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2/6/2006 11:48:53 PM
难友范士贵对海外人们关怀的感激信 经刚刚终于取得联络的难友冯海光转告,昨天难友范士贵发给我他的悲惨遭遇以及求助信,我立即转发给<大纪元><民主论坛><北京之春><黄花岗杂志>刊出。今天下班回家,不到24小时我得到了难友范士贵的来信。我深切感到,人间自有真情在,一分真情能救人一命! 范士贵的遭遇以及求救,经<大纪元><民主论坛><北京之春><黄花岗杂志>刊出后,短短不到一日,已得到了海外人们温暖爱心的关怀。范士贵的来信不长,不到两百字的篇幅,却让我似乎看到了难友得到大家问候时于绝望中看到希望时激动的颤抖,以至我写此序时自己也为这素昧平生无私无畏难以忘却的情意感动得手脸麻寒。 我现将范士贵的感激信和昨天在绝望中的求救信一并附下,人们可以感受到在不同体制下导致的海外与中国人心的寒暖差异何其巨大!在此我谨代表湖北地区当时入狱的十九名六四受难者深深感谢人们的关爱,是你们的问候给予他们中正处于危难关头的一员活下去的勇气与希望!! 谢谢你们!请多给他们一声慰问,告诉他们人们没有忘记他们,让他们体会你们的温暖,让他们牢记人们的恩情!范士贵的电话: 86-10-68437298,13121872592,电子信箱:fanshigui@sina.com 品超致敬! 2006年2月6日洛杉矶 范士贵的感谢信: 我又看到了希望 范士贵 5号我把我的求救信发给了在美国的朋友蒋品超,他帮我在海外网站发了出去,很快就有人打电话表示同情,而且有某宗教人士表示可以微薄捐赠,这使我又看到了朦胧的希望。 我这几天日夜焦躁,晚上睡不着,一闭上眼睛,似乎就看见我外甥绝望、痛苦的脸。家里人说外甥情绪很不稳定,她媳妇日夜哭泣,她儿子也无心学习,家里到了山穷水尽的地步。 我昨晚总做噩梦,多次在心惊肉跳、浑身冒汗中醒来。这两天闺女也病了,房租也已经欠了几个月。今早醒来,发觉我的嘴角红肿,下巴淋巴肿胀疼痛。带上昨晚备好的冷饭,我骑车来上班,在积雪的路上摔了一跤。打开邮箱,看到了几封同情的来信,我的心里似乎又有了希望。(2006、2、7) 附:昨天各媒体发表的范士贵求救信: 一家三口患尿毒症,请求援助! 范士贵 我大姐、大姐夫、大外甥一家三口先后患上尿毒症,大姐、大姐夫已经去世,大外甥命在旦夕!作为舅舅的我无能为力,只能一次又一次的向社会呼吁,请求援助! 我叫范士贵,男,42岁,湖北荆门人,1988年毕业于中国人民大学国际政治系,获法学学士。1989年因支持学生运动被判刑5年,剥夺政治权利3年。 在我服刑期间,传来噩耗,我大姐夫患尿毒症去世。听到这个消息,我悲痛难忍。我们家由于父母年迈,家里的大小农活都是大姐大姐夫做的,姐姐姐夫从小对我更是关怀倍至,从生活、学习各方面关心我、照顾我,我像尊重父母一样尊重他们。没想到大姐夫却在四十多岁就早早离开人世,我不光不能报答他,他临死时我连见一面都不可能。 满刑后,我为了生活在北京奔波,多年来没有什么起色,也没有能力照顾、报答大姐。 2003年,家里传来噩耗,大姐也患上尿毒症,且到了晚期。听到这个消息我心急如焚、彻夜难眠。尽管我现在人是自由的,但是老婆刚好怀孕、而且经济非常窘迫,没法回去看她。我给她寄去一千元钱。听说她一直舍不得花,总是揣在身上,在挤公共汽车去医院的路上被小偷偷了,她大哭了一场。到年底由于没钱透析,大外甥只好把她拉回家里等死。最后几个月大姐是在极度痛苦中度过的,她一直在拼命挣扎,临死前她不停的喊叫:“我不愿死,我不愿死……”直到停止呼吸。听到这里,我心如刀绞、泪如泉涌。去年老父病逝前我回去一次,大姐的坟上已经长满了青草,我只能跪她的坟前磕了几个头,满心的悲伤与愧疚! 去年我的女儿出世,四十多岁的我初为人父,尽管高兴,但经济更为窘迫。今年三月在孩子满周岁时,我不得不把老婆孩子送回荆门老家,准备艰苦几年,攒点钱,在荆门买个房,把孩子的户口解决了。五月家里又传来噩耗,大外甥也患上尿毒症!听到这个消息,我如五雷轰顶,半天回不过神来。我不相信,让当医生的二外甥给他重新检查,结果是慢性肾功能衰竭、尿毒症晚期,不治疗最多还有一年的时间。听到这里我五心烦躁、六神无主,我实在不能明白,为什么厄运一再降临在我大姐一家,老天真是不长眼,世道真是不公平! 我大外甥比我小不了几岁,我们从小在一起玩耍、一起长大,我们就像兄弟一样亲密无间。由于家里困难,他很小就回家务农,供两个弟弟上学,倍尝生活的艰辛。现在两个弟弟已经长大成人,他自己的儿子正在上学,媳妇身体也不好,他却患上了绝症。现在家里还不敢告诉他实情,外甥媳妇在外面以泪洗面,回家后强颜欢笑,还得耕种十几亩稻田,身心俱疲,经常病倒。五月份大外甥在插秧时昏倒,连呼吸都没有了,经医院抢救才苏醒。由于没有钱,他一苏醒就办了出院手术。他现在什么重活都不能干,心情很郁闷。尽管他现在还不知道他的病情,但随着病情的加剧,他迟早会知道的。所以我们必须赶快想办法。 大姐大姐夫我没帮上忙,大外甥我不能再不管,我一定要救他。尿毒症的唯一有效治疗方法就是肾移植,这需要一大笔钱。五月份我在网上发了好几百封求助信,向有关机构、基金、有钱人求助,但没有任何回音;我向有钱的朋友们借钱,也没有结果,有人连我的电话都不接了。我一时也陷入焦虑之中,不知道怎么办才好。 六月份我的老婆孩子在荆门同时病了,我只好回去照顾。我回去看了大外甥,他的身体很差,精神状况也不好,外甥媳妇也病倒了,孩子学习不好,家里陷入了绝境。我现在自己是借钱生活,要救外甥只能向社会各界、向国内外朋友求助!希望有关机构、有关人士能够解囊相助,借款也行。只要能够救我外甥,要我做什么都行。哪位朋友有什么好的办法也请赐教,哪怕是一句鼓励的话我也万分感谢!我希望媒体能够报导、医疗机构能够关注这一特殊病案,也为其他相似病人提供参考。如果筹到的款项有多余,我们将全部用于救助其他尿毒症病人。 我的电话:86-10-68437298 13121872592 电子信箱:fanshigui@sina.com 我要绝望了 范士贵 近半年的呼喊一点效果都没有。我外甥的病情日趋恶化,现在每周要透析两次,家里的钱已经快用光了。如果停止透析,我外甥的生命做多能维持半个月。我联系了能联系到的几乎所有人,但是没人愿意帮忙。我甚至叫卖我的人体器官,但没有任何人回应。家里已经绝望了,一直要求停止治疗,我强迫他们坚持透析。现在家里人都在怨我,都说我会使家里人财两空。但是我实在不愿意放弃,我不能眼睁睁看着我外甥在巨痛中死去。如果法律允许的话,我倒是愿意让我外甥安乐死。我实在是没有办法了,我也要绝望了。我外甥生在穷人家里,命该如此,我也没有办法。 过完这个绝望的春节,我外甥离死亡也就不远了。我为了养活老婆孩子,也没有时间、没有路费回去跟我外甥告别了。在花完家里所有的钱后,我们将放弃治疗,让我外甥像他妈那样在痛苦中告别人世。我只能遥祝我外甥在另一个世界里不再遭受这种痛苦,希望他来世不要再做人,最好是不要有来世,在永恒中永不回归。 (2006、2、5) A family of three suffers from uremia. They need urgent help! Fan Shigui My eldest sister, her husband and their son developed uremia in succession. My eldest sister and her husband had died, and my nephew is dying! As his uncle, I have nothing to help him but appeal to the society again and again for aid! My name is Fan Shigui. I’m male, 42 years old, and I was born in Jingmen city, Hubei Province, P.R.C. I graduated from the International Politics Dept. of the Renmin University of China as a Bachelor of Laws in 1988. In 1989, I was condemned to 5 years of imprisonment and 3 three years of deprival of political right for giving support to the Students’ Strike that year. During my imprisonment, came the sad news of the death of my beloved eldest brother-in-law from uremia, which overwhelmed me with grief. In my family, due to advancing ages of my parents, my eldest sister and her husband had been doing all the farming works, and they had cared me much from my childhood, looking after my schoolwork and my daily life, and I respected them as they were my parents. But in the end, my brother-in-law died so soon in his early forties. Before he died, I didn’t even have the chance to see him for the last time! And there wouldn’t be the chance for me to return his love any more. After I was freed from prison, I rushed about for my living in Beijing, and there had been little improvement for years, so I had no capability to take care of my eldest sister to return her love. In 2003, sad news came again: My eldest sister also had uremia, and the disease had developed to advanced stage. Hearing this news, my heart was torn with anxiety, and I couldn’t sleep at night. Although at that time, I was free, but my wife was just pregnant, and I was very poor, so I could not return home to see her. I remitted her RMB 1,000, and I heard that she had been cherishing this money, always keeping it with her, and it was stolen in a bus on the way to a hospital. She cried a lot for it. At the end of that year, due to lack of money, her son, my eldest nephew, had to take her home, waiting for death. My eldest sister had been enduring the extreme agony for the last months of her life, always struggling at full split, and during the hours before she died, she had been screaming: “I wouldn’t die! I wouldn’t die!” till her breath stopped. Hearing that, my heart ached like a dagger stirred in it, and my tears welled like a fountain. I returned home before my old father died last year. There is full of grass grown on the grave of my eldest sister, but to her, all I did was kneeling down before her grave and knocking my head for times, with all my sorrow and remorse! Last year, my daughter was born. Although I was happy for being a father for the first time in my forties, but my financial situation was worse. In March this year, when my daughter was one year old, I had to send my wife and my daughter back home in Jingmen city, and I was planning that I could toil for years to save some money, and then buy a house in Jingmen city and get the certificate of registered permanent residence for my daughter. In May, bad news came from home again: My eldest nephew also had uremia! After heard this news, I was stunned like I got lightning stroke, and I came to my senses after a long while. I didn’t believe it, so I let my second-eldest nephew, who is a doctor, examine his health again, and the result was chronic renal failure and uremia in advanced stage. For my eldest nephew, if he won’t get treatment, there will be only one year at most left for him. Hearing this, I was so afraid and agitated, and I was in a state of utter stupefaction. I couldn’t understand why bad things happen to the family of my eldest sister again and again! The fate is so pathetic and the world is so unfair! My eldest nephew isn’t younger much than me. We had been playing and growing up together and close like brothers. Due to the poverty of the family, he returned home to work in the fields when he was very young for supporting his two younger brothers to study, and he tasted the bitterness of life much. Now, his two younger brothers have grown up, and his own son is studying in a school. His wife has bad health, and now he has the incurable disease. The family members dare not tell him the truth now; his wife cries a lot outside, and tries to pretend that nothing happened when she comes home, also she had to farm the ten-odd mu of paddy fields. With both her body and mind exhausted, she is often laid up by sickness. In May, my eldest nephew passed out when he was transplanting rice seedlings, and he couldn’t even breath at that moment. He came to life after emergency treatment in hospital, but because he had no money, he left the hospital after just coming to life. Now he can’t do any heavy work, and he is gloomy. Although he doesn’t know about his illness, but along with his disease aggravating, he will know at last, so we have to find a way out quick. I didn’t help my eldest sister and her husband, but I would never let my eldest nephew die like that, and I must save him. The only effective cure for uremia is kidney transplant, which needs a lot of money. In May, I sent hundreds of letters on the Internet, appealing to relevant organizations, funds and wealthy people for help, but there was no any response; I lent money from my friends, but there was no any result, and some people even wouldn’t receive my phone calls. For sometime, I was immersed in anxiety, knowing nothing I could do about it. In June, my wife and daughter got sick at the same time in Jingmen city, and I had to return home to take care of them. I also saw my eldest nephew. He was in bad health, and his mental situation was bad too. His wife was also sick and their son didn’t study well in school either. His family plunged into the hopeless situation. I myself lives on borrowing now. To save the life of my eldest nephew, I had to seek help from all circles of the society and friends in China and abroad! I hope relevant organizations and personnel can donate some money for us, and even lending some money would do. As long as my eldest nephew can be saved, I would do anything. If you have any good idea, please tell me, and even some encouraging words would be extremely appreciated. I hope the press would report and medical organizations would pay attention to this special case, which would provide reference for other cases. If we can raise more money than what would be sufficient for my nephew’s treatment, we will use the surplus for saving other uremic patients. My telephone: 86-10-68437298 13121872592 E-mail: fanshigui@sina.com
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