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2/14/2006 12:24:18 AM
著名诗人蒋品超绝食抗议GOOGLE、YAHOO、微软等国际大型网络公司在中国封锁异议声音 作者:蒋品超 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【大纪元2月14日讯】 原因:诗人蒋品超,绝食抗议新闻发布会 地点:中国领事馆,443 Shatto Place, Los Angeles 时间:2月15日,星期三,11:00 am to 12:00 noon Renowned Poet Kevin Jiang to Stage Hunger Strike against Cyper Giants Google, Yahoo, Microsoft etc, for Assisting China in Suppressing Voice of Dissidents. WHAT: Poet Kevin (Pinchao) Jiang,Press conference and Hunger Strike WHERE: In front of Chinese Consulate, 443 Shatto Place, Los Angeles WHEN: Wednesday, Feb. 15, 11:00 am to 12:00 noon 美国国会将于本月就GOOGLE、YAHOO、微软等国际大型网络公司在中国国内对异议人士与团体的封锁与打压行爲举行听证会。爲支持这一举措,2月14日,著名诗人蒋品超将在中国领事馆前对GOOGLE、YAHOO、微软等大型网络公司的封锁打压行爲进行绝食抗议。 The U.S. Congress is to hold a hearing on Internet giants Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc’s conspiracy with the Chinese government in suppressing dissidents and blocking free blow of information. To support this measure, Mr. Kevin (Pinchao) Jiang, a renowned democracy activist and poet, will stage a hunger strike in front of the Chinese consulate to Los Angeles to protest against the above-mentioned companies’ conduct. 2004年9月2日,GOOGLE重返中国市场,违背“不做坏事”承诺向中国政府低头。9月16日,美国动态网经中国国内网友所反映的信息,发布研究报告,揭示旅居美国的诗人蒋品超在中国已遭GOOGLE封锁,该事件立即引起国际社会广泛关注。 On September 2nd, 2004, Google broke its pledge to “Don’t Be Evil” and kowtowed to the Chinese government, in order to go back to the Chinese market. On September 16th, the U.S.-based InternetFreedom.Org issued a report based on feedback from internet users in China, revealing that U.S. resident Poet Kevin Jiang was censored by Google, making a splash in the international community. 在此同一天,由中国政府支持的中国新诗有史以来最大规模诗歌评奖活动“明天•额尔古纳诗歌双年展”在中国内蒙古自治区额尔古纳市举行,中国诗人伊沙以与蒋品超《呼唤英雄》等系列诗作在网络争论与交流的现场作品集《我的英雄》、中国诗歌评论家以与蒋品超《中国诗坛的悲剧:伟大诗人失去了伟大的读者》等系列评论在网络争论与交流的现场作品《草根性与新诗的转型》分别获得该奖诗人奖与诗歌评论奖。在如此大型的诗歌评奖中,两部重要获奖作品同是与一位作者争论所写的作品,在中国乃至世界诗歌史上实属罕见。 On the same day, Kevin Jiang’s poem “Calling For Heroes” and his poetic comment series “Tragedy of China’s Poetic Circle: Great Poets Find No Great Readers” won two top prizes in a major Chinese Peoms Symposium and Competition. 诗人蒋品超曾因六四学生运动坐牢四年,其作品内容反映的是自己在狱中及狱后所遭受的不幸、对中国现实政治的批判、对中国底层百姓困苦处境的同情和对中国民主运动支持与关注。由于网络的兴起,他的诗歌及诗歌理论经此次争论与交流对过去因网络尚不发达而被中国政治完全控制的中国诗坛影响深远,以致其诗歌《呼唤英雄》中的诗句“让无力摆脱弱小/让无助得以依靠/让无聊远离空耗/让无奈收获目标”竟被中国大型报刊《南方周末》搬用爲自己办报口号。 Poet Kevin Jiang suffered 4 years of jail in China due to his involvement in the June 4th Tiananmen student democratic movement. His poems mostly described what he suffered in and after the jail, his criticism on the China’s political system, his sympathy with the Chinese people at the very bottom of the social ladder, and his support and attention to China’s democratic movement. Thanks to the rising influence of the Internet, his poems and poetic theory produced a much bigger impact on the Chinese poetic circle than the past, when the Internet was less developed and political control had prevailed. In an even positive case, an influential newspaper “Southern China Weekend” even quoted verses in my poem “Calling for Heroes” as their founding motto: “Enabling the lesser to shake off weakness; enabling the helpless to find support; enabling the bored to stay away from emptiness; enabling the aimless to find destination.” 蒋品超认爲人类的愚昧在太大程度上是由于信息的短缺,网络科技産生的目的就是爲让人们能更多的了解外部世界,提高人类的素质。而GOOGLE、YAHOO、微软等国际大型网络公司爲了取得在中国市场竞争中的忧势,漠视自身的责任,协助中国政府打压异议声音,封锁对于中国百姓最有价值的资讯,妨碍言论自由,破坏天赋人权,无疑是在阻隘人类的进步,也使如杜导斌、师涛、李志等中国衆多网络作家、诗人蒙受深重的牢狱之灾,行同犯罪。 Kevin Jiang believes the human ignorance was largely caused by shortage of information. The rising of Internet technology was to enable people learn more about the outside world and improve people’s knowledge and understanding. In order to gain market access into the Chinese market, Internet giants Google, Yahoo and Microsoft etc ignored their responsibilities, assisted the Chinese government to suppress voices of dissidents, sealed off information most valuable to the Chinese people, infringed on freedom of speech, damaged heaven-endowed human rights. Undoubtedly, their behaviors blocked the progress of human race and directly resulted in the imprisonment of numerous internet writers such as Daobin Du, Tao Shi, and Zhi Li etc. Therefore, their conducts are as good as committing crimes. 爲此,中国海外自由诗人协会、中国宪政协进会、中国社会民主党、《中国事务》、中国大陆政治避难者美西协会、《大纪元时报》洛杉矶分部、《新唐人电视台》洛杉矶分部、中国民主团结联盟南加州分部、中国民主联合阵线洛杉矶分部、YES411网络黄页等公司和社团支持诗人蒋品超对GOOGLE、YAHOO、微软等国际大型网络公司的绝食抗议。联系电话:626-416-8178,地址:443 Shatto Pl , La , CA 90020。 Given the situation, overseas Chinese Free Poets Association, China Rule of La, China Socialist Democratic Party, China Affairs magazine, China Political Asylees’ Association, U.S. West Chapter, The Epoch Times Los Angeles Branch, New Tang Dynasty TV Los Angeles Branch, China Democratic Union (Southern California chapter), China Democratic Alliance (Los Angeles Chapter), YES411, etc expressed their support to Poet Kevin Jiang’s hunger strike to protest against international cyber giants Google, Yahoo, etc. Contact: 626-416-8178, Address: 443 Shatto Place , Los Angeles, CA 90020。 (http://www.dajiyuan.com)
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