 拥有健康的身体 更要有正确的观念 具备充实的学问 更要有善美的心灵 Right thinking is more important than health. A good heart is more important than knowledge. 025 凡事能随缘,才能自在 凡事能放下,才能宽心 Follow causes and conditions to be free. Without attachment,you can be free of cares. 026 希望别人了解自己 自己要能先让别人了解 希望别人尊重自己 自己先要懂得尊重别人 If you let people understand you,you will be understood. If you give respect,you will be respected. 027 唯有觉得“一切都是我的” 才能产生源源不绝的动力 唯有觉得“一切皆非我的” 才能享有随缘自在的欢喜 Thinking that everything belongs to me moves me to hard labor. Thinking that nothing belongs to me leads me to a carefree life. 028 能够战胜别人,要靠自己的力量 能够战胜自己,要靠自己的智慧 Winning over others demands strength. Winning over yourself demands wisdom. 029 淡中交友可长久 静里生活寿延长 Friendship without worldly desires is long. Tranquility lengthens life. 030 做人要胆大 处事要心细 读书要无求 经世要有用 Be courageous in all actions. Attend to details in business. Do not study to gain fortune or fame. Strive to succeed in worldly affairs. 031 在委屈中学习经验 在困难中接受挑战 在失败中累积智慧 在挫折中锻炼意志 Grow from your adversities. Face challenges with equanimity. Learn wisdom from hardship. Let failure strengthen your will. 032 看自己 要看出不足、缺失、并懂得改进 看别人 要看出长处、专长,并加以学习 Study your faults to remove them. Learn from other people's virtues. 033 要有道德的生活,才算有修行 要有价值的工作,才算有成就 Nothing can be called practice and cultivation except the moral life. Nothing can be called achievement except what comes from useful work. 034 做事要明理 生活要随众 处人要合作 讲话要坦诚 In business,be intelligent and flexible. In society,live as one family. For barmony,don't cling to private interests. For progress,speak the truth. 035 自疑不信人 自信不疑人 疑人则不用 用人则不疑 Trustworthy people trust people. Untrustworthy people do not. Steer clear of untrustworthy people. But trust your comrades at work. 036 信心是进取的力量 甘愿是乐观的泉源 感恩是奋发的动能 惭愧是向上的助缘 Faith boosts resolve. Perfect willingness raises hope. Gratitude makes you strive to be better. Conscience makes you work with dedication. 037 恭敬在进退里,供养在诚心里 庄严在举止里,宽厚在待人里 戒行在行仪里,智慧在书本里 谦虚在人我里,快乐在工作里 Be respectful. Be modest. Be generous. Be solemn in your actions. Make offerings sincerely. Let the precepts shine in your manners. Find wisdom in books. Find joy in your work. 038 学习生出巧妙 服务生出慈悲 相处生出尊重 结缘生出欢喜 Skill comes from learning. Compassion comes from serving. Respect comes from cooperating. Joy comes from making affinity. 039 有计划,则不乱 有分工,则不忙 有预算,则不穷 有欢喜,则不苦 Make plans with care for a well-ordered business. Perform your job well and you won't be pressured. Live by your budget and you won't be poor. Live with joy and be free from pain. 040 宁静才能致远 从宁静中可以找回自己 无私才能容众 从无私中可以扩大自我 In tranquility seek your true nature. In selflessness find nobility and advancement. 041 委屈求全识大体 谦虚忍让多学习 随喜功德莫嫉妒 广结善缘施欢喜 Celebrate the good fortune of other people. Gain wisdom through modesty and toleration. Work patiently for society's interests. Make good affinity with others to bring joy. 042 微笑是智慧的泉源 微笑是愉快的流露 微笑是诚恳的语言 微笑是生命的花朵 A smile shows you are wise. A smile shows you are happy. A smile is the language of honesty. A smile is the flower of life. 043 纷杂之中,保持礼敬,是谓乱而敬 事虽繁冗,但不盲从,是谓扰而毅 性格坦率,令人堪受,是谓直而温 自信自强,通情达理,是谓强而义 Smile when things become difficult. Handle frustrations calmly. Tell the truth,but be discreet. Be confident and self-reliant,reasonable and open-minded. 044 以众为我则不自私 以忙为乐则不懒散 以勤为富则不贫乏 以忍为力则不暴戾 Treating the world as your family keeps away selfishness. A busy life keeps away laziness. Hard work keeps away poverty. 返回页首 游客 发表于: 星期一 六月 07, 2010 8:10 am 发表主题: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 八、佛光菜根谭之人和 001 节省可以医贫,满足可以医贪 恬淡可以医躁,宽厚可以医瞋 随缘可以医执,读书可以医俗 正念可以医心,慧解可以医邪 Frugality can cure your poverty. Content can cure your greed. Tranquility can cure you impatience. Magnanimity can cure your hatred. Being always at ease can cure your attachment. Study can cure your vulgarity. Right mindfulness can cure your mind. Intelligence can cure your perversion. 002 健康是事业成功的资本 诚信是事业成功的基础 决心是事业成功的条件 勤奋是事业成功的动力 Health is the key to business success. Honesty is the foundation of business success. Determination is the basis of business success. Diligence is the motor of business success. 003 我们要打扫环境,去除烦恼的尘埃 我们要扶起路树,栽植心中的菩提 我们要清理垃圾,美化居家的整洁 我们要疏通水沟,消除往昔的罪业 When cleaning your house,think of wiping up the dust of defilement. When propping up a fallen tree,think of planting the seed of enlightenment in your mind. When clearing away trash,think of making your home clean and tidy. When clearing a ditch,think of repenting for past transgressions. 004 一丝“小小”的微笑,给人无限的欢喜 一声“小小”的爱语,给人无边的受用 一件“小小”的善行,给人无量的因缘 一则“小小”的故事,给人无尽的启示 One little smile gives boundless joy. One little word does boundless good. One little tale gives boundless inspiration. One little action brings boundless good causes and conditions. 005 不计较“吃亏” 才能享有一个自在的生活 不吝于“布施” 才能拥有一个富有的人生 If you don't mind being exploited,you are free. If you aren't stingy,you are rich. 006 人与人之间贵在和乐相处 人与人之间病在独行独断 Get along with other people. Don't stubborn and arbitrary. 007 男人要有幽默感 女人要有温柔性 儿童要有接受心 青年要有创造力 Men must have a sense of humor. Women must be tender. Children must seek education. Young people must be creative. 008 君子者,谦下处众 因此所到之处,都是一团和“气” 小人者,仗势欺人 所以身置何地,均为乌烟瘴“气” Good people bring harmony through courtesy. Bad people bring disharmony through intimidation. 009 身在万物中,要有人无我 心在三界外,要有我无人 Shou selfless concern for others. Transcend the three realms of existence by cultivating yourself. 010 忙,才能促进心灵的健康 忙,才能培养自己的因缘 忙,才能发挥生命的力量 忙,才能提升人生的价值 Keep busy for mental health. Keep busy to gather good causes and conditions. Keep busy to show the strength of life. Keep busy to enhance the value of life. 011 做本份人,说真心话 作情理事,交诚实人 Know your place,speak sincerely,act rationally,and make friends with honest people. 012 为与人共事 故要“自己无理,别人都对” 为增广见闻 故要“事事好奇,处处学习” 为自我提升 故要“眼光要远,脚步要近” 为顾全大局 故要“求精求全,瞻前顾后” To work with others,act as if they are right and you are wrong. To increase knowledge,be curious about everything, To improve yourself,have a vision and put it into practice. To serve society,be precise,thorough,and cautious. 013 不做固执己见的人,要做通情达理的人 不做尖酸刻薄的人,要做与人为善的人 不做骄傲自恃的人,要做谦和敦厚的人 不做忘恩负义的人,要做感恩图报的人 Don't be stubborn;be intelligent and open. Don't be relentless;be magnanimous and compassionate. Don't be arrogant;be modest and sincere. Don't be ungrateful;repay kind acts. 014 财富的拥有要靠大众的承认 群我的融洽要靠人脉的缘份 The public must recognize property rights. Harmony requires good causes and conditions. 015 做事要有头有尾,全始全终 做人要有情有义,全心全意 See matters through from beginning to end. Treat others with kindness and justice. 016 能够“以退为进”则是不争 懂得“以无为有”则是富足 欢喜“以众为我”则是拥有 时刻“以空为乐”则是法喜 Treating retreat as advance prevents arguments. Regarding emptiness as wealth makes you rich. Considering others as family brings you contentment. Accepting emptiness brings you Dharma joy. 017 宽宏大量是个宝 与人无争结缘好 放下名利不烦恼 心生欢喜不觉老 Magnanimity is a great treasure. Harmonious affinity with others is wonderful. Detachment from name and gain averts trouble. Happiness makes older people feel young. 018.d books improve your character. Good deeds bring others happiness. 019 工作无分贵贱 只要做者有心,一样欢喜自在 事务无分难易 只要做者有意,自然群策群力 No job is difficult or inferior when you love it. When you are devoted to your job,you will do your best. 020 虚心向学,承教最多 谦卑恭顺,结缘最广 You can learn a lot when you are humble. Humility lets you make lots of good affinities. 021 懂得付出,不计较吃亏 才是富有的人生 锱铢必较,只知道接受 必是贫穷的人生 Generosity leads to a rich life. Stinginess leads to a poor life. 022 信心、诚实、耐力、勇敢 都是创业的资本 等待、拖延、迁怒、怨怼 则是失败的根本 Faith,honesty,patience,and courage bring success to a new business. Waiting,procrastinating,hatred,and blaming others for your mistakes bring failure to a business. 023 人与人之间必须相亲相爱 才能同体共生 国与国之间必须互尊互重 才能和平共荣 Be caring:share the spirit of brother-hood. Respect all nations:share the spirit of peace. 024 拥有健康的身体 更要有正确的观念 具备充实的学问 更要有善美的心灵 Right thinking is more important than health. A good heart is more important than knowledge. 025 凡事能随缘,才能自在 凡事能放下,才能宽心 Follow causes and conditions to be free. Without attachment,you can be free of cares. 026 希望别人了解自己 自己要能先让别人了解 希望别人尊重自己 自己先要懂得尊重别人 If you let people understand you,you will be understood. If you give respect,you will be respected. 027 唯有觉得“一切都是我的” 才能产生源源不绝的动力 唯有觉得“一切皆非我的” 才能享有随缘自在的欢喜 Thinking that everything belongs to me moves me to hard labor. Thinking that nothing belongs to me leads me to a carefree life. 028 能够战胜别人,要靠自己的力量 能够战胜自己,要靠自己的智慧 Winning over others demands strength. Winning over yourself demands wisdom. 029 淡中交友可长久 静里生活寿延长 Friendship without worldly desires is long. Tranquility lengthens life. 030 做人要胆大 处事要心细 读书要无求 经世要有用 Be courageous in all actions. Attend to details in business. Do not study to gain fortune or fame. Strive to succeed in worldly affairs. 031 在委屈中学习经验 在困难中接受挑战 在失败中累积智慧 在挫折中锻炼意志 Grow from your adversities. Face challenges with equanimity. Learn wisdom from hardship. Let failure strengthen your will. 032 看自己 要看出不足、缺失、并懂得改进 看别人 要看出长处、专长,并加以学习 Study your faults to remove them. Learn from other people's virtues. 033 要有道德的生活,才算有修行 要有价值的工作,才算有成就 Nothing can be called practice and cultivation except the moral life. Nothing can be called achievement except what comes from useful work. 034 做事要明理 生活要随众 处人要合作 讲话要坦诚 In business,be intelligent and flexible. In society,live as one family. For barmony,don't cling to private interests. For progress,speak the truth. 035 自疑不信人 自信不疑人 疑人则不用 用人则不疑 Trustworthy people trust people. Untrustworthy people do not. Steer clear of untrustworthy people. But trust your comrades at work. 036 信心是进取的力量 甘愿是乐观的泉源 感恩是奋发的动能 惭愧是向上的助缘 Faith boosts resolve. Perfect willingness raises hope. Gratitude makes you strive to be better. Conscience makes you work with dedication. 037 恭敬在进退里,供养在诚心里 庄严在举止里,宽厚在待人里 戒行在行仪里,智慧在书本里 谦虚在人我里,快乐在工作里 Be respectful. Be modest. Be generous. Be solemn in your actions. Make offerings sincerely. Let the precepts shine in your manners. Find wisdom in books. Find joy in your work. 038 学习生出巧妙 服务生出慈悲 相处生出尊重 结缘生出欢喜 Skill comes from learning. Compassion comes from serving. Respect comes from cooperating. Joy comes from making affinity. 039 有计划,则不乱 有分工,则不忙 有预算,则不穷 有欢喜,则不苦 Make plans with care for a well-ordered business. Perform your job well and you won't be pressured. Live by your budget and you won't be poor. Live with joy and be free from pain. 040 宁静才能致远 从宁静中可以找回自己 无私才能容众 从无私中可以扩大自我 In tranquility seek your true nature. In selflessness find nobility and advancement. 041 委屈求全识大体 谦虚忍让多学习 随喜功德莫嫉妒 广结善缘施欢喜 Celebrate the good fortune of other people. Gain wisdom through modesty and toleration. Work patiently for society's interests. Make good affinity with others to bring joy. 042 微笑是智慧的泉源 微笑是愉快的流露 微笑是诚恳的语言 微笑是生命的花朵 A smile shows you are wise. A smile shows you are happy. A smile is the language of honesty. A smile is the flower of life. 043 纷杂之中,保持礼敬,是谓乱而敬 事虽繁冗,但不盲从,是谓扰而毅 性格坦率,令人堪受,是谓直而温 自信自强,通情达理,是谓强而义 Smile when things become difficult. Handle frustrations calmly. Tell the truth,but be discreet. Be confident and self-reliant,reasonable and open-minded. 044 以众为我则不自私 以忙为乐则不懒散 以勤为富则不贫乏 以忍为力则不暴戾 Treating the world as your family keeps away selfishness. A busy life keeps away laziness. Hard work keeps away poverty. Toleration keeps away violence. 045 以谦虚处世可以获得尊重 以明理办事可以明白是非 以恭敬待人可以广获善缘 以道德修身可以升华人格 Handling affairs with modesty gains you respect. Doing business sensibly teaches you right and wrong. Treating others with courtesy leads to good affinity. Cultivating yourself with virtue enhances your personality o46 把身心安住在体谅上,世界会更宽广 把身心安住在淡泊中,精神会更升华 consideration of others enlarges your world. Detachment from desires enhances your spirit. 047 不以得为喜 不以失为悲 不以求为苦 不以有为乐 Don't be joyful when you get something. Don't be sad when you lose something. Don't suffer because you have nothing. Don't be happy when you have something. 048 说人之非,须从他的存心而论 称人之是,须看他的形迹来说 When criticizing others,consider their intentions. When praising others,consider their behavior. 049 做人,要有坚强的耐力 才能事事顺遂 做人,要有常开的笑口 才能所求如愿 做人,要有慧心的灵巧 才能广施仁爱 做人,要有健康的身心 才能不烦人 Health of body and mind makes you self-reliant. Perseverance makes your business successful. Compassion makes friends of strangers. Smiles make your wishes come true. 050 为人,亲和为贵 做事,勤奋为贵 治学,认真为贵 修心,无念为贵 To get along,be amiable. In business,be diligent. In research,be serious. To practice and cultivate,be detached. 051 君子交友,先交而后友,故少怨尤 小人交友,先友而后交,故多怀恨 A virtuous person incites little resent-ment because he understands people before he makes new friends. A mean person incites much resentment because he makes friends without first under-standing them. 052 安分守贫,何等清闲 不争人我,何等自在 How happy it is to be content with a simple and virtuous life! How easy it is not to quarrel and gossip! 053 家内和睦者,家道必昌 外事和睦者,外事必办 Harmony brings family prosperity. Harmony frings business success. 054 繁华热闹的生活,过后则感凄凉 清淡朴素的做人,历久犹有余味 After an extravagant life,you feel desolate and cheerless. After consorting with a tranquil person,you have long sweet memories. 055 言谈最大的罪恶,莫大于诬陷妄语 行事最大的罪恶,莫大于刻薄寡恩 做人最大的罪恶,莫大于损人利己 心术最大的罪恶,莫过于贪瞋邪见 The biggest evil in speech is to lie and accuse someone falsely. The biggest evil in affairs is to be cold-hearted and ungrateful. The biggest evil in society is to benefit from hurting others. The biggest evil in character is greed,hatred,and ignorance. 056 做人能圆融,别人自然少怨尤 待人少怨尤,做人自然会圆满 Consideration of others brings no resentment. No resentment leads to perfect behavior. 057 以随喜代替忌妒,自然事事欢喜 以随和代替孤傲,自然处处祥和 以随缘代替执着,自然时时自在 以随份代替勉强,自然人人交心 You will be happy when you celebrate other people's good deeds without jealousy. You will enjoy harmony when you are amiable and not egocentric. You will be carefree when you follow causes and conditions and are not stubborn. You will win hearts when you are modest and do not force others to act against their will. 058 凡事往好处想的人,快乐满怀 因为好心自然想好事 凡事往坏处想的人,痛苦不堪 因为坏心自然想坏事 The optimistic are full of happiness because they always think of good things with good hearts. The pessimistic are full of suffering because they always think of bad things with faint hearts. 059 股票,有涨有跌;经商,有赚有赔 事业,有起有落;计划,有成有败 比赛,有胜有负;地位,有上有下 际遇,有好有坏;人生,有得有失 A stock may rise or fall. A business may earn or lose. An enterprise may prosper or decline. A plan may succeed or fail. A game may be won or lost. A career may go up or down. An encounter may be good or bad. A life may be happy or sad. 060 栽花种树、积谷防饥 等待中有无限的希望 器官移植、捐血救人 延续中有无限的希望 修桥铺路、开发土地 建设中有无限的希望 选贤与能、整顿史治 革新中有无限的希望 Planting trees and flowers and storing food against famine bring people endless confidence in their society. Donating blood and organs brings people endless confidence for their survival. Constructing bridges and roads brings people endless confidence in planners and engineers. Electing able candidates and reforming politics bring people endless confidence in government. 061 福德因缘如银行的存款 除了应用外,更要培植福德因缘 福德因缘如稻田的种子 除了收成外,更要培植福德因缘 Blessedness is like money in the bank:as we use it we must earn more. Blessedness is like a rice field:after the harvest we must plant again. 062 无求的布施,端严高贵,令人感念 无悔的布施,身心光明,令人赞美 practicing generosity without reward is noble. Practicing generosity without regret is to be praised. 063 “敢”是勇气,则表示有智慧 “敢”是发心,则表示能担当 Daring is courage:it means wisdom. Daring is aspiring:it means buty. 064 憎其恶而及其人,此乃人之常情 嫌其恶而友其人,则人之所难也 It's normal to hate evil deeds. It's hard to like someone who does disgusting things. 065 摄身守意,柔和自安 施与无畏,相融无碍 Guarding your deeds and thoughts makes you gentle. It is easy to get along with people who are not afraid of you. 066 富贵自喜舍中来 家业自勤俭中来 善友自道义中来 宁静自淡泊中来 From labor,money. From charity,love. From generosity,friendship. From no desire,peace. 067 助人者必能得福 慈爱者必能无怨 行善者必能销恶 离欲者必能无恼 Those who help others will gain fortune. Those who are compassionate do not complain. Those who bo good will rid themselves of bad deeds. Those who desire little will be free of defilement. 068 杯盘器皿要涤去尘污,才能纳受洁物 沟渠河床要疏通杂质,才能畅游无阻 花圃田园要除草尽竟,才能心旷神怡 自我身心要加以净化,才能开发宝藏 Cups and plates must be cleaned before food is served in them. Ditches and riverbeds must be cleared before water can flow free. Gardens and fields must be weeded before planting. Our bodies and minds must be purified before we cultivate them. 069 每一件事 都是要依靠众多的因缘才能成就 每一个人 都是要仰赖无限的生命才能成长 Every achievement demands causes and conditions. Everyone needs a long life to grow. 070 知足常乐是“天堂” 慈悲喜舍是“道场” 服务助人是“福田” 欢喜融和是“乐园” Compassion,loving-kindness,joyfulness,and equanimity are good practice. Serving others is like cultivating a field of blessedness. Joy and harmony are like a stroll in a meadow. Contentment and happiness are paradise on earth. 071 一味接受的人生是贫穷的因果 经常喜舍的人生是富贵的因果 A life of receiving is poor. A life of giving is rich. 072 太阳因为照射热能而给人温暖 花朵因为散发芬芳而令人喜悦 大海因为包容万有而被人重视 人生因为积聚慈悲而受人尊敬 The sun warms the world by its radiance. Flowers bring joy through their fragrance. The sea overwhelms us with forcefulness. We gain the world's respect by compassion. 073 心中烦恼无明即地狱 心中菩提正见即天堂 心中尤悲苦恼即地狱 心中安乐幸福即天堂 Defilement and ignorance bring you hell;enlightenment and right understanding bring you paradise. Sorrow and trouble bring you hell;peace and joy bring you paradise. 074 仅管家财万贯,却悭吝不舍 这是怀珠作丐 仅管坐拥金山,却为富不仁 这是藏宝穷人 A stingy rich man is like a beggar with a pearl. An evil rich man is like a poor man with treasure. 075 懂得用钱的人,金钱是功德 不会用钱的人,金钱是罪恶 Money can gain merits if used for good. Money can be evil if used for ill. 076 有失败的勇气,才有成功的希望 有辛勤的耕耘,才有丰富的收成 The courage to fail brings the hope of success. Diligence brings a good harvest. 077 书不读,不为我有 理不明,不为我知 A book carelessly read is not yours. A lesson misunderstood in not yours. 078 爱是自私的,爱也是奉献的 爱是染污的,爱也有清净的 爱是狭隘的,爱也有宽广的 爱是愚痴的,爱也是超越的 Love may be either selfish or dedicated. Love may be either defiled or pure. Love may be either narrow or broad. Love may be either foolish or transcendental. 079 愿从心生,发愿就是“发心” 果从缘有,结缘就是“结果” Vow comes from the heart;making a vow is aspiring. Fruit comes from conditions;making affinity brings good. 080 乐观如明灯,照亮希望的前程 消极如毒品,腐蚀健康的心灵 Optimism is the lamp of hope. Pessimism is the drug of sorrow. 081 欢喜做事,事劳而不觉其累 良友伴行,路遥而不觉其远 When you like your work,you do not tire quickly. When you like your companions,a trip seems short. 082 能从所得中获益,世俗之凡愚也 能从捐失中获益,升华之大智也 To benefit from your gain is ordinary. To benefit from your loss is wisdom. 083 对父母的慈悲是孝 是亲人的慈悲是爱 是师友的慈悲是义 是众生的慈悲是仁 compassion for parents is filial piety. Compassion for relatives is love. Compassion for teachers and friends is righteousness. Compassion for sentient beings is benevolence. 084 懂得利用时间的人 便是懂得生命的智者 懂得利益别人的人 便是懂得人生的圣者 You are wise when you know how to use your time. You are a sage when you know how to benefit others. 085 用语言赞美别人是口中放光 用眼神关怀民瘼是眼中放光 用耳朵聆听苦难是耳中放光 用悲心体谅众生是心中放光 To praise means to have a glowing tongue. To see suffering means to have glowing To hear suffering means to have glowing ears. To be compassionate means to have a glowing heart. 086 电话传真,让现代人有了“天耳通” 电视传讯,让现代人有了“天眼通” 报章杂志,让现代人有了“神足通” 电脑网络,让现代人有了“他心通” Telephones and radios give us the ears of gods. Television and cinema give us the eyes of gods. Newspapers and magazines are magic carpets. Computers and the Internet let us read people's minds. 087 能够乐善好施,必非贪财之辈 能够视死如归,必非无耶之徒 能够淡泊名利,必非好名之人 能够扬亲显荣,必非不肖之子 Generous people are not greedy. People who sacrifice their lives are not scoundrels. People detached from worldly desires do not wrestle for fame. People who strive to bring honor to parents are not worthless. 088 时间即是生命 争取时间,就是抢救生命 寿命就是时间 浪费时间,就是糟蹋生命 Time is life:using time well is saving life. Life is time:squandering time is wasting life. 089 会善用时间,就是会处理生命 能掌握时间,就是能拥有人生 Using time well is treasuring life. Seizing time is mastering life. 090 学习不只要求得知识 更要开启智慧 读书不只要求得学问 更要身体力行 Learning is not for knowledge only,but for increasing wisdom. Study is not for erudition only,but for putting to use. 091 心胸宽大者能广 心田宽大者能有 心海宽大者能容 心量宽大者能空 Tolerant people are rich and generous. 092 人生七十才开始,慈心悲愿无了时 人生七十古来稀,立功立德无量寿 Life begins at seventy,and even when old we can be compassionate and make vows. We rarely see seventy,but if we achieve and are virtuous we can enjoy endless lives. 093 德行善举,是永不失败的投资 慈悲大爱,是永不战败的盾牌 Morality and good deeds are unfailing investments. Compassion and love make an impenetrable shield. 094 我们能在生时多做善事,则临死何惧 我们能在平日贡献社会,则虽死犹生 When we do all the good we can,we need not fear death. When we offer society all we have,we live after we die. 095 发心吃饭,饭就能吃得满足 发心睡觉,觉就能睡得香甜 发心走路,路就能走得长远 发心做事,事就能做得起劲 Aspiring to eat,you can eat heartily. Aspiring to sleep,you can sleep soundly. Aspiring to walk,you can walk endlessly. Aspiring to succeed,you can succeed powerfully. 096 以诚感人,人也报之以诚 以德服人,人也报之以德 Honesty will be repaid with honesty. Virtue will be repaid with virtue. 097 我们可以到深海里找到宝藏 我们可以到沙漠里探到油矿 我们可以到废墟里挖到古迹 我们可以到人群里找到缘份 Find gems in the ocean. Find oil in the desert. Find ancient cities under heaps of rubble. Find affinity with others. 098 每一个人都能修口修心,就能正己正人 每一个人都能敦亲睦邻,就能齐家治国 每一个人都懂缘起真理,就能相互依存 每一个人都行八菩提分,就能正常生活 By cultivating good thoughts and words you become wholesome while helping others become wholesome. By realizing the principle of dependent origination you live in harmony with others. By living in harmony with others you bring harmony to family and country. By practicing the noble eightfold bath you can lead a good life. 099 能够克服困难,便能获得良机 能够解决困难,便能化解危机 能够面对困难,便能寻求转机 能够不怕困难,便能把握时机 Attack a problem and gain advantage. Resolve a problem and avert a crisis. Face a problem and overcome danger. Have no fear and seize your chance. 100 能在心中寻找和平的人 是最幸福的人 能在众中发挥热力的人 是最智慧的人 The happiest people have peace of mind. The wisest people are full of enthusiasm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 439. 懊悔无益,结果一生都在遗憾中度过;实践诺言,才能在现世的人生里圆满。 There is no use living a life of regret. Lead a perfect life by keeping your word. 440. 一腔的热情可以化解冷漠,一心的专注可以开发潜能。 Sympathy conveys warmth. Attentiveness brings progress. 441. 一己的私欲可以引起战端,一念的仇恨可以祸延子孙。 Selfishness provokes war. Hatred rouses generations of calamity. 442. 原谅别人是谓器量,若原谅自己则是无知。 Pardoning the foolish and greedy is noble, but forgiving ourselves is a waste of time. 443. 天理、良心,要求别人是在骂人,若要求自己则是讲道。 Demanding that others be wise and industrious is repellent, but teaching by example is magnanimous. 444. 能够接受教诲,「勇于认错」的人,大都进步得快;觉得自己有理,「死不认错」的人,往往原地踏步。 Those who admit their faults can advance. Those who never admit faults cannot advance. 445. 自己有成,不当扬;朋友有成,决当为之扬。 Proclaim your friends' successes but not yours. 446. 自己有过,不当讳;朋友有过,决当为之讳。 Conceal your friends' mistakes but not yours. 447. 平时积德养望,自然不忧毁誉加身;生前奉献社会,自然不惧遗憾后世。 Increase your virtue to disdain slander. Be devoted to society to increase your merit. 448. 缺乏师资的学生,唯有勤修自学,才能寻得学问入门;不同党派的官员,若能摒除门户,才能相谋治国之方。 Badly taught students must be their own teachers. Officials must get rid of prejudices to govern. 449. 秋天积穀(gǔ)存粮,自然不愁严冬来临;白天设备照明,自然不怕夜幕低垂。 Store food in autumn to survive the cold winter. Oil your lamp by day to read by night. 450. 不邪淫而自重,如在幸福家庭中受表扬;不妄语而慎言,如在美丽语言学校获奖;不吸毒而守道,如在健康保险公司投保。 Not to misbehave sexually but to behave well is like gaining a happy family. Not to lie but to speak truth is like passing a language school. Not to take drugs but to stay clean is like health insurance. 451. 不杀生而护生,如在人寿保险公司投保;不偷盗而喜舍,如在银行中存入了巨款。 Not to kill but to save is like life insurance. Not to steal but to give is like money in a bank. 452. 有了伦理建设,家庭才能和谐尊重;有了自我建设,生命才能宽阔开展。 Ethical conduct makes families open and caring. Self-respect makes you vital and content. 453. 有了经济建设,民生才能富足安乐;有了交通建设,地方才能繁荣发展。 A strong economy makes society rich and happy. Public transit brings wealth and development. 456. 心无罣碍,方成解脱;能除烦恼,便是修行。 Without worry and obstruction, one can attain liberation. Getting rid of defilement is practice. 457. 一念反躬,便是天理;一念为人,便是天堂。 One reflective thought teaches righteousness. One righteous thought brings you to paradise. 458. 「前线」是英雄最好的战场;「谦让」是圣贤最好的战场。 Combat is the battlefield of heroes. Modesty is the battlefield of sages. 459. 平等应视人如己,立场互易;平等应泯除成见,消灭对待。 Equality means treating others as yourself and acting in their interests. Equality means getting rid of discrimination and biased thinking. 460. 平等应尊重包容,促进和谐;平等应建立共识,倡导文明。 Equality means tolerating others to promote harmony. Equality means shared ideas and civilization. 461. 道德,是人类最珍贵的质量;般若,是人生最真实的宝藏。 Morality is our most precious possession. Prajna is our greatest treasure. 462. 无得无失的人生是豁达的;无来无去的生命是自然的。 When you don't care for gain, you will be content. When your life is tranquil, you will be natural. 463. 无牵无挂的心理是快活的;无欲无求的眼界是宽阔的。 When you are not troubled, you will be serene. When you desire nothing, your scope will be large. 464. 人世间最美丽的是感动的笑容;宇宙间最宽广的是真理的道路。 The most beautiful thing in the world is a smile of gratitude. The most wonderful thing in the world is the path to truth. 465. 树高万丈不离根,花开千朵不离心;耸云高楼不离地,万乘之尊不离民。 A tree cannot grow high without roots. A flower cannot rise without a stalk. The highest building begins at the ground. An emperor has no glory without subjects. 466. 真理能阻挡愚痴的邪风;柔和能消灭瞋怒的烈火;喜舍能对治贪欲的洪流;谦虚能铲除骄慢的高山。 Truth is a refuge from blizzards of ignorance. Compassion puts out the flames of hate. Charity wards off torrents of greed. Modesty flattens mountains of arrogance. 467. 寡言者未必是愚痴;利口者未必是聪明;自尊者未必是傲慢;承顺者未必是忠诚。 Silence is not stupidity. Cleverness is not wisdom. Self-respect is not arrogance. Subservience is not loyalty. 468. 细胞基因可以改变人种质量,善恶因缘可以改变人生未来。 The condition of our bodies depends on our genes. Our future depends on good or bad causes and conditions. 469. 多欲为穷,知足眼前皆净土;人生有定,通达身外总浮云。 Desire is poverty; contentment is the pureland. Destiny is decided by causes and conditions; wealth and position are floating clouds. 470. 心生万物随识变,心有所主自能安;人生际遇随业转,视己经营圣凡分。 Consciousness can manifest all things, good and bad; when your mind is healthy you are at peace. Lives are driven by karma; how you manage your life will make you a sage or a simpleton. 471. 水的勇猛能柔而坚强,可以弱而克刚;水的智能能疏通江河,可以自成盈满。 The courage of water tenderly subdues the stubborn. The wisdom of water makes rivers flow. 472. 水的仁慈能沐浴众生,可以泽及万物;水的义气能扬清激浊,可以荡涤污垢。 The compassion of water bathes and nurtures all sentient beings. The justice of water purges defilement. 473. 喜舍好比播种,懂得播种,必然有所收成;贪婪仿佛掘根,根本不固,难望果实累树。 Joyful giving, like sowing seeds, produces a rich harvest. Greed, like pulling rice out by the root, deprives us of a decent harvest. 474. 善恶报应是显露的法律,本心是非是内在的法律,世事伦常是共遵的法律,天理因果是最高的法律。 Karmic retribution is the visible law. Conscience is the inner law. Custom is the common law. Causality is the ultimate law. 475. 有情有义,于情义中,觉悟真理;有甘有苦,在甘苦中,领会无常。 Be friendly and righteous to realize the truth. Experience joy and suffering to realize the truth of impermanence. 476. 有修行的人最有力,有智能的人最通达。 Those who practice well are the most powerful. Those who are intelligent are the most perspicuous. 477. 有信仰的人最富贵,有道德的人最安心。 Those who have faith in religion are the wealthiest. Those who are virtuous can be the most peaceful in their minds. 478. 聪明者不迷,正见者不邪,有容者不妒,心静者不烦。 Wise people are not deluded. Those who know Buddhism are not corrupted. Magnanimous people are not jealous. Serene people are not bothered by adversity. 479. 探究前世的宿命,不如把握眼前的善缘;追查来世的因果,不如谨慎当下的行为。 In the midst of this life, don't puzzle over the life before. In the midst of this life, don't worry about the life to come. 480. 病患田中种植救护,三宝田中种植供养。 Cultivate the merits of caring for patients. Cultivate the merits of offering to the Triple Gem. 481. 父母田中种植孝养,师长田中种植恭敬。 Cultivate the merits of filial piety for your parents. Cultivate the merits of respect for your teachers. 482. 有心,即使十万里路也不算远;无心,即使近在隔邻也走不到。 With will, a hundred thousand miles is not far. Without will, your neighbor is far away. 483. 面对死亡, 要有如落叶归根的自然;面对死亡,要有如空山圆月的明净。 Facing death, be natural like a fallen leave. Facing death, be pure like the full moon. 484. 面对死亡,要有如游子回家的欢喜;面对死亡,要有如囚犯释放的自由。 Facing death, be happy like a wanderer returning home. Facing death, be free like a prisoner released. 485. 求神通,不如求慈悲;神通有利有害,慈悲则无往不利。 Better to cultivate compassion than supernatural power. Such power can be good or bad, but compassion is always good. 486. 因为世事「无常」,所以文明才得以进步;因为生命「无常」,所以未来才抱有希望。 Society's impermanence makes progress possible. Life's impermanence makes future life possible. 487. 感谢过去的因缘,珍惜现世的果报;建设现世的因缘,培植未来的果报。 Be grateful to past causes and conditions and cherish their fruit in your present life. Build up causes and conditions in your present life to nurture the fruit of your future life. 488. 只要不种恶因,自然没有恶果;想要幸福快乐,便要培养善缘。 If there is no evil cause, there is no evil effect. If you cultivate good causes and conditions, you will be happy. 489. 凡人有过能悔,然后就能进德;凡事有缘能行,然后就能成功。 Repentance enhances virtue. Acting with causes and conditions leads to success. 490. 贪婪瞋恚去除了,身心才能净化;自私嫉妒远离了,心胸才会宽大。 Purging hate and greed makes you pure. Purging envy increases your nobility. 491. 爱语如春风,好言如冬阳;真心如光明,惭愧如璎珞。 Loving words are like the spring breeze. Good words are like the winter sun. A sincere heart is like a lamp. Conscience is like a jewel. 492. 感谢因缘,因缘能成就一切;随顺因缘,因缘能引导自然。 Be grateful to causes and conditions that help you achieve everything. Follow causes and conditions that lead to natural results. 493. 触目皆缘,无非人生机遇;信手拈来,无非佛法妙谛。 What we misconstrue as luck is causes and conditions. What we misconstrue as luck is explained by the Buddha's teachings. 494. 「无常」,因此明天可能会更好;「无我」,因此未来可能会更大。 Impermanence makes tomorrow a better day. Non-self brings hope to our future. 495. 高山不辞土壤,故能成其高;大海不择细流,故能成其大。 A mountain is high because it does not shun rocks. An ocean is great because it does not shun streams. 496. 行为的规范,是在道德;道德的实践,却在行为。 Morality regulates our actions. Actions carry out morality. 497. 心安茅屋稳,性定菜根香,世事静方见,人情淡始长。 A peaceful mind abides joyfully in a hut. An equable mind savors the simplest fare. A tranquil mind comprehends the world. A tolerant mind makes lifelong friendships. 498. 进退之时懂分寸,得失之时通因果。 Whether you advance or retreat, do it the right way. Gain and loss follow the law of causality. 499. 贫病之时知朋友,患难之时识真情。 Real friends help when you are poor or sick. True friends stay with you in adversity. 500. 忠信可以进德,庄敬可以避祸,宽恕可以延寿,信仰可以悟道。 Loyalty and reliability enhance virtue. Self-respect and self-reliance stave off misfortune. Magnanimity prolongs life. Faith leads to enlightenment. 501. 涉世不难于变化,难于慎重;做事不难于敏达,难于深忍。 In society, confronting challenges is easier than shrinking them. In business, intelligence is easier than tolerance. 502. 正义行事,公理不会长久湮没;心存善念,果报必然早晚现前。 Justice will not sleep long. Karmic retribution will ripen sooner or later. 503. 心意柔和身自在,眼耳清净心自闲,天伦团聚家自乐,世道公正民自安。 A tender mind is a comfort to the body. A mind is not troubled when eyes and ears are at rest. A family gathering is a fountain of happiness. A happy society is virtuous and fair. 504. 平安就是福报,功德就是寿命,知足就是富贵,适情就是自在。 Whoever has health has good fortune. Whoever has merit has life. Whoever is content has wealth and nobility. Whoever is at ease is carefree. 505. 好花,不在于美丽,而在于清香;好话,不在于夸口,而在于真实。 Good flowers need not be pretty, but must be fragrant. Good words need not brag, but must be true. 506. 贪心不能致富,喜舍才能多福;利他不忘自谦,自谦才能度众。 Greed cannot make fortune. Joyful giving can bring good fortune. Be modest when benefiting others. Modesty can help save sentient beings. 507. 错误比不过道理,道理比不过法治,法治比不过权力,权力比不过因果。 Error cannot defeat reason. Reason cannot defeat law. Law cannot defeat power. Power cannot defeat the law of causality. 508. 行正不怕人来谤,心正不怕魔来扰。 An honest man is not bent by slander. A virtuous mind is not broken by demons. 509. 树正不怕月影斜,梁正不怕屋瓦倾。 A sturdy tree does not fear the slanted moonlight. A stout beam does not fear the sloping roof tiles. 510. 一花一木都有生命;一山一水都有生机;一人一事都有道理;一举一动都有因果。 Every tree and flower has a purpose. Every mountain and stream has a place. Every occasion has a reason. Every cause has an effect. 511. 认识生命者,了悟人生苦多;主宰生命者,不惧人生苦空。 Those who understand life know it is suffering. Those who master life are not afraid of suffering and emptiness. 512. 珍惜生命者,感叹人生苦短;挥霍生命者,埋怨人生苦长。 Those who cherish life sigh that it is too short. Those who squander life whine that it is too long. 513. 清雅的馨香,使环境怡然;无声的沈寂,使世界安适。 Pure incense makes the environment pleasurable. Silence keeps the world comfortable. 514. 柔美的音乐,使生活和谐;森林的鸟鸣,使自然悠远。 Tender music keeps life harmonious. Birdsong in the forest keeps nature wonderful. 515. 心以涵蕴能容,故心包太虚;气以进出能平,故四通八达。 Minds are encompassing when spacious. Air flows easily when breathed in peace. 516. 河以蜿蜒能远,故渊源流长;山以重垒能高,故嶙峋峻拔。 Rivers are long when they twist. Mountains are high when thrust up. 517. 观山岳悟其灵奇,因为远观山无色;观河海悟其浩瀚,因为海水连天碧。 Mountains teach grandeur. Oceans teach infinity. 518. 观晚霞悟其无常,因为夕阳无限好;观白云悟其卷舒,因为云出岫无心。 The setting sun teaches impermanence. Clouds teach change. 519. 老人,不是年龄,而是心境;人生,不是岁月,而是永恒。 Old age does not mean living many years, but thinking you are old. Our lives are measured by eternity, not years. 520. 春天,不是季节,而是内心;生命,不是肉体,而是心性。 Spring is not just a season, but a state of mind. Life is not in body only, but also in the mind. 521. 为人服务者,总散发光热;利益别人者,总散播快乐。 Those who serve always bring light and warmth. Those who give always spread happiness. 522. 真诚勤勉,用以任事;慈悲发心,用以行善;平和无私,用以做人;超越名利,用以处世。 Be honest and diligent in your work. Be compassionate and aspire to do good. Be tranquil and selfless to get along. Rise above profit and status. 523. 贫苦的人不一定渴求别人的救济,他们要的是生活的尊严;贫苦的人不一定期盼别人的呵护,他们要的是奋发的意志。 The poor do not necessarily look for help; they want dignity. The poor do not necessarily need assistance; they need the will to strive. 524. 每日所存的心意,要有祝福他人的好心;每日所走的道路,要能走出社会的光明。 Every day do good for your neighbors. Every day advance towards the world's bright future. 525. 读书明理,自己有几分受用?言说讲理,他人有几个点头? At all times, think. How much do you gain from your reading? How many acquaintances agree with your opinions? 526. 每日所说的言语,要是善良柔美的好话;每日所做的事情,要是利益大众的好事; Every day speak kind and gentle words. Every day love humanity. 527. 尊重不是说说就算了,而是要身体力行;共识不是知道就好了,而是要动作一致。 Respect requires not empty talk, but action. Unanimity requires not shared ideas, but action. 528. 忘记自我利益,是圣人;摆脱私人利益,是伟人;看重自己利益,是凡人;忽略别人利益,是小人。 The sage is indifferent to his interests. The hero cares for others' interests. The empty man is devoted to his interests. The scoundrel disdains others' interests. 529. 能施者是富者,耐劳者是能者,任怨者是贤者,容人者是智者。 Those who give are rich. Those who work hard are competent. Those who endure criticism are virtuous. Those who tolerate are wise. 530. 对世间要有感恩的美德,对生活要有勤俭的习惯,对物质要有知足的修养,对他人要有喜舍的布施。 Be grateful to the human world. Cultivate diligence and frugality. Be content with what you have. Practice generosity. 531. 对年青人要教育鼓励,对老年人要关怀照顾,对残障者要帮助辅导,对失意人要体贴规劝。 Educate youth. Care for the elderly. Assist the handicapped. Help the disadvantaged. 532. 随处给人欢喜,随时给人信心,随手给人服务,随缘给人方便。 Give people happiness everywhere. Give people confidence always. Give people service at every chance. Give people comfort on every occasion. 533. 能够随缘不变,行事才有目标原则;能够不变随缘,做人才能收放自如。 When you virtuously pursue causes and conditions, you will keep your business on the right track. 534. 人有享不到的福,没有受不了的苦;人要做正人君子,不要做消极好人。 If you cannot be lucky, at least you can learn to tolerate the intolerable. Be truly righteous, not a phony. 535. 忍耐,才能和气致祥;悔过,才能提起勇气。 Patience leads to harmony. Repentance leads to courage. 536. 用体谅的心对待亲情,用结缘的心对待友情,用净化的心对待爱情,用尊重的心对待道情。 Honor your family and kin. Make affinity with friends. Love with a pure mind. Respect fellow devotees of the Buddha. 537. 为真理服务最有价值,为众生服务最为光荣。 Above all, serve the truth. Above all, serve every being. 538. 智者以知,了解一切;仁者以爱,包容一切;勇者以义,牺牲一切;忠者以诚,奉献一切。 Wise people understand by their wisdom. Good people tolerate out of love. Brave people sacrifice out of courage. Loyal people are faithful out of devotion. 539. 以平常心面对世事,以欢喜心学习接受,以服务心和人结缘,以感恩心回馈社会。 Face the world with a peaceful mind. Accept adversity with joy in your mind. Make affinity with a mind to serve others. Repay society with a grateful mind. 540. 人生最大的福报,莫如无病康健;处世最大的乐事,莫如无事免难。 The luckiest thing is to be healthy. The happiest thing is to be secure. 541. 处世要有大无畏的勇敢,行事要有大格局的前瞻,做人要有大气度的担当,修行要有不退转的精神。 Conduct yourself with courage. Do business with vision. Shoulder your responsibility to society. Always practice. 542. 温言鼓舞,是最大的上进动力;包容谅解,是最佳的知心良友。 Tender encouragement moves people farther. Tolerance and understanding are intimate friends. 543. 没有机会的时候,广结善缘;机会来临的时候,及时掌握。 When there is nothing to do, at least make good affinity with others. But when the chance comes to act, seize it. 544. 从长相来判断一个人,不如从所学来判断一个人;从所学来判断一个人,不如从心志来判断一个人。 Judge people by their thoughts, not their smiles. Judge people by their intent, not their thoughts. 545. 决心可以使人不致半途而废,毅力可以使人走上成功之路。 Determination helps you reach your goal. Perseverance leads to success. 546. 参学,参了还要学;学问,学了要会问。 When you visit a new place, try to learn about it. Asking questions, you will learn. 547. 儿童是家庭未来的希望,少年是国家未来的主人,青年是人间未来的栋梁,老年是社会未来的典范。 Children are the hope of the family. Youth will be the leaders of the country. Young men and women will be the elite of the world. The elderly will be the models for society. 548. 肯定自己,才能向前;尊重别人,才有助缘。 Self-recognition helps us move forward. Respecting others helps us obtain favorable conditions. 549. 静下来聆听对方的音声,是「沟通」的秘方;动起来帮助对方的需要,是「谈判」的筹码。 Listening is the key to communicating. Helping is the key to negotiating. 550. 不愁物质的匮乏,但做心灵的富翁;不怕世间的贫苦,但做自在的主人。 Don't worry about scarcity: be rich in your mind. Don't worry about poverty: be your own master. 551. 念念不起恶心,自然没有业果;处处不搅人我,自然没有是非。 No evil mind: no karmic retribution. No discrimination: no gossip. 552. 年年不忘春耕,自然能够秋收;时时不离助人,自然能得人助。 Spring planting leads to autumn harvest. Your helping hand always gains help from others. 553. 宁与君子理论,莫与小人计较;宁与智者吵架,不与愚者论道。 Better to deal with a virtuous than a mean person. Better to debate with a wise than a foolish person. 554. 「回响」是传达心意最动听的声音,「附和」是表现善意最美好的礼物。 Feedback is needed after you say what you think. Unanimity is the best sign of a good reception. 555. 物质的苦乐没有标准,心中的自在才有价值;成功的定义因人而异,道德的圆成才是重要。 A carefree mind is more valued than pleasure. Virtue is more valued than success in business. 556. 发心行道,自能聚合善缘;热心助人,自能累积经验。 Aspiring to practice and cultivation helps accumulate good causes and conditions. Readiness to help broadens your experience. 557. 主管必须要有属下的拥护,才能发挥集体的创作;个人必须要有大众的性格,才能开展全面的人生。 A boss needs to get his subordinates working together to get the job done. A person needs the courage to embrace the multitude to enjoy a full life. 558. 红花必须要有绿叶的陪衬,才能显出整体的美感;明月必须要有众星的点缀,才能表现夜色的美丽。 A red flower needs green leaves to display the tree's beauty. A bright moon needs a sea of stars to display the night's beauty. 559. 多一个朋友,自然少一个敌人;多一分努力,自然少一分挫败。 One more friend is one less enemy. A day of hard work is a day of satisfaction. 560. 赞誉之词可于人后言,闻者心喜;批评之话当于人前说,可免是非。 Praising people behind their backs makes them happy. Criticizing people to their faces avoids gossip. 561. 世道坎坷,靠一「耐」字能通行;人心难测,靠一「诚」字能知交。 When life is hard, patience helps. When people are hard to figure out, honesty helps win intimate friends. 562. 有德,人必尊之;有功,人必崇之;有容,人必附之;有量,人必从之。 With virtue, you will be respected. With achievements, you will be adored. With magnanimity, you will be acclaimed. With tolerance, you will be followed. 563. 勤奋不故意拖延,忍耐不顾忌怯弱,勇敢不过度自责,放下不计较得失。 Work diligently and don’t procrastinate. Be patient though you may be thought cowardly. Be brave and don’t blame yourself too much. Be detached and surrender gain and loss. 564. 饮食八分饱,精神才会好;讲话留三分,日后好相见。 To stay in good spirits, don’t overeat. To get along, don’t speak harshly of others. 565. 居家要选好邻,旅行要选良伴,求知要选善书,励行要选善友。 Choose good neighbors for living. Choose good companions for travel. Choose good books for knowledge. Choose good friends for practice. 566. 荣辱与共,这是交友的法则;生死无惧,这是生活的理则。 The way to make friends is to share their honor and humiliation. The way to carry on is not to fear life or death. 567. 就事论事,这是用人的原则;通情达理,这是处世的准则。 The way to treat people is to be fair. The way to live is to be intelligent and rational. 568. 「讲清楚,说明白」,是人际相处的妙方;「改心性,革陋习」,是自我进步的动力。 Making everything clear is a magic way to get along with people. Transforming your bad habits and thoughts accelerates your progress. 569. 懂得做事的人,要做「本份事」;懂得做人的人,要做「本份人」。 Those who understand business perform well. Those who understand how to get along behave well. 570. 宽可以容人,厚可以载物,勤可以补拙,俭可以却贫。 Magnanimity leads to tolerance. Tolerance leads to responsible actions. Diligence lets you reach your goal. Frugality will make you rich. 571. 遇事忍为妙,忍能解灾厄;处世善为宝,善能增福报。 Patience is a magic way to banish disaster. Kindness is a magic way to increase your merits. 572. 人我的相处,以不违情理为自然;金钱的运用,以量入为出为正常。 Be friendly and behave rationally. Do not spend more than you have. 573. 感情的交流,以公理正义为原则;语言的沟通,以体谅包容为雅量。 Act with righteousness. Speak with tolerance. 574. 平心静气,心情自然好;虚心谦下,人缘自然好。 Patience and tranquility bring good feelings. Modesty brings good affinity.. 575. 人生,不惜身命,要出生入死;人生,不计危难,要赴汤蹈火。 Don’t be afraid of danger: be daring. Don’t be afraid of dying: seize your chance. 576. 人生,不惧艰辛,要攀峰越岭;人生,不怕疲累,要跋山涉水。 Don’t be afraid of hardship: transcend it. Don’t be afraid of exhaustion: keep going. 577. 从刹那因缘中感受永恒的未来,从明月清风中体悟清净的自性。 Grasp eternity in a moment’s cause and condition. Discern your Buddha nature in the bright moon and cool breeze. 578. 从一砂一石中看到无限的世界,从飞湍鸣涧中听到真理的声音。 See endless worlds in a grain of sand. Hear truth in the roar of raging waters. 579. 世事合乎自然,就可形成;人心合乎自然,就是善美。 A venture that obeys its nature bears rich fruit. A mind that obeys its nature is gentle and fair. 580. 宇宙合乎自然,就有生命;万物合乎自然,就能成长。 The cosmos exists because it obeys its nature. A being that obeys his nature thrives. 581. 学生有良师的栽培,这是前途是有力的助缘;老师有英才的传授,这是学界最美好的佳话。 Best causes and conditions for a student: education by a master. Best happiness for a teacher: a former student’s eminence. 582. 儿女有慈母的教育,这是人生最幸福的事情;丈夫有贤妻的扶持,这是世间最美满的境界。 Best for children: a mother’s training. Best for a husband: his wife’s support. 583. 做事要有计画,用钱要有预算,修学要有目标,未来要有希望。 Make a plan before you act. Make a budget before you use the money. Set a goal before you practice. Have a hope for the future. 584. 一切事业的成功,端赖人和的沟通;沟通人和的要点,必须彼此的互重。 Business success requires harmony with others. The key to harmony is mutual respect. 585. 慈悲是人类情感净化的善美境界,智能是菩萨理性缘起的真如显现。 Compassion is pure kindness. Wisdom means knowing the truth of dependent origination. 586. 妻子的爱语,是丈夫的和风;丈夫的臂膀,是全家的依靠。 Wives’endearments the dawn breeze for husbands. Fathers’embrace a refuge for families. 587. 公婆的微笑,是子孙的太阳;儿女的音声,是父母的音乐。 Grandchildren glow in the laughter of grandparents. Voices of children are music to parents. 588. 佛法说「苦」,目的是要众生「除苦得乐」;佛法说「空」,目的是要众生「知空识有」。 Buddhism says we can avoid suffering and be happy. Buddhism says that all arises from emptiness. 589. 以语言三昧给人欢喜,以文字般若给人智能;以利行无畏给人依靠,以同事摄受给人信心。 Cheer with happy words. Enlighten with wise words. Protect people from intimidation. Work for everybody’s interest. 590. 发愿作一盏路灯,照破黑暗,指引光明;发愿作一棵大树,枝繁叶茂,庇荫路人。 Vow to be a streetlight showing the way. Vow to be a tree offering its branches for shade to passersby. 591. 化愚就是智,去迷就是悟,除恶就是善,离妄就是真。 Transform stupidity to wisdom. Banish ignorance to gain enlightenment. Avoid evil to be good. Abandon delusion to seek the truth. 592. 病人将生命和健康交给医护人员,医护人员将时间青春奉献给病人。 Patients rely on their doctors and nurses. Doctors and nurses are devoted to patients. 593. 世间的得失皆有前因,人生的苦乐都有所缘。 Gain and loss, suffering and happiness, come from our past causes and conditions. 594. 真理从清醒而来,善良从体谅而来;气质从智能而来,美丽从慈悲而来。 Truth comes from awakening the mind. Kindness comes from consideration. Good temperament comes from wisdom. Beauty comes from compassion. 595. 有佛法,就有办法;能持戒,就不犯法。 Where Dharma is, there lies the way. Where precept is, there can be no transgression. 596. 船行的路是海洋,明灯的路是夜晚,人行的路是善事,成道的路是悲智。 Ships sail the ocean path. Light shows us the path at night. Good deeds show us the path of righteousness. Compassion and intelligence show us the path to enlightenment. 597. 爱语如和谐的音乐;微笑如盛开的花朵;善行如浊世的清流;真理如久旱的甘霖。 Loving words are like sweet music. A smile is like a budding flower. Kindness is like a clear stream in a muddy world. Truth is like a rain after drought. 598. 发愿作一只蜡烛,燃烧自己,照亮别人;发愿作一支画笔,彩绘世间,增添美丽。 Vow to be a candle giving light to others. Vow to be an artist’s brush adding to the world’s beauty. 599. 慈悲为本,方便为门;慈悲可以表达佛法的道德,方便可以传递世情的智能。 Compassion is fundamental: be skillful in practice. Compassion is the Buddhist virtue. Being skillful shows your wisdom in handling worldly affairs. 600. 我看花,花自缤纷;我见树,树自婆娑;我览境,境自去来;我观心,心自如如。 Flowers are by nature beautiful. Trees are by nature vital. The world is by nature transient. The mind is by nature dynamic. 601. 财富流动,才能造福社会;心意流动,才能通达无碍。 Wealth must flow to be fruitful. Mind must flow to be clear. 602. 河水流动,才能涓涓不绝;空气流动,才能生意盎然。 Rivers must flow to be useful. Air must flow to refresh. 603. 欲望愈少,心灵愈清明;成见愈少,生命愈宽广。 Less desire makes you virtuous and wise. Less prejudice makes your life expansive. 604. 富贵荣华,总难满意,欢喜就可满意;天地日月,总无主人,欣赏便是主人。 Wealth and glory please only contented people. Heaven and earth, sun and moon belong to whoever delights in them. 605. 要享事功,先要提得起;要享闲情,先要放得下。 To enjoy success, do your duty. To enjoy leisure, surrender attachment. 606. 一曲音乐,不如一句好话;一首诗歌,不如一声赞叹。 Better a poem than a symphony. Better praise than poetry. 607. 一束鲜花,不如一脸微笑;一杯清水,不如一念清明。 Better a smile than a fragrant flower. Better a thought than clear water. 608. 人生只管现在享福,则如点灯,愈点愈枯竭;人生能为将来积福,则如添油,越添灯越明。 Indulgence in pleasure is like a lamp burning; the oil grows less and less. Accumulating merits is like adding oil; the lamp grows brighter and brighter. 609. 诸供养中,法的供养第一;诸功德中,心的祝福为上。 Offering of the Dharma is the best possible offering. A deed quietly done has the best possible merit. 610. 「真理」,是宇宙人生的规则;「道理」,是世间万象的本性。 Truth is the law of the universe. Order is the principle of worldly phenomena. 611. 「明理」,是事业成功的条件;「无理」,是人格修养的缺陷。 Intelligence and open-mindedness are essential to business success. Irrationality is a crucial character defect. 612. 巧心慧手,可以化腐朽为神奇;善心美意,可以转恶因成好缘。 With creative mind and skillful hands, you can turn corruption into magic. With creative mind and good will, you can turn bad causes and conditions into good ones. 613. 时间刹那,贯穿了去来三世;空间极微,包容了大千宇宙。 Our past, present, and future lives can be seen in a single moment. The whole universe is present in a tiny space. 614. 平等是人间的和谐,互尊是人本的要义;环保是世界的规律,自然是生命的圆满。 Equality is world harmony. Mutual respect is the core of humanistic thought. Ecology is the law of the world. Nature means the perfection of life. 615. 「行善」是「教化」之初阶,「教化」是「行善」之目标。 The pupil must first learn how to be good. The teacher must first teach how to be good. 616. 父母是幼年的偶像,老师是学生的偶像;圣贤是成人的偶像,佛陀是众生的偶像。 Parents are models for children. Teachers are models for students. Sages are models for grownups. The Buddha is the model for all. 617. 人有悲欢离合,故有聚散情缘;世有苦空无常,故有真理示现。 The sorrow of parting and joy of meeting let us cherish the time we are together. The suffering, emptiness, and impermanence of the world manifest the truth. 618. 因为无知、无明,所以有烦恼、有痛苦;因为无争、无求,所以有法喜、有自在。 Ignorance brings defilement and suffering. When you do not cling, you have freedom and Dharma joy. 619. 心中有人,是立德、立言、立功之本;心中有佛,是修真、修善、修美之道。 Keeping people in mind lets you attain virtue, write for posterity, and accomplish great deeds. Keeping the Buddha in mind lets you walk the way of truth, kindness, and beauty.. 620. 喜舍摄伏贪欲,行喜舍,可以广结善缘;慈悲化解瞋恨,修慈悲,可以积聚福德。 Joyful giving subdues greed and makes good affinity. Compassion dissolves hate and accumulates merits. 621. 石头用坚忍行走,星球用引力行走,历史用过去行走,伟大用卑微行走。 A stone sits unmovable. A satellite bends with gravity. History moves beyond the past. A great person walks humbly. 622. 施舍者,内不见己,外不见人,中不见物;虽粒米之施,当如万钟之粟。利人者,望人回报,计己之能,美施之物;虽百亿金银,难比一文之值。 A grain of rice given without attachment is the same as a thousand bushels. There is no merit in giving millions when you wish for a reward. 623. 只要有德,当时机成熟,就能树立形象,赢得人敬;只要有道,当因缘聚会,就能照破无明,见自本性。 With virtue, respect is granted in the ripeness of time. With t’ao (way), causes and conditions help you overcome ignorance to realize your Buddha nature. 624. 只要有根,当春雷惊蛰,就能顶天立地,枝繁茂盛;只要有翼,当秋风吹起,就能展翅上扬,探索碧空。 With roots, a tree thrives after a spring rain. With wings, a bird soars in the autumn wind. 625. 心中有道念的人,脸上所展现的都是祥和愉快的笑容;心中有佛法的人,身上所感受的都是善人共聚的快乐。 Faith inspires contented smiles. Joy makes the world a delight. 626. 心中有禅味的人,耳中所听闻的都是八万四千的诗偈;心中有欢喜的人,眼中所看见的都是赏心悦目的景色。 Meditation unseals the 84,000 verses. Dharma teaching brings together the virtuous. 627. 幽默是睿智的禅心,它是自我解嘲,而非取笑别人;诙谐是智能的言谈,它是自我调侃,而非讽刺别人。 Humor is the Ch’an mind of wisdom that laughs at self, not others. Humor is the speech of wisdom that mocks self, not others. 628. 历史有人,才成为历史;人有历史,才成其为人。 People make history. History gives fame to people. 629. 水,不为外境所动,即能波澜不生;心,不为外境所动,即能坚忍其性。 Water is quiet if not stirred by wind. Mind perseveres if not stirred by distractions. 630. 月亮不一定要圆满,残缺也是一种美;人生不一定要拥有,享有也是一份福。 Don’t wish for a full round moon; deficiency also has beauty. Don’t seek possessions; pleasure without property is wealth. 631. 不忌残缺,懂得欣赏残缺之美,就是圆满;不妒贤良,懂得广纳贤良之才,就是成功。 Don’t shun the disabled: recognize their talents. Don’t resent the able: employ them. 632. 惜精神者,可以却病;省财用者,可以却贫。却病者一身安乐;却贫者一家安乐。 Who does not squander strength has health. Health is happiness. Thrift is wealth. Wealth makes a family peaceful. 633. 人之心术正,心事自少;人之心事少,心情自乐。 You are not anxious when you are upright. You are happy when you are not anxious. 634. 虚空无有定相,而又无所不相,所以能成其宽广;流水居高就下,而又不拘形式,所以能遍泽大地。 Having no form, space can fill any void. Having no form, water can nourish any field. 635. 人之心量大,心境自闲;人之心境闲,心术自正。 You are tranquil when you are magnanimous. You are upright when you are tranquil. 636. 安全是回家唯一的路径;努力是成功唯一的大道;正义是胜利唯一的坦途;真理是解脱唯一的慈航。 Safety is the only road home. Hard work is the only road to success. Virtue is the only road to triumph. Truth and compassion is the only road to liberation. 637. 外道不可怕,邪道才可怕;迷信不可怕,邪信才可怕。 Don't fear non-Buddhist thinking. Fear perverted thinking. Don't fear superstition. Fear perverted faith. 638. 识见不高,易生事端;德望不足,易生怒气;诚信不够,易生流言;道理不明,易生诡辩。 Misunderstanding leads to trouble. Misbehavior leads to resentment. Dishonesty leads to disapproval. Confusion leads to disputes. 639. 根深本固,其果必茂;渊远流长,其水必清;登高远眺,其境必宽;养深积厚,其志必大。 Deep roots yield rich fruit. Great rivers run clean. You see the world from a mountaintop. To reach your goal, never give up. 640. 表现「真理」的最高境界是「因果」;学习「做人」的最高境界是「圆满」。 The law of causality is the central truth. Compatibility is the essence of getting along. 641. 一言决断千古犹豫,一理贯通千差万别;一心广含十方虚空,一念慈悲万众受益。 One word can stir the hesitant. One sentence can scatter all doubt. The mind can encompass the universe. One compassionate thought can save the world. 642. 一水贯通五湖四海,一月遍照万国九州;一雨普润三春草木,一雷觉醒大地群迷。 Rivers flow to lakes and seas. The moon shines everywhere. Rain nurtures a forest. Thunder awakens many deluded beings. 643. 物不在奇,缺之则珍;才不在高,适用则优;施不在多,即时则贵;道不在深,应机则妙。 Ordinary things are cherished when scarce. Ordinary people shine in the right vocation. A small gift at the right time has great worth. A small lesson has great value when it contains a priceless truth. 644. 力田不如逢春;善仕不如遇缘;巧辩不如诚实;考官不如选佛。 Prefer happiness to drudgery. Prefer good conditions to skill. Prefer honesty to eloquence. Prefer Buddhahood to business. 645. 对财物要有惜福、惜情、惜缘的珍惜之心;对事务要有尽善、尽美、尽心的无愧之念。 We must cherish property as we do merit, love and sentiment, and affinity. We must manage our business well to avoid regrets. 646. 松涛拍岸,鸟叫虫鸣,无非是悟道的契机;夏涧秋谷,春花冬雪,无非是真理的示现。 The sound of wind in the pines, like waves, birdsong, and insects, inspires enlightenment. Summer brook, autumn valley, spring flower, and winter snow are manifestations of truth. 647. 一念善心,佛陀看得到,菩萨看得到;一点恶意,魔鬼看得到,因果看得到。 When you have a good will, the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas see it. When you have an ill will, the devil sees it and the karmic retribution finds it. 648. 能够面对困难,便能寻求转机;能够不怕困难,便能把握良机。 Face a problem and overcome danger. Have no fear and seize your chance. 649. 能够克服困难,便能获得良机;能够解决困难,便能化解危机。 Attack a problem and gain advantage. Resolve a problem and avert a crisis. 650. 用语言赞美别人是口中放光,用眼神关怀民瘼(mò)是眼中放光,用耳朵聆听苦难是耳中放光,用悲心体谅众生是心中放光。 To praise means to have a glowing tongue. To see suffering means to have glowing eyes. To hear suffering means to have glowing ears. To be compassionate means to have a glowing heart. 651. 我们可以到深海里找到宝藏,我们可以到沙漠里探到油矿,我们可以到废墟里挖到古迹,我们可以到人群里找到缘分。 Find gems in the ocean. Find oil in the desert. Find ancient cities under heaps of rubble. Find affinity with others. 652. 发心吃饭,饭就能吃得满足;发心睡觉,觉就能睡得香甜;发心走路,路就能走得长远;发心做事,事就能做得起劲。 Aspiring to eat, you can eat heartily. Aspiring to sleep, you can sleep soundly. Aspiring to walk, you can walk endlessly. Aspiring to succeed, you can succeed powerfully. 653. 一味接受的人生是贫穷的因果,经常喜舍的人生是富贵的因果。 A life of receiving is poor. A life of giving is rich. 654. 我们能在生时多做善事,则临死何惧?我们能在平日贡献社会,则虽死犹生。 When we do all the good we can, we need not fear death. When we offer society all we have, we live after we die. 655. 人生七十才开始,慈心悲愿无时了;人生七十古来稀,立功立德无量寿。 Life begins at seventy, and even when old we can be compassionate and make vows. We rarely see seventy, but if we achieve and are virtuous we can enjoy endless lives. 656. 德行善举,是永不失败的投资;慈悲大爱,是永不战败的盾牌。 Morality and good deeds are unfailing investments. Compassion and love make an impenetrable shield. 657. 会善用时间,就是会处理生命;能掌握时间,就是能拥有人生。 Using time well is treasuring life. Seizing time is mastering life. 658. 古寺的钟声,虽无翅,也能飞扬;感人的文章,虽无声,也能印心;池塘的荷花,虽凋谢,但能留香;世间的伟人,虽牺牲,必能传后。 The sound of ancient temple bells drifts far without wings. Effective writing stirs us though it is silent. A withered lotus remains fragrant. The spirits of the great survive death. 659. 学习不只要求得知识,更要开启智能;读书不只要求得学问,更要身体力行。 Learning is not for knowledge only, but for increasing wisdom. Study is not for erudition only, but for putting to use. 660. 水深波浪静,学广语声低,山高鸟飞集,德厚人自亲。 The waves of the deep ocean are silent. The speech of a learned person is muted. Birds gather at the mountain's summit. Mankind gathers round virtuous people. 661. 知足常乐是「天堂」,慈悲喜舍是「道场」,服务助人是「福田」,欢喜融和是「乐园」。 Contentment and happiness are paradise on earth. Compassion, loving-kindness, joyfulness, and equanimity are good practice. Serving others is like cultivating a field of blessedness. Joy and harmony are like a stroll in a meadow. 662. 时间即是生命,争取时间,就是抢救生命;寿命就是时间,浪费时间,就是糟蹋生命。 Time is life: using time well is saving life. Life is time: squandering time is wasting life. 663. 爱是自私的,爱也有奉献的;爱是染污的,爱也有清净的;爱是狭隘的,爱也有宽广的;爱是愚痴的,爱也有超越的。 Love may be either selfish or dedicated. Love may be either defiled or pure. Love may be either narrow or broad. Love may be either foolish or transcendental. 664. 凡事缘聚而成,凡事缘散而灭。有了因缘,事事顺遂;因缘不合,处处失利。 Things arise out of causes and conditions. Things disappear out of causes and conditions. With causes and conditions, all goes well. Without good causes and conditions, success is impossible. 665. 凡事往好处想的人,快乐满怀,因为好心自然想好事;凡事往坏处想的人,痛苦不堪,因为坏心自然想坏事。 The optimistic are full of happiness because they always think of good things with good hearts. The pessimistic are full of suffering because they always think of bad things with faint hearts. 666. 君子者,谦下处众,因此所到之处,都是一团和「气」;小人者,仗势欺人,所以身置何地,均为乌烟瘴「气」。 Good people bring harmony through courtesy. Bad people bring disharmony through intimidation. 667. 太阳因为照射热能而给人温暖;花朵因为散发芬芳而令人喜悦;大海因为包容万有而被人重视;人生因为积聚慈悲而受人尊敬。 The sun warms the world by its radiance. Flowers bring joy through their fragrance. The sea overwhelms us with forcefulness. We gain the world’s respect by compassion. 668. 冷静倾听,不只增加知识,而且受人欢迎;空谈闲论,不只令人生厌,而且暴己之短。 Patient listening expands your knowledge and makes you welcome. Empty talk and gossip show your shortcomings and make you unwelcome. 669. 勤则家兴,懒则家倾,俭则家富,奢则家贫。 Diligence makes a family wealthy. Laziness makes a family decline. Frugality makes a family prosper. Extravagance makes a family poor. 670. 过多的爱护并非不好,但要受得起也给得起;受得起不会给人失望,给得起不会辜负人意。 Too much caring is not necessarily bad, but one should know how to receive and to give. Being able to receive, you encourage others; being able to give, you satisfy others. 671. 懂得利用时间的人,便是懂得生命的智者;懂得利益别人的人,便是懂得人生的圣者。 You are wise when you know how to use your time. You are a sage when you know how to benefit others. 672. 信心、诚实、耐力、勇敢,都是创业的资本;等待、拖延、迁怒、怨怼,则是失败的根本。 Faith, honesty, patience, and courage bring success to a new business. Waiting, procrastinating, hatred, and blaming others for your mistakes bring failure to a business. 673. 发愿作一朵鲜花,吐露芬芳,给人清香;发愿作一阵和风,吹拂枯槁,抚慰创伤。 Vow to be a flower bearing fragrance. Vow to be a cloud bringing coolness. 674. 数学是用逻辑统一知识;哲学是用思惟统一知识;科学是用分析统一知识;佛学是用悟道统一知识。 Mathematics unites knowledge and logic. Philosophy unites knowledge and reason. Science unites knowledge and analysis. Buddhism unites knowledge and enlightenment. 675. 对父母的慈悲是孝,对亲人的慈悲是爱,对师友的慈悲是义,对众生的慈悲是仁。 Compassion for parents is filial piety. Compassion for relatives is love. Compassion for teachers and friends is righteousness. Compassion for sentient beings is benevolence. 676. 发愿作一本书籍,展现真理,给人智能;发愿作一方大地,普载众生,生长万物。 Vow to be a book of truth and wisdom. Vow to be the earth that nurtures plants and cradles sentient beings. 677. 尽管家财万贯,却悭吝不舍,这是怀珠作丐;尽管坐拥金山,却为富不仁,这是藏宝穷人。 A stingy rich man is like a beggar with a pearl. An evil rich man is like a poor man with treasure. 678. 以诚感人,人也报之以诚;以德服人,人也报之以德。 Honesty will be repaid with honesty. Virtue will be repaid with virtue. 679. 助人者必能得福,慈爱者必能无怨,行善者必能销恶,离欲者必能无恼。 Those who help others will gain fortune. Those who are compassionate do not complain. Those who do good will rid themselves of bad deeds. Those who desire little will be free of defilement. 680. 能在心中寻找和平的人,是最幸福的人;能在众中发挥热力的人,是最智能的人。 The happiest people have peace of mind. The wisest people are full of enthusiasm. 681. 能从所得中获益,世俗之凡愚也;能从损失中获益,升华之大智也。 To benefit from your gain is ordinary. To benefit from your loss is wisdom. 682. 欢喜做事,事劳而不觉其累;良友伴行,路遥而不觉其远。 When you like your work, you do not tire quickly. When you like your companions, a trip seems short. 683. 懂得用钱的人,金钱是功德;不会用钱的人,金钱是罪恶。 Money can gain merits if used for good. Money can be evil if used for ill. 684. 乐观如明灯,照亮希望的前程;消极如毒品,腐蚀健康的心灵。 Optimism is the lamp of hope. Pessimism is the drug of sorrow. 685. 富贵自喜舍中来,家业自勤俭中来,善友自道义中来,宁静自淡泊中来。 From labor, money. From charity, love. From generosity, friendship. From no desire, peace. 686. 做人,要有慧心的灵巧,才能广施仁爱;做人,要有健康的身心,才能不烦他人。 Compassion makes friends of strangers. Health of body and mind makes you self-reliant. 687. 做人,要有坚强的耐力,才能事事顺遂;做人,要有常开的笑口,才能所求如愿。 Perseverance makes your business successful. Smiles make your wishes come true. 688. 以勤为富则不贫乏,以忍为力则不暴戾。 Hard work keeps away poverty. Toleration keeps away violence. 689. 以众为我则不自私,以忙为乐则不懒散。 Treating the world as your family keeps away selfishness. A busy life keeps away laziness. 690. 常以「尊敬」、「信实」与上司沟通,下情自能上达;能以「尊重」、「信任」与部属往来, 上令必能下行。 Respect your boss when you must talk to him. Respect your subordinates, and trust them to carry out orders. 691. 无求的布施,端严高贵,令人感念;无悔的布施,身心光明,令人赞美。 Practicing generosity without reward is noble. Practicing generosity without regret is to be praised. 692. 繁华热闹的生活,过后则感凄凉;清淡朴素的做人,历久犹有余味。 After an extravagant life, you feel desolate and cheerless. After consorting with a tranquil person, you have long sweet memories. 693. 修桥铺路、开发土地,建设中有无限的希望;选贤与能、整顿吏治,革新中有无限的希望。 Constructing bridges and roads brings people endless confidence in planners and engineers. Electing able candidates and reforming politics bring people endless confidence in government. 694. 栽花种树、积穀(gǔ)防饥,等待中有无限的希望;器官移植、捐血救人,延续中有无限的希望。 Planting trees and flowers and storing food against famine bring people endless confidence in their society. Donating blood and organs brings people endless confidence for their survival. 695. 有预算,则不穷;有欢喜,则不苦。 Live by your budget and you won't be poor. Live with joy and be free from pain. 696. 有计画,则不乱;有分工,则不忙。 Make plans with care for a well-ordered business. Perform your job well and you won’t be pressured. 697. 以随缘代替执著,自然时时自在;以随分代替勉强,自然人人交心。 You will be carefree when you follow causes and conditions and are not stubborn. You will win hearts when you are modest and do not force others to act against their will. 698. 以随喜代替忌妒,自然事事欢喜;以随和代替孤傲,自然处处祥和。 You will be happy when you celebrate other people's good deeds without jealousy. You will enjoy harmony when you are amiable and not egocentric. 699. 憎其恶而及其人,此乃人之常情;友其人而嫌其恶,则人之所难也。 It's normal to hate evil deeds. It's hard to like someone who does disgusting things. 700. 做人最大的罪恶,莫大于损人利己;心术最大的罪恶,莫过于贪瞋邪见。 The biggest evil in society is to benefit from hurting others. The biggest evil in character is greed, hatred, and ignorance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 教化修行責任~2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 小人專希望人給,給過就忘;君子不輕受人恩,受則必報。(101) A mean person expects all things from others,and then forgets to reward the favor. A virtuous person does not expect things from others,and always thinks of repaying favors. favor 名词 恩惠 偏爱 惠 恩 恩典 情 德 关切 动词 厚 促成 宠 赐 向 抬举 For this purpose he had to curry favor with Liu Kaishen and to get his recommend. 为达此目的,他又不得不去讨好已久违了的刘凯申,托他引见。 《Mo Qian(张宏宝):刘俊国借刀杀恩人》 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 為兒孫作未來計,十望九空;為社會作眾人謀,點滴有功。(102) Schemes to advance posterity usually fail. Working for society today gains merits. society 名词 社会 社 会 协会 学会 社交界 党 团 合伙 世面 “Benefit human society; Save the masses on all three Jie” “造福人类社会,普度三界众生” (2004年12月08日·张宏宝尊师致世界宗教法王厅中井日冠理事长和白峰圣鹏主席副法王的感谢信) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 为儿孙作未来计,十望九空 为社会作众人谋,点滴有功 為兒孫作未來計,十望九空;為社會作眾人謀,點滴有功。(102) Schemes to advance posterity usually fail. Working for society today gains merits. society 名词 社会 社 会 协会 学会 社交界 党 团 合伙 世面 “Benefit human society; Save the masses on all three Jie” “造福人类社会,普度三界众生” (2004年12月08日·张宏宝尊师致世界宗教法王厅中井日冠理事长和白峰圣鹏主席副法王的感谢信) One just looks at the next year, he will think this is nonsense; one just looks at the next 10 years, he will say it’s impossible; one looks at the next 20, 30, 40 even a hundred years, even the whole progress of human society, what will he think? Think about it, is it possible? 目光只看一年,上述的说法就是胡言乱语;只看十年,那就是不可能的事;如果看出去二十年、三十年、四十年乃至百年,甚至整个人类社会的发展进程,你再想想,是可能还是不可能? ( 张宏宝提出的“国家重组”大战略理论摘要 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 慳吝嫉妒的人,即使財富滿室,也走不出內心的貧乏;埋怨自憐的人,縱使四肢健全,也跨不出內心的框框。(103) 悭吝嫉妒的人,即使财富满室也走不出内心的贫乏 埋怨自怜的人,纵使四肢健全也跨不出内心的框框 Even with all his money,a jealous miser cannot rise above mental poverty. Even with his strong legs,a whiner cannot walk away from his inner weakness. jealous 形容词 妒忌 妒 酸溜溜 亄 Ambitious Liu Junguo lost again and became very jealous and malicious. 刘俊国又一次失手,有帝王野心的刘俊国妒火中烧,恶向胆边生:一定要敲开他的嘴。 注:? 《Mo Qian(张宏宝):刘俊国借刀杀恩人》 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 吾人必須要求自己,健全自己,才能得以生存;吾人必須反觀自省,培植善緣,才能邁向佳境。(104) 吾人必须要求自己,健全自己才能得以生存 吾人必须反观自省,培植善缘才能迈向佳境 We must be wholesome to survive. We must think and cultivate good causes and conditions to improve our state. survive 动词 生存 存 成活 残存 The mutual derivability of yin and yang refers to the relationship of mutual reliance between the two kinds of materials, yin and yang, and between the things that are either yin or yang in nature, to the fact that yin by itself alone cannot survive, and yang by itself alone cannot grow; that there is yin in yang and vice versa. 阴阳互根是指明阳两类物质和阴阳两种属性的事物互相依存的关系,孤阴不生,独阳不长,阳中有阴,阴中有阳。 (张宏宝:宇宙万物八大规律) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 世間最貴者,就是尊重生命;世間最惡者,即為殘殺生靈。(105) 世间最贵者,就是尊重生命 世间最恶者,就为残杀生灵 The best thing in the world is to respect life. The worst thing in the world is to kill. respect 名词 方面 尊敬 处 动词 尊重 关于 遵守 尊敬 敬 崇敬 敬仰 孝敬 佩 关心 畏 钦 注意 褒 景 钦慕 I believe that by our joint efforts and teamwork, China will evolve from this dark, sinister dictatorship to a democratic country with respect for human rights and whose culture will be admired and respected by the world. 我相信,由于我们共同的努力和协同工作,中国将由这个黑暗、邪恶的专政发展为一个尊重人权、其文化将为世界所赞誉和尊重的民主国家。 (张宏宝致联合国人权大会期间在日内瓦的中国民主运动和人权运动的全体活动家的公开信) In this respect, the concept of mutual derivability of yin and yang is very similar with the law of unity of opposites, which stipulates that “the two parties of a contradiction coexist in one unity, and the loss of one party will cause the other party to disappear.” 这一点它和对立统口规律中讲的“矛盾的双方共存于同一体中,失去一方,另一方也将消失”非常相似。区别在于: (张宏宝:宇宙万物八大规律) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 要用倫理淨化所愛,要用道德領航所愛,要用善美成就所愛,要用祝福加持所愛。(106) 要用伦理净化所爱 要用道德领航所爱 要用善美成就所爱 要用祝福加持所爱 Transform your loved ones with virtue. Guide them with morality. Help them with kindness to succeed. Wish them blessings. ● Transform 名词 变革 动词 转换 转变 改造 改变 变 化 改 蜕变 变成 革 If that is the case, can the superior forms of life composed by yang matters transform to extra-superior forms of life composed by yin matters? 那么由阳性物质为主的高级生命功能形态,能否向以阴性物质为主的超高级生命的功能形态转化? (天华文化网生命妙悟 张宏宝: 生命起源与运动规律 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 管理的秘訣,要公開、公正,更要公平;處世的訣竅,要知人、知情、更要知理。(107) 管理的秘诀 要公开、公正,更要公平 处事的诀窍 要知人、知情、更要知理 Fairness is the key to management. Understanding people and knowing management rules is the key to business. ● management 名词 管理 保管 辖 机场 Key to Success — Zhang on Entrepreneurship and Management 成 功 秘 诀 —张 宏 宝 的 经 营 管 理 之 道 Be Thrifty and Diligent, and Good at Home-Management; 勤俭持家; 八 念 张宏宝先生亲自为中功弟子和天华学子制定的 “中和之德”和“行为规范” (中文、英文、日文版) Liu Junguo thought that he had the language communication and management ability for entering the political world once he finished his English literature and MBA studies. His next step was to study law so that he could in the future win the world and also make disturbances to make profits. 刘以为他学完了英美文学和工商管理专业,就具备了从政所必需的国际外交应对能力和行政管理能力,下一个目标就是学习法律,以便将来“打天下”,有能力搅浑水,还能乘混水摸鱼。 《Mo Qian(张宏宝):刘俊国借刀杀恩人》 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我们若能将欲望减低, 那么生活上便没有什么 烦恼值得计较了。 证严法师静思语 Minimize our worldly desire to free us from affliction and conflicts. 勤儉淡泊,為自己開創美好的明天;慈悲喜捨,為子孫準備美好的未來。(108) 勤俭淡泊 为自己开创美好的明天 慈悲喜舍 为子孙准备美好的未来 Diligence,frugality,and detachment from worldly desires bring you a better tomorrow. Compassion,loving-kindness,joyfulness,and equanimity bring happiness to posterity. ● worldly 形容词 世俗 凡 Mr. Zhang Hongbao, however, chose to follow the needs of worldly cultivation and instill new content into the “morality” in response to the characteristics of a society of merchandise economy. He has condensed the moral requirements into Zhong Gong’s “eight virtues and eight concepts” and three criteria for life-cultivators, i.e.: 张宏宝先生则从入世修炼的要求出发,针对商品经济社会特点,对“德”赋予新的内容,概括为普世道德的“八德八念”和修三士的标准,即: «中功益国利民十大功业» (中文修正版) «中功益国利民十大功业» (英文修正版)
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