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7/3/2013 2:28:06 AM
【禁闻】中俄联合军演不涉第三方? 2013-07-03 08:03 AM 0 1 0 1 0 MP4观看下载Embed 1: Embed 2: 【新唐人2013年07月03日讯】中共和俄罗斯突然宣布,中俄两军将于近期举行海上、陆上两场联合军事演习。据中共喉舌媒体报导,7月1号,中共海军舰艇编队已经起航,前往演习地点。中共声称,此次军事演习,只为深化两军在训练领域的合作,不针对第三方。评论指出,中共只是欲盖弥彰,中俄联合军事演习的目的,是为了对付自由社会。 【禁闻】7月1日完整版 【禁闻】6月30日完整版 【禁闻】6月28日完整版 7月1号,正在俄罗斯进行访问的中共中央军委委员、中共解放军总参谋长房峰辉,与俄罗斯联邦武装力量总参谋长格拉西莫夫共同宣布,中俄两军将于近期举行海上、陆上两场联合军事演习。 据中共喉舌媒体报导,中俄海上军事演习,将在7月5号至12号在日本海彼得大帝湾举行,中共的演习舰队已于7月1号,离开军事基地,从青岛起航。 中共共派出7艘舰艇,声称是向国外派出兵力最多的一次。 房峰辉说,中俄两军举行联合军演不针对第三方,只在于深化两军在训练领域的合作,提高军事行动协调能力。 时政评论家蓝述:〝不针对第三国,实际上是一个欲盖弥彰的说法,中共内部的‘鹰派’它一直都把美国作为一个假想敌,换句话说,它把自由世界作为中共的一个假想敌,这是毫无疑问的。〞 原中国大陆史学教授刘因全认为,中共说的所谓不针对第三方,只是一个外交辞令。刘因全说,因为在钓鱼岛问题上,有美日安保条约,如果中俄联合起来打日本,美国也会出兵,中俄是针对这方面进行演习。 刘因全:〝我想特别是这一次,因为钓鱼台问题和日本搞得非常僵,而日本的背后是美国,因为美国和日本有美日安保条约,他们在搞军事演习的时候,一定会考虑到这些方面,起码要演习这些方面的问题,不会没有针对性。〞 那么为什么中共选择俄罗斯为合作伙伴呢? 刘因全认为,中俄两国在共产党社会形成的思维理念,促使他们走到一起反对自由世界。刘因全还分析,中共的前几代领导人很多都曾经留学苏联,从感情上和观念上也偏向俄国,后面的领导人也深受前几代的影响。 原中国大陆史学教授刘因全:〝它的目的主要是针对美国、日本这些自由民主国家。我们知道,俄国虽然进行了民主改革,但是很不彻底,俄国也是有专制的基础,它原来也是共产党的国家,在共产党国家以前是沙皇体制,中国共产党最早的时候是共产国际的一个支部,可以说是苏联共产党的一个儿皇帝,苏共和中共是老子党和儿子党的关系。〞 刘因全还指出,中共从俄国进口了大量俄国的二流武器,也是中共和俄国进行军事合作的另一个原因。 不过,美国中文杂志《中国事务》总编伍凡认为,中俄海上的军事演习,主要是为了对付美国的重返亚太政策。 据报导,中俄陆地联合军事演习,将于7月27号至8月15号,在俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克进行,中共把它称之为反恐军事演习。 《中国事务》总编伍凡:〝陆上的军事演习,它是针对中亚地区,也就是新疆到土库曼(斯坦),哈萨克,这次新疆发生的事情,在中共认为是恐怖主义分子,打击中共警察局的几位是反对中共的,俄国也存在一个车臣,也是反对俄罗斯,所以在这个地区,他们希望联合起来,对这些力量进行打击。〞 目前,中国新疆风声鹤唳,除了7万武警,10万驻兵外,最近中共派出俞正声等4名中央级人物坐镇,随处可见重兵把守,中共媒体更是杀声一片,外媒称新疆局势剑拔弩张。 采访编辑/刘惠 后制/钟元 China and Russia Joint Military Drill. “No Third Party Involved”? China and Russia have suddenly announced the commencement of two military drills (navy and army). According to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) state media, on July 1, CCP warships will launch. The CCP claims this military drill is to deepen cooperation of the two military forces, and not targeting any third party. Commentators point out the CCP is only covering up the truth. The real purpose of this military drill is targeting the free world. On July 1, Fang Fenghui, CCP Central Military Committee member and PLA General Chief of Staff, along with Chief of Staff Gerasimov of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation made a joint announcement. China and Russia will hold two military drills of the navy and army in the near future. According to CCP state media, the navy drill will be held between July 5 and July 12. It will take place in the Peter the Great Gulf of the Sea of Japan. CCP warships left their Qingdao base on July 1. China sent a total of seven ships abroad. The CCP has sent seven warships, claiming that this is the most warships it has sent overseas. Fang Fenghui said that China and Russia’s joint military drill does not target any third party. It only aims at deepening cooperation and coordination between the two countries. Lan Shu, commentator: “Not targeting any third country is an obvious lie. The aggressive fraction of the CCP always assumes the U.S. or the free world, as its enemy. This is unquestionable.” Liu Yinquang, former Professor of History, said the CCP statement of not targeting any third party is a mere diplomatic statement. On the issue of the Uotsuri Shima Island, there is the Japan US Treaty of Mutual Security and Cooperation. If China and Russia jointly attack Japan, U.S. will step in. China and Russia are drilling in this regard. Liu Yinquan: “I think there is a target, especially at this time. The CCP has a very bad relationship with Japan due to the issue of Uotsuri Shima Island, and U.S. backing Japan. Since there is cooperation between the U.S. and Japan, the CCP must take it into consideration in military drills.” Why does the CCP choose Russia as its partner? Liu Yinquan thinks Russia and China have the same ideology, formed in the communist regime. They are both against the free world. Liu Yinquan says that many former CCP leaders studied in Russia, and have emotional ties there. The CCP’s current leadership is influenced by Russia. Liu Yinquan: “Its main target is the U.S. and Japan. Although Russia has carried out democratic reforms, these were very incomplete. Russia has the foundation of a dictatorship, as a former communist country, and Imperial Russia. The CCP was once a branch of Russian Communism. and their relationship is like that of father and son.” Liu Yinquan pointed out another reason for the military drill. The CCP has imported many old weapons from Russia. However, China Affairs Chief Editor Wu Fan thinks China and Russia’s joint navy drill is to cope with the U.S. return to APAC. Accordingly, China and Russia’s joint military drills will be held between July 27 and August 15 at Chelyabinsk. The CCP calls it “anti-terrorism drills.” Wu Fan: “The military drill is targeting the Mid-Asia region, including the Xinjiang region, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. Recent incidents in Xinjiang were labeled as terrorism, and those attacking the Chinese policemen are against the CCP. Russia has it’s own conflicts with Chechnya, who are against Russia. So they want to work together in this regard and suppress these forces.” Currently the situation in Xinjiang is very tense. In addition to the 70,000 military policemen and 100,000 soldiers, the CCP recently sent Yu Zhengsheng and four central level leaders to the region to oversee a crackdown. Many soldiers are stationed there, and CCP media also carry severe tones in their reports.
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