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8/21/2016 8:25:38 PM
谈中美英军事联盟和国际形势 中美英军事联盟已经成为主导世界秩序的力量。如果没有强大的力量维护世界秩序,就会乱,就会有战争。所以,中美英军事联盟就显得特别难能可贵。回顾过去的世界大战,都是没有一个力量强大到可以有效地维护世界的秩序。现在这个力量的存在是对世界公众的最大贡献。这其中的关键就是东方大国的中国彻底抛弃共产主义阵营而加入资本主义的英美阵营,虽然上世纪的七十年代中国和美国在前苏联的威胁下也曾经短暂合作而取得冷战的胜利,但是,共产主义和资本主义在前苏联威胁解除之后还是又回到互为对立的立场: 当共产党的中国与美国对打时就使美国艰难而且被拖进十年中东战争。并不是说美国怕中共,而是在世界上敢跟建国之后的美国打仗的只有亚洲人:日本打美国而被打败;中共打美国支持的国民党取胜,中共在朝鲜跟美国打平手,中共派军队进入越南跟美国打使美国撤军,中共发动中东恐怖主义战争使美国陷入十年战争难以自拔。所以,中国人已经取消中共组织使中国加入资本主义阵营的英美联盟,就使世界的局势发生根本的转变: 中美对立变成中美联合。况且,过去百年来中美在世界的危机关头也都是站一起而且取得胜利的(一战、二战、冷战)。当中美对立的时候双方都没有赢。所以,中美必须联合。打倒中共组织就奠定中美长期联合的坚实基础。中美两国的人都要看到这个要点,如果中美有人看不到这个要点,就是智力不够好或不够忠诚于各自的祖国。同样道理,英国脱欧之后就更需要中美英军事联盟,中美英军事联盟也更需要英国: 英国和美国是中国的西方防线,中国和英国是美国的东西方防线,中国和美国是英国的东西方防线。这就是说存在着共同的需要,而不是单方面的依赖。而中美英军事联盟就成为全世界公众的公共防线。中美英军事联盟现在是如此地强大: 在政治上都是现代先进的资本主义制度,在军事和科技上是最先进和强大的力量,在经济和人口上也是绝对的优势。 世界现在和以后的局势都处在中美英军事联盟维护的秩序之下。从两次世界大战和冷战的情况来看,世人不得不注意欧洲两个民族的战乱性格:俄国与德国。德国发动第一次世界大战失败给德国人带来灾难;苏俄又与德国发动第二次世界大战给德国又带来巨大的灾难而且东德成为苏俄的殖民地;美国协助东西德合并(美国还没有有效地协助两次世界大战和冷战的盟国中国的陆台合并就先促成了德国的好事),而两德合并后做的事却是成立欧盟并且软硬兼施地逼英国支持德法在军事上压住美国,结果英国不堪忍受而脱欧,才化解以后可能的欧美军事大战的局面。这说明德国人的好战性格难以改变,尽管德国在历史上从没有称霸成功过而且同别国打仗是每战必败地给德国公众带来灾难。俄国也是个战乱的民族,第一次世界大战使俄国的秃头列宁搞出个封建主义的怪胎:共产党政权,当时美国要出兵打掉这个共产魔鬼政权,但欧洲盟国不积极配合,留下祸根,使随后的斯大林与希特勒发动第二次世界大战。二战后苏俄特别恨美国,因为美国曾经要打掉苏俄的共产政权,苏俄就命令中共傀儡跟美国长期对抗。就俄国而言,从不敢跟美国打仗,人口不多,武器不是最先进,经济不行,政治落后,现在是过去的共产党官僚集团当权又不自觉地玩起表面资本主义而实际上的共产党把戏,失去公众支持,使俄国在前苏联衰败之后又经历着国力的衰退。所以,中美英军事联盟现在和今后相当长的时期内维护世界公众的正常秩序肯定是有这个能力的。 THE U MILIARY ALLIANCE AND THE WORLD SITUATION The U Military Alliance (United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and United Monarchy of China) is protecting the world peace. If there is no dominating power, there will be a disorder and even world war. The U Military Alliance is very important. Looking back on the two world wars, it was just because there was not a dominating power to keep the peace balance. Now there comes the positive military alliance and it is a great dedication to the world people. The key element is that China has removed communist system and joined the English alliance. China cooperated with the U.S. to end the Cold War in the last century, but it was just under the threat of the former USSR. The cooperation of communism and capitalism came to an end shortly after the former USSR collapsed. Then the Chinese communist government conflicted against the U.S. again and the U.S. had to face the hardship or to be involved in the ten years of the Middle East War. It does not mean that the U.S. was afraid of the Chinese communist government, but it was the Chinese communist government that dared to have wars against the U.S. and was not defeated: the Korea War, the Vietnam War and the terrorist conflicts. Therefore, it is extremely significant for the Chinese capitalist government to set up and to replace the Chinese communist government, which has totally changed the world situation: from China-U.S. conflict to China-U.S. alliance as was actually a tradition. In the past hundred years China and U.S. stood in one military alliance in the world wars and in the world cold war. Whenever China and U.S. were against each other, both nations lost advantages. China and America must unite together to have victory. The Chinese Communist Party was ended and it is the base on which the two nations can ally together for long terms. That is the point the Chinese and the Americans should see. If some Chinese or Americans don’t see the point, it means that they are not intelligent enough or they are not loyal enough to their own country. Meanwhile, the U.K. should more depend on the U Military Alliance after the Brexit, just as the U Military Alliance should more need the U.K. The U.S. and the U.K. is the western defense of China; The U.K. and China is the western and eastern defense of the U.S., while the U.S. and China is the western and eastern defense of the U.K. That is based on the common needs instead of any one-sided dependence. The U Military Alliance is the common defense of the whole world, for the U Military Alliance is so strong: in advanced capitalist political systems, in advanced technology and military weapons and in economic GDP as well as the total population. The world peace is protected by the U Military Alliance at present and in the future. From the world wars and the world cold war, the world people should pay attention to the two war-nations: Russia and Germany. Germans launched the 1ST World War and was defeated to bring disasters to the German people; The former USSR and Germany together launched the 2nd World War and brought more disasters to the German people: East Germany became the Russian colony. The U.S. helped the German to unite the two Germany together (the U.S. has not helped China to unite the territories together until now, who fought against enemies in the two world wars with the Americans). After the German territories were united, the Germans set up the EU in which the U.K. was forced to support the leader, Germany, to be against the U.S. U.K. could not bear the pressure and voted the Brexit, as may stop the possible war between the EU and the U. S. in the future. It implies that it is hard for the Germans to change their fighting personality though the Germans did never succeed in becoming a world dominating military power. The German launched wars used to bring disasters and defeat to the German people. Russia is also a war nation. During the world war, the Russian bald head, Lenin, set up the 1st communist government. At that time the U.S. wanted to destroy the communist monster and failed because the European Alliance did not support. The consequence is that Starlin and Hitler launched the 2nd World War to occupied France. After the 2nd World War, the Russian communists hated the U.S. government because the U.S. had decided to destroy the Russian communist government. The Russian communist government ordered the puppet of the Chinese communist government to have wars against the U.S. In terms of Russian itself, it did not dare to launch a war against the U.S. because Russia has been with a smaller population, less advanced technology, backward political system and weak economy. At present, the former Russian communists lead the Russian government and played the communist games under the face of the capitalism to lose the support from the Russian social majority. Russia is declining again after the former USSR. The U Military Alliance is flourishing and strong to be able to keep the world peace.
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